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It is very important to learn how to identify fake identity verification to save you from loosing your hard earned money to these scammers.

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Never ever send money to someone you do not know personally. They will ask you to send the payment via Western Union, Money gram or any other money remittance service. There are numerous cases of this scam that is being reported to us. You can easily avoid the said kind of scams by blocking these people in your contacts who are asking you money in exchange of getting verified. Thankyou for the cooperation and giving your information to us.

Kindly wait for instruction where to pay. Double check the spelling to avoid mislead in sending the payment. These are the types of scams that are being reported to us in a daily basis. If you receive this kind of email from dating site members, do not entertain the message and block them immediately from your contacts.

My antivirus software often blocks the scam websites or some component within them. I have to override the settings it to see what is going on.

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There are so many of these sites that come and go, I do not know what is out there. This is a lot of information and a lot to absorb. You are probably thinking, oh crap. That reaction is justified. I have put together a page to help you through this process. Thanks for this article. So I too have been duped, however, I canceled the card immediately, and have followed the rest of your advice here.

Is there a way to simulate a video call by using some old cam footage or something? I get that they can find pics all over the internet, but the video really threw me. Anyway, I guess it can be done, but if you could confirm it, I would be grateful. I also found It interesting that they sent me about a dozen pics, half of which were easily tracked by tineye. But…she stuck to her story. Have you ever heard of times that they used real women to actually play the role and get some sort of commission? Thank you again for this great info. The whole thing runs on a commission.

In the date verification sites where you are signed up for a crappy dating site, the money flows back from a white label dating service, to the person who owns the crappy dating site, to the click generator, to the scammer. In the cam sites there are sometimes real girls who are getting paid. It is a cascading bonus arrangement that encourages the girls to get new members. And yes, they can and do have the ability to simulate video that respond to your requests, so you could be talking to some guy in a basement somewhere.

I told them I dont want it but they still say I have too get it. They claim because I have violated the terms they will come after me for several hundreds of dollars. But I dont what too pay only too have them get more personal info or just continue the harassment. Can they legally sue me for not wanting this ID and not filling it out or signing up. No, you are fine. My account got hacked on multiple sites missing a couple hundred dollars looking to get refund froM all sites? It could end more than your card that has a problem. I recommend that you read and follow the instructions on this post: First…and foremost…thanks for your time and efforts to put a vast amount of time into this.

Secondly… I had found two of these culprits on a bank statement about a year ago. Everything was taken care of in short order. Some are not so diligent. Yep it got me good, too good. New to a dating site first time ever on one. Within the first hour I had 4 msgs from Different women I decided to accept the one from Washington, claiming to be visiting Canada for 2 weeks.

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My companion article will show you in detail what happens from a consumer perspective, and why I do not recommend contacting them any further: Unauthorized Credit Card Charges […]. My companion artilce will show you in detail what happens from a consumer perspective, and why I do not recommend contacting them any further: Unauthorized Credit Card Charges.

Your email address will not be published. Ronin December 10, They direct their victim to a date verification website that states clearly that there is no charge for the service The website has purposefully hidden or hard to find charges that sign up the victim for a rotating set of dating or pornography sites. What you see on the scam website The website presents a page that shows fake information about a woman, whom you can meet, but first you must verify. This is what you will see in the sign-up area: After you type in the information, the page changes, and it looks like this: What you cannot see… Thru use of a web programming command called iframe, you are entering your credit card information on another website without you knowing it.

A Quick Tour of the Date Verification Scam

Take note of the difference in the grey areas of the web page: Here is the important part of the fine print: Here is a picture of the iframe command from the website code, with my emphasis: White Label and Branded Dating Sites Eventually, the path from the click generator lands the billing page of what I am calling a Branded Dating Company sometimes called private label. Lots and lots of them. What Happens Next A few things. If you did sign up… You are going to get a monthly charge on your credit card. Any email from these sites is likely to end up in the spam folder. There is no confirmation of the email in the sign-up.

A typo would prevent the email going to the right person. Who operates these sites? Ahsraf Tarafdar, from Dhaka, Bangladesh owns this site: Probably a safe assumption. Click Generators I have found several different generators. Vlad owns at least 8 branded dating sites: No need to pick on Vlad alone.

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Remember he is just one example. The Panama Connection A lot of the owners register their sites anonymously in Panama. The Branded Dating Sites Purposefully Hide Themselves Typically, if you have a web site that you want people to visit, you take measures to help search engines find you. The obvious question is why. I will leave you to decide given in the context of this article.

Designed for Deception The website owners build the web page to be used this way. The primary deception techniques are: Umm… no that never happened. Multiple statements that you will not be charged.

Is your online Date asking for a Dating pass ID or hookup clearance? READ THIS FIRST!

An iframe command that completely hides the fact that you are connected to an underlying dating or pornography site. Other ways to deceive Here are other common techniques used by these sites to deceive you: Whack a Mole The Branded Dating sites and click generators are fairly static.

Widespread Each of the sites individually, only have a small amount of traffic. This will be two kinds of traffic: People directed to sign up Victims investigating the strange charge on their credit card statement I cannot determine how many people are caught in the scam from this data.

Online Dating – Date Verification Scam Video

Obfuscation and Plausible Deniability There is never a direct connection between the Date Verification scam and the Branded Dating site. There is no spoon There is no age or date verification. If you have been caught in this Scam First, you are not alone. Someone you met online pretended to be interested in you. Most of the conversation was probably a bot. The website states that it is a free service repeatedly.

There is no verification. The Date Verification scam website sent you to a different website without you knowing it. The website hides the credit card charge from you. Some unknown entity has your credit card and personal information. We know that they have an alarming privacy policy, and do not see themselves as bound by US Law and The entirety of this situation is why I recommend using a Credit Monitoring Service and advise you only work with the bank who issues the credit card, whom you know and trust.

Cancel your credit card This is the only way to assuredly stop the charges from recurring. Use a Credit Monitoring Service Consider that: Neither you nor I know who the white label company is that has processed your credit card and personal information nor what security measures they might have in place. Their privacy policy states they will gather the most sensitive information about you, they will share it at will.

Time to act This is a lot of information and a lot to absorb.

The Age and Date Verification Scam |Online Dating Scams

Your rights as a cardholder. What to say to your bank to get the charges removed from your credit card. A link to the fraud or customer service toll-free numbers of the top 18 credit card issuing banks in the U. Is it a Scam? You have got to check this Video.