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Finding Prince Charming - Wikipedia

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Questions for a new DCPS chancellor. Will the party that is defeated be the party that wins? Maisel inspires us to keep on resisting.

First Official Trailer - Finding Prince Charming Hosted By Lance Bass - Logo

This contrived format 'works' because the female contestants are presumably not interested in sleeping with or dating each other. Finding Prince Charming is more like a parody of a dating show than a serious attempt at "the first all-gay dating competition. It features a house full of men bizarrely professing interest in Sepulveda while ignoring all of the equally attractive and successful men in the house.

The competition becomes even sadder once we realize that Sepulveda is ironically one of the least charming people in the show.

New ‘Fire Island’ Teaser From Logo Promises a Wet and Wild ‘Happy Ending’

Sepulveda's bland personality makes it unusually apparent that the contestants are just seeking attention while still pretending to chase the not-so-charming prince. At least one of the contestants wasn't up for the charade - there's a man from Sepulveda's hometown of Atlanta who all but asks to be sent home after finding out that Sepulveda was the "Prince Charming.

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About that sex worker issue: TheWrap reports that Logo TV didn't find out about Sepulveda's past as a paid escort until well into filming. Sepulveda nonchalantly admits to working as an escort in a video interview with Huffington Post and then quickly tries to change the subject.

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Many say that Sepulveda's past a sex worker shouldn't stigmatize him today. However, Sepulveda's reluctance to have a full conversation about his past only makes things worse. As Vulture puts it: Finding Prince Charming airs Thursdays at 8 p.