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Plenty of the magicians after many free at the best. Date network? Absolutely free dating sites online. Except for online dating deserves: a premiere date. Find.

If Barret's in it: The points will continue to increase until they reach 30 or more, at which point any further increases will be ignored. Neither does finding it but leaving it alone, for that matter. And no, it doesn't even matter who is in your party at the time. Another wasted opportunity, in my opinion. Gold Saucer When you first enter the Gold Saucer, you will have the option of talking to members of your party and asking them to accompany you: Go together -- Don't go together -- Only the first of the above Affection changes may be made: If you leave the area without choosing a partner, the character with the highest Affection will automatically join you, and no changes will be made.

Corel Prison Depending on who you choose first to accompany Barret to see Dyne: Also, if you leave the room after picking "Yeah, whatever Wutai After Yuffie gives back all your Materia in Wutai: However, since this part of the Wutai subquest closes off before you get the opportunity to have a different party leader, it'll never really matter. These have the following effects. Gold Saucer If you do not choose to go with anyone when you first enter the Gold Saucer, then the character with the highest Affection will automatically join you.

Gongaga If you react to Aeris talking about Zack with jealousy, Aeris will say "I was hoping maybe you were However, it is impossible to get her Affection value this high throughout the normal course of the game, so you will never see this without cheating. Again, it's very difficult to get the value this high, but unlike Aeris, you can use repeatable increases in order to see this.

After the Date Aeris will automatically join your party when you're preparing to go to the Temple of the Ancients. The other party member will be chosen out of whoever has the highest Affection out of Tifa, Yuffie and Barret, with Tifa having highest priority in ties and Barret having the lowest. Before the Crater Right after the Midgar Raid, there will eventually be a scene when Tifa and Cloud are alone, spending a night just outside the Highwind. If Tifa's Affection is 50 or more, the dialogue between them will be slightly different and reflect the greater affection.

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NOTES AND BUGS There were to be some extra dialogue in Sector 7 at the start of the game that would affect Barret's and Tifa's values, but various things seem to prevent you from triggering these -- the way the events surrounding Tifa and Cloud's promise play out seems to have changed during development. Barret was going to have something to say in Gongaga, but a script error way back in the Sector 5 Church prevents this from occurring. Events in battle were going to have an effect on the Date: At the start of the game, Barret, Aeris, Tifa and Yuffie would have another value called Battle Affection, which starts at and has a minimum of 50 and a maximum of points.

These would then be adjusted in the following manner during each battle: This was likely going to be used as a multiplier to normal Affection values when you finally reached the Date sequence. However, the script ignores these values and just uses the base Affection values. As such, Battle Affection affects absolutely nothing throughout the entire game.

Well, I can give a full list of things to do to guarantee dating one of the two. However, you shouldn't feel you have to follow them religiously: So don't feel too restricted, and try to keep track of what you've already done. Also note that both Yuffie and Barret have available exploits that allow you to get high Affection values through one repeatable scene, so you can always abuse that if you have trouble.

Here are two complete guides; the first to date Yuffie, the second to date Barret.

Date mechanics

They are list of all the tasks you can do to get the highest amount of leeway for that character. Note the differences by the way in what you have to do; it's rather interesting at times Don't buy a flower from Aeris when you first see her in Sector 8. Talk to Jessie twice on the train home from Sector 8, and tell her you're "Looking forward to it".

Don't talk to Tifa while she's behind the bar. If you do, decline her offer for a drink.

Gold Saucer Date Night - Final Fantasy VII Guides - Caves of Narshe

Sorry" when she asks you if you've forgotten your promise. Ignore Tifa the next morning; don't talk to her, and go straight to Barret. Get caught by the Security Lockdown; do not reach the end of the train.

Force Barret and Tifa to jump out early this way. After defeating Airbuster, before Cloud falls, tell Barret to "Be strong". When Aeris is fleeing the guards, climb up to the top level and tell her to Wait each time. Do this three times. When Aeris asks if Tifa is your girlfriend, say "Yeah, that's right.

If there is a tie, the game chooses based on priority. Aeris has top priority, followed by Tifa, then Yuffie, then Barret. Aeris is the most likely candidate for the date, but it is not overly difficult to obtain the other two girls as there are several options which very quickly bridge the points gap between starting values.

For example, it is possible, in responding positively to Tifa several times at the beginning of the game, to raise her date value above Aeris's starting value before her second appearance.

Final Fantasy VII: Cid/Shera Date Scene

Throughout the game, characters will ask Cloud various questions. How he answers often affects the value that decides the date. No other action will change the values. When Jessie is talking to Cloud on the train , coming back from the attack on the Sector 1 Reactor:.

Cloud is barely hanging on after the explosion in the Sector 5 Reactor:. When Aeris is fleeing from Reno in the Sector 5 Church:. If Cloud is chosen as Don Corneo's date and he rejects his advances, when the Don asks if he has a boyfriend:. When captured, Tifa asks Cloud if he can break out: When talking to the woman who mentions that Mako is convenient values only change if the characters are in the present party:.

When talking to the woman who mentions that the old ways were better values only change if the characters are in the present party:. It is possible to give the correct answer for all the questions except the last one and repeat the event to increase her affection value each time. However, the player will lose gil each time, as Yuffie robs the party once the player enters the menu.

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When given the choice, always talk to or think about Tifa first, and Aeris last. Whenever asked about your feelings towards Tifa and Aeris, always express feelings for Tifa for example, when Aeris asks you if Tifa is your girlfriend, select the answer "Yeah, that's right".

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  7. Specific actions After Jessie 's explanation about the train, answer her "Thanks anyway". The first time you meet Tifa, a lot has to be done correctly to improve you relationship with her: Just a little bit later, when Tifa is alone behind the bar, talk to her and ask her to "Give [you] something hard". A little later too, when she tells you that you left your childhood friend, answer "How can you say that?

    Final Fantasy VII Guides

    Finally, when waking up the next morning and asked how you slept, be the a charmer and answer "Next to you, who wouldn't? When you are on the train to blow up the second reactor, don't get caught by the security lockdown. When Tifa asks you if you can break out, answer her "Leave it to me". The best part is that you can do it multiple times, so with patience you can raise Tifa's affinity to the maximum this guide considers that you told her this answer at least once, and you didn't answer anything else.

    Do not engage in the Wutai sidequest. Dating Yuffie is harder to achieve than the previous two dates. In order to date the teen ninja, you'll have to lower the affinities of both Aeris and Tifa. This means that you will have to be a jerk toward both of them. And of course, you can only date Yuffie if you got her to join you in the first place.