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Guys looking for a long term relationship want to find a genuine woman, who is caring and nurturing, who suits his personality. He just wants a woman who he has fun with, he finds sexy, who shows potential to be a long term partner. Playing games may seem like good fun to a woman, but to a man, they are just confusing, annoying and a big turn off from a relationship point of view. Does he want to spend the rest of his life with a woman who plays immature games with his head, I doubt it!

Men are always cautious of women that spend loads of money and who expect to be treated like a princess. Guys save money to be able to afford a decent house when they get married. Some will even scrimp on buying a cheap car and live with their parents, just for the sake of saving money to have the maximum amount of cash to look after a family in the future.

Spending all your wages every month on unnecessary items is just going to make him think this woman is going to bankrupt me and my children in no time. Men expect to be the breadwinner even with women working these days.

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  • Early Stages of Dating | Dating Tips.

They prefer a woman to at least have the choice of staying at home and looking after the kids, even if the woman does opt to go back to work. It gives him the impression you are a bimbo and you are going to snap his money off him that he saved for starting a family and make his life a misery.

A lot of guys absolutely hate this. No guy is going to want to spend the rest of their life with a woman that is going to drop him into a deep depression and tell him how useless he is. You may be shocked to know but even the most confident of blokes are lacking confidence with women.

Yes, he maybe confident in other elements of his life and he may seem outwardly confident, but women are slightly unpredictable. We all start off as babies and work our way into adulthood, despite all the macho front guys put on, they never really lose their need to be nurtured and feel wanted and appreciated. If you do this you are more than likely to get a text back from him saying,do you fancy going out for dinner this evening or whatever.

High testosterone levels leads to a woman being more likely to have casual sex with a bloke, apart from the implications on her being faithful, having casual sex can increase her chances of getting a variety of sexually transmitted diseases including HPV which leads to cervical cancer and chlamydia which leads to endometriosis.

Add to that excessive amounts of alcohol can do damage to lots of her internal organs and even her mental health. What I would say is, if you want to attract a man for a long term relationship, drink in moderation and not like a ladette. Smoking of course is another one that damages her body. Does a guy really want to be having children with a woman who might die prematurely of lung cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder? This is usually the time when people learn whether they have common interests. Chances are, if the date went well, either person will contact the other one day or a few days afterwards.

At this point in dating, contact usually starts between two people. Phone calls and text messages become more frequent.

Tips for the Early Stages of Dating

If all goes well, more dates will follow. In the early stages of dating, the amount of physical contact depends on the people. Hand holding, light touches and kissing are very common in the beginning. Moving slowly is a good way to discover if you are physically compatible and have good chemistry with someone. Men and women tend to move at different speeds when it comes to physical contact. It is important to talk about how to proceed and at what speed.

Top 11 Things That Put a Guy Off in the Early Stages of a Relationship Or Dating | PC Dreams

If two people are getting along really well in the early stages of dating, they will often agree to an exclusive relationship. This is when the couple has decided they will not date other people. This, too, can happen at different lengths of time for different people. The better communication between two people, the easier it will be to decide if this is the right person to be exclusive with.

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  6. Go Slow with Intimacy.
  7. If you enjoy the same kinds of movies or music, talk about those things. Avoid discussing sex altogether. Even if you both have sex on the mind, it should not be dealt with until you've gotten to know your date on a personal level. If two people like each, there's no such thing as a boring first date.

    Avoid Heavy Topics

    Dinner and a movie, though cliche, is more than acceptable for two people wanting to get to know each other better. In general, a first date should be comfortable for both parties. Doing something exciting like a bungee jumping excursion or an ocean cruise are too much too soon. It may even be in good taste to have a date at home with homemade dinner and a DVD. This option is wiser for people who were friends first, because there is less pressure to impress the date. Intimacy is a vital part of all romantic relationships, but in the early stages of dating it should be approached with caution.

    Recognize that intimacy is important, but only one aspect that contributes to a healthy relationship. The foundation of your relationship should never be intimacy, but always the mutual care for the other person. Out of that care and love, intimacy will materialize.