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Loving a Strong Woman: Pros and Cons - The Good Men Project

Would you rather meet someone who could quote Nietzsche by heart or someone who came up with the same ideas on his or her own, without ever having read a philosophy book? Wit, street smarts, life experience, and emotional intelligence all manifest in ways different from traditional intelligence.

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On top of that, traditional intelligence can often be attributed to nothing more than having an excellent memory. Smart men apparently have better sperm. This study , from the University of New Mexico, showed men with higher IQs had both healthier and more plentiful sperm.

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Being a sapiosexual is quite trendy these days. But given a choice between smart and scrawny or handsome and dumb, who are you really going to go home with? To publicly announce yourself as a sapiosexual makes you seem smarter, a fact that caught on quite quickly with people who are desperate to seem smart.

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At this point, sapiosexual is a buzz word, so you have to be careful when using it. Even worse, women in this situation may end up being a sugar mamma rather than an equal partner. In some cases, the guy is just drawn to a woman who takes care of him, but beware that some men may be true gold diggers looking for a free ride or to be taken care of financially, she adds.

Join Now Log In. Search form Search Shape Magazine. Weigh the good, the bad, and the complicated before you consider bridging the age gap. As you walk toward your plush red corner booth in the back, you notice that several diners take note of your gorgeous date and follow him or her with their eyes all the way to the booth.

Eat one of these eight foods beforehand , and you'll arrive energized, confident, and totally anxiety-free. Everyone is going to think something in this situation. If you have a jealous streak, perhaps it occurs to you that countless others must take note of—or even approach and hit on—your date when he or she is not with you.

Should You Date Someone More Attractive Than You?

Moral of the story: Ideally, you've taken steps to keep your insecurities in check and work on improving your self-esteem. Deep down, I believe we all know what we are capable of handling. When we take on something—or someone—that exists outside our usual comfort zone, our instincts send us a message. Typically, anxiety develops and a wide range of symptoms can appear: You start eating more or less than usual; start drinking more alcohol or smoking more; feel preoccupied and worried; have difficulty sleeping; or feel the need to constantly talk to your friends about the relationship in order to get support.