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You can jump in and get started without any downloads using one of the following tools: Quest more similar to the IF tools above Twine easy to use visual editor StoryNexus the player clicks options instead of guessing what to type; StoryNexus hosts your game online. Familiarize yourself with text commands. Most text-based games are played by typing in commands.

People who have played interactive fiction games before will expect you to include certain commands in your game, such as "examine object " and "take object ". The documentation or tutorial for your software should introduce you to these commands, and how to include them in your game. Often, a game has additional unique commands, which can be anything from "twirl baton" to "mow lawn. The most common form of interactive fiction involves exploring different locations, usually called "rooms" even if they are outdoors.

A good project to start with could include one or two rooms to explore at the start, another couple rooms the player can get to with some simple searching or problem-solving, and a larger puzzle the player needs to solve with some thinking or thorough searching. Alternatively, you can make a project that's focused more on the decisions the player makes, instead of the puzzles he solves.

The Reality of the Game

This could be an emotional story focused on the player's relationship with other characters, or a plot-based story where the player has many decisions to make, then witnesses the consequences in later scenes. This may still use a geographic map, or it could use "rooms" that are more like scenes, with the player progressing through several vignettes that explore these themes.

Get help with syntax. If your first room doesn't work the way you want it to, or you're just not sure how to achieve what you want with your software, look for a "documentation" or "help" menu, or a "Read Me" in the same folder as the main tool.

by Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D.

If that's not enough, ask your question on a forum at the website where you got the software, or at a general-purpose interactive fiction forum. Create the introduction and first room. Once you have a basic plan for your game, write a short introduction to describe the game, explain any unusual commands, and warn about adult content if any.

Text Game! - The Secrets On An Instructor's Phone

Try to make the first setting interesting, as many players will walk away if they see an empty apartment. Here's an example of the first thing a player might see when they start up the game labeled for convenience: You redeemed your entire collection of pudding coupons for this yacht, and now it's adrift at sea. Better see whether Lucy weathered the storm.

You think she was in the engine room when it hit.

Logistics and content warning: Type check coupons to see your current collection. Use the command redeem followed by the name of the coupon to use these mysteriously helpful items.

Romance text adventure games

You are standing in an oak-panelled bunk room. The metal bunk frame fell over during the storm, and the only mattress lies torn and soggy under the liquor cabinet. There is a closed door to the north. Create commands for the first room. Come up with ways for the player to interact with each object you mentioned. At the very least, they should be able to "examine" or "x" each one. Here are a few examples of commands the player can use and the text they see as a result: Soggy and smells of booze. The bathrobe has a pocket and a cotton sash. It feels like there's something heavy on the other side.

Turn the first room into a simple puzzle. A classic beginning requires the player to find a way out of the room. This doesn't have to be a complicated puzzle, just a taste for what your game will be like. It also teaches the player to read carefully and look for hints. For instance, the player might be supposed to do this, after typing the commands above: That explains why this mattress is soggy The metal bunk frame fell over during the storm, and the only mattress lies torn and soggy in the corner. A liquor cabinet is in the corner.

A broken bottle is on the floor. Waste not, want not. Right now you have a a crowbar coupon and a whistle coupon. The coupon drifts away, and a moment later a hefty crowbar falls into your hand. A growl on the other side startles you. One more attempt should open the door, but you'd better have a weapon ready. It swings open easily, to reveal a large grey wolf staring at you! Better think fast — you can only choose one option. It whimpers and runs off. The way north is now clear. Keep verbs and nouns obvious. As the creator, you'll become so familiar with the terms that they seem second nature.

Other people only have a few sentences of instruction to work with.

Rules of the Game

Whenever you add a new command or object, especially one that's vital to move forward in the game, make sure you keep it obvious and simple to use. Always use valid object names in the room description. For example, if a player walks into the room and sees a description of "a painting," make sure "painting" is the term for that object in your game.

If you carelessly use the term "picture" instead, players will have to guess at how to interact with it. Take some time to think about how a player might try to use objects. Make your puzzles feel realistic. Don't let your carefully devised puzzle break the reader's immersion in the setting. You might feel terribly clever for creating a puzzle that involves a Viking helmet, a stick of dynamite, and a bee hive, but it's unreasonable to discover these items in a spaceship or a high school classroom.

Your setting will feel less cohesive, and the items may as well have a neon sign flashing "use me for a puzzle. Make the puzzles feel relevant. There should be a reason your character needs to solve the puzzle. Be fair to players. Old-school adventure games are famous for cruel results such as "You pick up the rock, starting an avalanche that buries you.

The Interactive Fiction Database - IF and Text Adventures

Besides avoiding arbitrary player deaths, here are a few other design goals to keep in mind: Provide hints for difficult puzzles, and don't put in more than two or three red herrings. Don't make a puzzle that can't be solved on the first playthrough, such as one that requires knowledge of the next area or a trial-and-error puzzle that kills you if you don't guess correctly.

It's fine to permanently close off an area partway through the game, but the player should be given fair warning before this happens. If a choice makes the game unwinnable, this should be obvious in advance, and it should end the game instead of letting the player keep trying with no hope of winning. Spend some time to make every ending interesting. If the player loses, he should still get to read a sizable chunk of text that describes specifically what happened, and encourages him to try again.

To launch the game, first do a Google search for "text adventure" in Chrome. A console window will open with the following prompt: If you aren't familiar with text adventures, they're an ancient type of game which gives you text descriptions and reacts to typed commands such as "eat bread" or "flip switch. The game is fairly simple but not completely without depth, which you will realize when you first grab a map and start exploring.

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Have fun playing the game, and check out some other Google Easter eggs here, here and here. Also, Wikipedia has a pretty comprehensive list.