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The same powers of concentration that allow a warrior to seize an arrow out of the air or dodge a punch will allow your new partner to listen to your problems, offer solutions, and be a shoulder to lean on in tough times. This is one of the first reasons most people who consider dating a martial artist think of. Martial artists are trained defendants, and can protect you from any attacker, armed or unarmed. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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Please enter an answer in digits: Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram. Top 10 Reasons you should date a Martial Artist.

They have also been known to break their own fair share of hearts. Want to find out more about why your next lover should be a black belt, or at least halfway there? They have high confidence levels.

Top 10 Reasons you should date a Martial Artist - Martial Tribes

Please follow and like us: Others By martial August 2, Leave a comment. Little things they said, stories they told, mannerisms, defense mechanisms I could see through so easily. Because when it was the last thing I wanted to do, I found myself getting close to the one person the strongest feelings I ever had were for. And when I did want to date, no one I met seemed worth the time or effort. What would happen instead, if the purpose of dating was not to find someone, but to feel okay with not finding them? To feel perfectly fine on your own.

What would dating be if our intentions were not to fall in love, but to prepare ourselves to handle it in the case such an unfortunate tragedy ever befell us?

  1. 12 Reasons Why You Should Date A Martial Artist.
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  3. 5 Things to Keep in Mind When Dating a Martial Artist - Evolve Daily.

What if we treated love as something that could happen to us, instead of something that should, or needed to? What if dating was just a way to practice meeting new people, getting to know them, and opening ourselves up to let them get to know us in return?

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An exercise that seems pointless and tedious at the time, but is really preparing us to be ready for something more complex when and if we face it. What if learning to treat people well when we may not have a romantic connection with them was just a way to teach us how to be decent human beings until it becomes a reflex? The things we find most entertaining, most endearing, most lovable? Not in a solipsistic way, but a way in which our own self-love and the infinite possibilities we have to connect with other human beings, to be kind and compassionate and understanding in a meaningful way, is enough to be happy?

To put it to use and prove out the extent of your own abilities.

Top 10 Reasons you should date a Martial Artist

This is an undeniable fact; people involved in the martial arts are almost always physically fit. They practice every day for nothing less than 4 hours and that is enough to keep their body in great shape. A male martial artist is endowed with six-packs and biceps and the female, strong waist and firm bust.

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Also, martial artists often treat their bodies like a temple and avoid things that will detract from their health. Not only do martial artists have better stamina from being in great shape, but people in the martial arts are often much more in touch with their bodies, more balanced, more flexible, and more in tune with the bodies and reactions of others.

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They also learn to control their minds as well which aids their disciplinary measures. Martial artists develop power to force themselves to do things that are uncomfortable. They must continue to train even when they are tired, sore, or getting beaten. If you are bad at keeping to your diet, budget or setting goals, a martial artiste spouse will help restore discipline t your life.