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Damaged or temporarily blocked vehicles will not be factored into the calculation, as they cannot be used in battle.

The calculation uses the three aircraft with the highest BR in the set. The average BR is calculated as follows:. The average BR resulting from the calculation is rounded to the nearest number from the range: In borderline cases, the BR is rounded up. Here is an example of how the averaging formula works in game aviation: Many players have a preference for several modes. For their convenience, there is a " vehicle preset " mechanism, which allows players to save preferred and frequently used vehicle arrangements in their hangar. This allows players to prepare for any type of battle in just a few clicks.

Air Simulator battles use this matchmaking method.

Battle Rating Calculation

When the player opens the Air SB interface, they will see several identical missions where the only difference is the BR of the permitted aircraft. All you have to do is select the desired battle rank and assemble the required aircraft in your set. This method is used in Ground Forces Simulator battles. When the player opens the Tanks SB interface, the names of the vehicles permitted for the current battle will be clearly displayed.

Battles are regularly updated, so the team composition options also change. A relatively broad but simple matchmaking method. Can be done differently for every tournament. For more about tournament rules and actual battles, go to https: Going further, there used to be other custom matchmaking types apart from matchmaking by BR and vehicle ranks:.

As an example for this type of battle, let's have a look at the missions from "Events and Tournaments". Matchmaking for this mode is made only from the vehicles that were specially selected for every mission. This type of Matchmaking allows developers to carefully reconstruct historical events from different battlegrounds, while paying attention to power balance.

This also aims for the creation alternative history missions and holding events with a number of possible finals. Sessions are made from all vehicles allowed, without looking at BR or vehicle ranks. Teams can have different numbers of players, and that is also controlled in the mission settings.

The exact matchmaking settings for every mission can be obtained from the mission descriptions shown in the in-game client for each mission in the "Events and Tournaments" list. All missions in this mode have different difficulty levels and can have a mix of ground and air vehicles.

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Matchmaking is able to create sessions depending on a player's personal skills level, and that's an important feature of the game. This type of matchmaking fits to 'duel' and 'sparring' forms of battle tournaments and challenges, where personal expertise plays a key role in success. Creating a session based on player personal rankings allows to equalize forces of teams, squadrons, and particular players, and makes sessions more fair and attractive.

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Rating battles of all types do not have mutual effect, meaning that player rating gained in one mode will not affect other rating battle modes. Player rating can also be reset after a corresponding tournament or event ending. Squadron battles are a subset of rating battles. The key difference here is that matchmaking is made by teammate average scores, taken as the arithmetical mean of all teammate ratings.

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  • Matchmaker - WarThunder-Wiki?

To participate in this type of battle, one needs to be a part of squadron clan. A player's personal rating is calculated from his personal battle results for clan events, and 'only' clan events.

The initial player rating is 0. Having said that, there are times when the matchmaker cannot find enough players within those limits in the time allowed.

Battle ratings - WarThunder-Wiki

Maybe there are not enough players of that ranking logged in, say. It then widens the range of who is allowed in, and occasionally there are quite widely varying strengths of planes in one battle. To figure out your line-up's battle rating, you just have to do some math. You take the top three BR Battle Rating planes from your line-up. Then plug them into this formula: For example, if your top three planes have battle ratings of 3. Now you may be thinking "Can't a high level player just use reserves and a jet and murder me?

If your top plane is 0. For them, the matchmaker will just use your highest plane's BR minus 0. Say for example we have a 3. As you can see, all but your highest BR plane in your preset won't stand a chance against the planes at that level.

But some pilots unknowingly fall into this trap.