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I'm not have an affair I'm married to an older man. We had a 2 year old daughter together. She is strong, smart, and beautiful.

Why Do Women Choose Older Men?

Older men can produce amazing children. This article is dumb. I met a year-old when I was He was able to provide financial security and a certain lifestyle. We broke up as friends 3 years later because he was settling down and I wanted to keep exploring, being social and crazy etc. I soon met a locally known man and we are now together — I 29, he Though he is much older than my husband and poor as dirt, he is more energetic, virile and strong.

More even than myself! We are more suited to each other. I think the above article shows limited understanding of age-gap relationships, though overall it's fairly truthful, just shallow. I love men for who they are but do acknowledge I simply feel more attracted to older men. It's simply a physical thing — I like the rugged skin, crow's feet and silver hair. I believe that can be true the other way around as well.

We don't have daddy or daughter issues and people who care can see we are equals.


Another thing that's worth mentioning is that most people don't consider that it's not easy to emotionally satisfy an older man. Most people will say "She's getting off easy because he must just be crazy about her and never complain. It's much more a challenge for the woman than people think but I believe worth it, for me at least. I am 19 years Old Currently talking to a 29yr old. We Have A great Connection. We talk all The Time He supports me and he's here for me when I need him to be. He has a sense Of Humor Like me.

I am 28 with a 63 year old who treats me very amazing met him after my husband died , very very good sex ,he also is very caring because he ensure that I have everything,give me financial advice so I can have my own business like him.. And I love him for these little things. I am 35 and married to a 60 year old. We have 3 beautiful girls together ages 15, 11 and 5.

However, I find these days he is not interested in sex, love making etc. I am starting to become frustrated, angry and resentful. Becsuse I don't want to hurt him I find myself masterbating but I am generally unsatisfied. He is a great provider, father etc. I'm having a guy which is 49 and I'm We met through online apps and he told me he have three kids grown up.

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Well I like him at first and started to get to know him well by checking his Facebook and Instagram. After a week plus, I found out he talk to another girl which he want a long term relationship with younger girls but he don't want to involve any kids if I'm pregnant or not. He doesn't want kids anymore as he have three kids. Does that mean he just want someone who is going to be together just partner and not lifetime partner. Hi Wendy, it sounds like he is not able to trust you, which is weird because you guys have been dating for about six months now, and he wants you to move in with him.

The Truth About Dating Older or Younger Guys | Her Campus

It is likely that he is married with wife and a son, and doesn't want his wife to find out. You should do your own investigation and find out more about the man you intend to move in with. I am a 33 years old woman blessed with a wonderful career. Life had been blissful so far though I did face a lot of challenges including a failed long distance relationship with a man I wanted to spend my entire life with.

He was two years younger to me, not matured and was not ready to have bigger commitments. Leaving him was indeed the most painful decision I had to take. Now, almost after 6 years, I met this man, who's Honestly, he's the sweetest person I've ever come across in my life. He's such a caring, humble, loving, affectionate, and above all treats a woman rightly with much respect.

Yes, he's married with three beautiful grown ups but unfortunately is neglected by his wife who doesn't seem to be bothered about his emotional needs anymore. He's very honest to me and have always mentioned about his love for the family although they don't appreciate him. I adore him so much. Although I do feel guilty for loving him, I can't help myself as the saying goes; Love is totally Blind.. I wonder why did we even meet and share a lot of common things together. Should I proceed or forget.. I am almost 26 and my boyfriend is There are no issues so far.

We love spending time together.. Even if it's doing nothing but napping together. We cook for Each other.

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  • What I Learned By Dating Older Men - mindbodygreen.

For me, it's not about daddy issues or finances. I have always been attracted to older men. I believe I am capable of having a loving relationship with someone who is older. Ridicule has been an issue. Usually by people who dont know us. For those peoe who we consider friends do not care and are happy for us. I married a man 17 years older than I. When we married I was It was his my first marriage his second. I loved the man I married and we were very happy BUT, the last 5 years have been very difficult.

Age difference in relationships.

I was warned by my mom about marrying an older man. I only thought about the present. Now, 19 years into our marriage, I'm in the thrawls on menopause and my husband is not as active as he once was. He blames any discourse on my menopause and that I'm not the woman he feel in love with. The bottom line is we all change but if we do it together we have a better chance. My husband cant turn the clock back and I'm to young to be old.

I Am 30 years and my husband is 61 I don't have sex with him anymore because he can't do it any more he is sick and I Am in married and I never cheat on him he give me hard time argue control to much abuse I want to divorce but am afride because am a forigne. I am 45 and my husband is 68 years old but we have the best relationship. He loves mes madly and always want to make me happy in every way.

Large age gaps in a relationship: our readers respond | The people's panel

He cares for me as a dad. I love him for who he is. He is divorced with 3 kids, financial stability has been up and down. We both have the same income and at times I have had to pick up the bills when he could not work. I love him because he makes me feel good about my self, he lifts me up and makes me smile, and I do the same for him. I don't see an age difference until someone refers to him as my dad. I married someone 15 years younger than me.

Because I had no children from my first marriage, I felt that I would not have the challenges others do.

How Much Older Are We Talking?

I think I'm correct. I can take care of her well, and we're both able to settle down and have a family. I'm seeing a man that's 39 years older then me, I am 19, we haven't done anything sexual yet and he has told me he really doesn't want to do anything sexual with me he just loves my company and enjoys the time we spend together We just hang out and have fun and go out on dates and talk about a bunch of random things, stories from the past ect. He tells me I make him really happy and he also does the same for me I know this may sound terrible to people who don't think this kind of life style is appropriate but don't knock it till you try it I guess haha In life you have to take chances or you'll miss out on a lot!!

Even the most negative medical study doesn't come close to using the word "usually". Lol the poll wording is so biased - why does it ask if you'd have an AFFAIR with an older man, instead of whether you'd get into a relationship with one? The irony is I actually found him more immature than the guy I am currently dating 4 years my senior. I think this article leaves out one important point; if an older man is interested in a woman much younger, surely that says something about his OWN maturity levels?

Dr. Phil Tells A 53-Year-Old Why Marrying His 24-Year-Old Fiancée Has A High Risk For Divorce

What makes him reject women his own age? Is it really something so superficial as they don't look as hot anymore, or is it something deeper? Is he unable to keep up with the smart, self-assured mind of a more mature woman, for example? I didn't realise it at the time but, in some ways my ex seemed to enjoy being the one 'in control', by dating a much younger woman.

I'm not saying this is always the case but, it's important to look at the other factors in his life to accurately gauge if he is actually an older MAN. Of course we all fall into rough patches in life that can affect these perceptions whether that be redundancy, repossession or divorce , but the important thing is to look at his maturity timeline as a whole. Does it mirror yours a woman much younger than him , or does it go beyond what you've already learnt from life? I am a Mistress for 9 years with an older man.