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Okay, first off, one thing to realize is that no matter where in NC you choose to relocate, even if you end up choosing, say, Charlotte , there is going to be some degree of culture shock, even if it's only slight it would probably just be slightest in the Charlotte or Raleigh areas, but even so you'd still notice it a little there. I'm not saying this to dissuade you from relocating to NC; on the contrary, I'm just saying it to encourage you to be realistic about where you relocate here, given that you're a young single professional having had your mentality and expectations influenced by living in LA even though you obviously dislike much of what you associate with LA-and rightly so in some instances-you don't realize right now how much you're discounting what you DO like A LOT about LA as a YSP.

In other words, if you're not careful, you may over-romanticize things and find yourself living in a "Green Acres" world.

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I say this because if you choose a smaller, much less urban area in NC, the mentality is going to be a LOT more provincial than what you're used to from having been in LA. Having lived down east in Greenville, NC , for a number of years as a YSP myself, I can say it is somewhat difficult in the smaller, more provincial NC areas to find a critical mass of likeminded, intelligent single folks with whom you bond, not to mention having a critical mass of conveniently accessible activity options to do with those people. When I lived in Greenville, NC, a college town of about 50k people, in my late 20s, I was often frustrated both by the rather limited number of entertainment and dining options AND the fact that, in all honesty, there just didn't seem to be a critical mass of my peer group with whom to associate-not to mention that of those in my peer group who WERE there, I obviously wasn't going to connect on a meaningful level with all of them.

That's not to say that intelligent, likeminded people don't exist in the less urban NC locations. They do, but you have to realize that a bunch of them are already married with young families, and that's often specifically why they've chosen to live in those areas for the family-oriented pace of life. And unfortunately, the married folks' social priorities aren't going to be geared toward socializing and bonding with the YSPs. Moreover, given that Davidson College is there, you're going to find a much broader worldview perspective even among the Davidson residents themselves than you would in virtually any other comparably-sized NC town.

Chapel Hill would also be a great choice. It has the world-class university of UNC and it's close enough to Raleigh to offer even more activity options for YSPs, yet it still retains the small-town feel. Career opportunities in the Triangle are also greater with the presence of Research Triangle Park and 3 world-class universities. As far as traffic and affordable housing concerns, you'll probably laugh at even the worst traffic snarls of Charlotte and Raleigh after having lived in LA. Don't get me wrong, both cities have their share of traffic backup at times, but you're almost never going to see 1 hr traffic snarls-about the worst you usually see are chokepoints where you sit and fume bumper-to-bumper for about minutes, rarely more than 30 minutes.

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And even those are usually only during rush hour. Same with housing-you'll probably laugh at how affordable even Charlotte and Raleigh suburbs can be after having lived in LA.

I'm a bit more hedgy on Wilmington. Yes, it has many more activity options than other comparably-sized NC cities, but that's skewed a bit because many of the options are there because of the tourism industry. In the offseason Wilmington dies down a bit to a non-tourist equilibrium. I'd hesitate to say that the year-round YSP community would necessarily have that "critical mass" I mentioned earlier.

Where is the best place for a young, single professional? - North Carolina Forum

On the other hand, you are living right there on the water, which is a big plus during warmer months. Having just talked with the LA expat last night and living here, of course , I'd say ixnay on Winston-Salem. You might consider Greensboro or Asheville , but honestly I'd say be realistic with yourself and look hardest at the areas around Charlotte or Raleigh-those are where the most thriving YSP cultures are, and there are outlying communities that will give you that small-town feel you're looking for without sacrificing access to the commodities you probably would otherwise miss from LA.

Trip Advisor does not accommodate relocation questions hence your post will probably be removed very soon but here are my 2 cents. Southern hospitality is grossly overrated. We travel all over the world and I did not experience anyone being nicer in the south than anywhere else. Some people are nice some not regardless where you go.

This is the best city for dating in America (it’s definitely not NYC)

We experienced fabulous hospitality in northeast, Far North, Southwest, all around this country and beyond. We formed some wonderful friendships in CA where we visit every spring. The younger people don't have as many racial hangups but this is the south so ymmv. We get all the NC sports i. Hornets, Panthers, and Hurricanes. Dating shouldn't be an issue. I know a lot of interracial couples and it's not a big deal. The latino population is largely mexican however I know several folks from south america, Cuba and Spain. Also a significant Indian population and some middle eastern.

I would suggest staying in one of the larger cities which tend to be more forward thinking. The older folks tend to be the ones who think like that. You usually get all the sports on tv and can get tickets to the games if you want to. Some of this depends on what tv provider you go with but we have directtv and tend to get all of them. The triangle area has lots of diversity and there are lots of young people in their twenties.

How's the Dating Scene in North Carolina???? I have so many questions about NC step inside.

You mention the "old south" dating rules, the triangle is not the old south at all. It is one of the most progressive, least "southern" metros in the entire south. You know I mean compared to the young students that go to either nc state, unc or duke even wake forest I know that's Winston Salem which is outside the triad they don't stay and go back home until school starts back up again right? Unless theirs some that do stay in the summer that have their own dormitories.

Originally Posted by TouristExplorer Is the Triangle diverse? Let me just describe my department at work Across from me is a man from Ethiopia. Next to him is a man from Pakistan, on the other side of him is a woman from Eritrea.

  • Charlotte Nc Dating Scene – No Interracial Dating.
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  • OPINION: Looking for love at NC State? You're not alone. | Columns |

Some larger cities like Durham, Fayetteville and Charlotte have more crimes. I know that quite a few black owned businesses flourish in Raleigh and Charlotte. The dating scene is like everywhere else, you meet some good guys and you meet some jerks. You can go out three nights a week with three different guys. Depending on how old you are and where you live there are plenty of colleges and universities so you can hit up their events. If you live in Atlanta, Charlotte is a 3 hour ride.

You can drive up and visit before committing. Or visit Raleigh, that's a six hour drive. Mar 27, 4. If you say "down there" one more fucking time. Mar 27, 5. Mar 27, 6. Mar 27, 7. StayMadBishes What's so bad about the dating scene here? It is not that bad at all. Plenty of people down here. It never ceases to amaze me how many fine black women are in this city.

Mar 27, 8. What part are you thinking of moving to?? Raleigh, will give you the better job market Durham is the most hood In any of those cities you will be OK job wise And there isn't so much of a DL men problem, like in atl Do you own your own business or are you looking to be employed?