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Monster, seen about to walk down the aisle with Diana in the artwork to the right, doesn't make the list but I bet you wish he did just so you would know what the heck is happening in that comic that's how effective Silver Age DC covers were! Decades later, and the intriguing imagery still piques one's interest. Lois Lane to Wonder Woman's Superman, Steve Trevor is the reigning champion of Wonder Woman love interests and, even though the two haven't been an item in the comics for decades now, he's probably still the first guy a lot of people think of when they hear the words "Wonder Woman's boyfriend.

Trevor first appeared in the very same story Wonder Woman did, 's All-Star Comics 8, and he played an integral role in her origin and supporting cast. Trevor was a U. There, young Princess Diana helped nurse him back to health and gradually fell for him. At the advice of her patron goddesses, the Amazon Queen Hippolyta decided one of her people had to take Trevor back to Man's World and assist him and his country in their battle against the Axis forces in World War II. Naturally, Diana won the contest and adopted the star-spangled costume of Wonder Woman a version of this story, updated so as not to be a period piece, was the basis of DC's direct-to-DVD Wonder Woman animated movie.

In Man's World, Wonder Woman adopted the civilian identity of a nurse named Diana Prince and got a job working as Trevor's secretary, allowing her to be close to him and on top of any intelligence concerning Nazis or other enemies of America that needed to get smashed. Peter heyday, although he occasionally died and came back to life. Notably, the character was often portrayed as feeling emasculated by Diana's power and status.

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The couple finally married in the very last issue of the first volume of the Wonder Woman title. When the next volume of Wonder Woman would start, Trevor was sidelined as Diana's love interest.

Why Batman and Wonder Woman are the Perfect DC Power Couple

He still appeared in the series, but as an older man, one who would ultimately marry the post- Crisis version of Wondy's Golden Age sidekick, Etta Candy. Writer Geoff Johns and artist Jim Lee have had Trevor flirting with Wonder Woman, but the two characters have apparently yet to engage in any sort of romantic relationship. Trevor's high profile is thanks mostly to the characters role in the live-action television series starring Lynda Carter, and he's appeared alongside Wonder Woman in most of her incarnations in other media as well.

An episode of Batman: The Brave and The Bold is beloved by fans for its humorous depiction of Trevor as cheerfully waiting around in a death trap with Batman until Wonder Woman swooped in to save the day.

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They're both royalty from fictional fantasy kingdoms in the DC Universe, they're both superheroes, they're both lifelong Justice Leaguers. She has a thing for blondes. It seems like a pretty good match, right? The one major obstacle to Aquaman and Wonder Woman ever hooking up was, of course, the fact that Aquaman was married to Mera. But when the submarine sweethearts were estranged during the s, and they were both single, well, why not?

But despite their vastly different backgrounds, the two heroes aren't that different.

After all, Batman and Wonder Woman were both raised apart from their peers and embarked on an unlikely quest with daunting, almost impossible goals. Batman fights a one man war against the out of control criminal element in his city, while Wonder Woman wants to use the Amazon message of peace which often contradicts with her warrior mentality to unlock humanity's true potential.

But the similarities don't end there. Both are warriors and superheroes who can operate in solitude but work best with allies and friends. They're both natural leaders with sharp tactical minds, they're among the best fighters in the world, and they both fly cool jets. Wonder Woman and Batman come from different worlds, but they are kindred spirits. Both have the heart of a warrior and are pushed by the circumstances of their upbringing to reach for impossible dreams. Batman and Wonder Woman are kindred spirits, but they each approach the world in wildly different ways.

Why Batman and Wonder Woman are the Perfect DC Power Couple

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman relies on kindness first and turns to violence as a last resort. But those attitudes are actually weirdly complimentary to one another. Wonder Woman possesses an infinite patience that's perfect for dealing with Batman's intimidating airs and cold attitude. No amount of pushing or angst would drive Wonder Woman away, as long as Wonder Woman wanted to be to be with him. There's a mystery to Batman that tends to draw women in, but they've all been turned away by his incessant drive and Wonder Woman might be the one person in the world who can see the good in Batman, while not getting turned away from the accepting the bad.

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As for Batman, his relationships tend to collapse due to a lack of trust. Diana says "sorry" and Bruce says "don't be" like he enjoyed it. As for Superman he should continue dating Lois. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.

Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Is Batman's 'relationship' with Wonder Woman comic-book canon? I'm unfamiliar with 'earths' in DC comics. Either that or the most current comic that covers this 'area'? Pureferret My guess the Earth question was asked was because of Earth 2 , where there is a Superwoman. In the DC Universe As to whether Batman has ever had an interest in Wonder Woman, it has been shown in several continuities that Batman and Wonder Woman have had more than passing interests: They are both martial artists, conversant in several styles.

Your Answer

They have been seen to train against each other improving their abilities. Wonder Woman gets to train with an excellent, highly trained fighter, and Batman gets to fight against someone who has superhuman speed, strength and reflexes. Both are improved by the experience. They both study history, language and are very well traveled.

Both are highly intelligent and scholars in their own right, Bruce is self-taught, Diana trained by the scholars of Paradise Island. Both are highly attractive, it only makes sense they might gravitate toward each other. Wonder Woman and Super-Woman are two different characters, though their physical powers are almost the same. Super-Woman is an alternate Earth Earth-3 by Pre-Crisis parlance character who shared an origin with Wonder Woman, having come from an island of Amazons.

But Superwoman was not an emissary of Paradise Isle, she was a renegade who left the island for her own reasons. This would almost be the same Crime Syndicate of Amerika to appear in the Animated film: Yeh, I never meant to write 'Superwoman' that was a mistake on my part. So by your reckoning, the JL cartoon's depiction of their relationship pre-dates the comic version? Sandy Sandy 11 1. It looks like your answer is quite anecdotal, do you have any more information to add?

Here added references to the points you make would help back up your answer: