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Thesleepytoast View Profile View Posts. Aim for the foot right? Watch Videos from War0wl on youtube, about basics, etc. View Profile View Posts. Well i am always second or first in a game and i get people who cant smoke flash or even aim at the head level no armor and defusers and the updated mm is out didnt fix a single thing. Originally posted by Tea Time:. Last edited by shir02 ; 31 May, Start a New Discussion. Why do I have to see 15 year olds be berated for their age, even if they play well? Why do I have to hear girls being verbally abused for their sex?

Why is all of this so commonplace in pubs, and in matchmaking?

CS:GO Matchmaking System Should be Tweaked

What kind of environment is this to play in? These issues are heavily connected to each other, and their solutions are essentially the same, providing there is no rework to the overall matchmaking system. Thus, I put them together. I do not have the details on how the seeding process works for the first 10 wins, or how properly distributed the ranks are in relation to the player base, and skill levels.

It would be interesting to see Valve release a player distribution graph of the ranks. If the skill curve is respected, then the amount of players in the prior 12 ranks is a ridiculous number. This strikes me as odd, as CS: To me, this does not add up. Others on reddit, and on the Steam forums have expressed a similar view in this contradiction. Does the system give too much MMR for playing with a party for your placement matches? Is it too easy to rank out of the lower ranks for some reason? The goal of any rating system should be an equal distribution of players based on the respective skill curve to the population size.

This is the basis of ELO, and is exactly how it works in Chess, flawlessly. GO does not reflect what your individual skill is. I achieve DMG on my own, but does it matter when someone who goes with their Global Elite friend gets placed in Eagle? How is that fair? How does that reflect individual skill among the ranks?

How does that secure the integrity of the ranks, and MMR? Just recently, 2 of my friends who were DMG, and 1 of my friends who was unranked que'd together. I was DMG at the time. We won all 10 games.

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Within another 2 game wins, our friend ranked to Legendary Eagle, while none of us have ranked up. The point here is that the system is rather inflated in figuring out MMR and placing players in their ranks.

All of this degrades what these high ranks should mean. They should be prestigious, and offer value as being reflective of high skill levels. Yet, someone who belongs in the first 12 ranks, can achieve the top 6 ranks by ranking with a Global Elite or Legendary Eagle. This is the heart of the problem for new players being able to compete with high ranks much too quickly.

The seeding process should be slower, more refined, and restricted. Top ranks should be earned, not easily gained via friends. Putting a limit on what ranks or lowering this limit, that can be achieved by placements. Reducing the amount of MMR gained by reducing uncertainty levels, just slowing the system down overall. And those unranked should gain less MMR for doing their placements with a group of ranked friends in the current implementation of the system. This is because a higher rank can just destroy anyone a rank or two below them, with no issue. That's just how the skill curve works when it isn't flawed like we're describing.

And if they only play games a week, they are going to stay high in ranks for a long time before falling down to their proper rank. Valve needs to comment on this, and explain the CS: GO implementation of Matchmaking with more depth.

Unfair Matchmaking. :: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive General Discussions

Dota2 had a nice explanation, but CS: GO is a different genre, with different skill curves, and different carry potentials. Fine-tuning the system to FPS games is a must. I hope these flaws can be considered with weight in relation to the genre of which we play. This is why MMR does not reflect individual skill. GO are not valued have no meaning. This is why there should be a Solo Que, and a Team Que. You can not put two systems together, and use 1 MMR to express skill. Why are there two systems? Team's, and friends que together, while others que on their own. Those who que with friends may have unequal skill levels, but due to one person, they can elevate all of their MMRs to a higher rank, than they could on their own.

Two Silver Elites can be carried by an Eagle to a higher rank. This doesn't mean those Silver Elites are as good as their new rank, or that their individual skill reflects those of that same rank who achieved that rank by playing on their own. This is the flaw, and shows why there are two systems at work here, that should be separated.

GO that properly accommodates teams. This could be the first, and much needed, step. Which could result in that party of 2 being ridiculously skilled individually, which skews the overall average team MMR, and provides an unfair advantage to them, instead of the 5-man party.

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I know the system tries to place 5-mans against 5-mans, and even when it does, this effect can be seen even then, because individuals don't always team with the same players. As you can see, having a rank imbalance guarantees a complete stomp. Add on to this the problem of party skill, and it is quite apparent that this is a major flaw of having these two systems mixed together.

Competitive Matchmaking should have two options, team and solo. For Solo you get paired with others who are playing on their own. For team, you get paired with others in a group. There should be separate MMRs as well. I explain this separation of ques in Issue 4, and 5. Please look at those issues as well for more details on what a Solo and Team Que could like!

Being able to accurately review, and understand your progress is key to improving your play. Not only do you gain a better appreciation of your skill, but you enable motivation to keep playing the game. You create internal goals for yourself, that you strive towards naturally by just playing. This is why extensive statistics, and other features are so important in facilitating growth and interaction with a player.

Imagine being able to review your ADR for each game for the past week, month, or year.

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You could see one interpretation of your growth, and really feel that improvement. Imagine being able to break that ADR down by gun, to pistols, or to grenades. You would be able to see which guns you perform the best with. Imagine having a graph for each round that shows your average ADR for that round.

You can see how you as a player peak, and where you need to pick it up! There are many other stats that I'll list below, but they all assist in player improvement. Player's who can actively review their game play can improve, and feel the need to improve by playing. Aside from direct player benefits, those looking for teams can promote themselves based off of their stats. This should mean that everyone has a reason to take competitive matchmaking seriously, and aim to do well every game, and not just troll.

Subscribes to the player. Ability to spectate a player in real time no delay , and can only see what they see. When spectating any game or playing?