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Do you have to just be direct? It sounds a bit too on the nose. If they were rude maybe?

I assumed loads of baristas would have guys hitting on them. Problem is, it took me awhile to get good at this, and I screwed it up a lot along the way. That line, with direct eye contact and a confident vibe… it does everything it needs to do. Think how Daniel Craig would say it.

My girlfriend works as a bikini barista…and I hate it.

Copy and paste these tested words to get a response and get her addicted to you - every time! Enter your name and email below to get a FREE copy of this report Loves to surf, snowboard, climb mountains, and photograph the world. Connect with Christian on facebook , instagram , and his personal website. Generally speaking, you can meet a woman anywhere. I want to turn things around with her so we can be a LOT more than friends. I'm cool being friend zone by girls I want to date. Every time you see her you get heart palpitations.

Qualify her to make it seem like you are the one choosing her. She used to juggle college classes with two retail positions.

On that horrible coffee grind.

Powell, who is studying international relations and political science at college in Seattle, a few miles south of Everett, was apprehensive. Everyone has their own reasons for doing it.

Baristas are the Ultimate Male Fantasy

The drivers for Powell are the money, the hours and the fact that she feels empowered by the job. Once a concept unique to Washington, there are now a smattering of bikini barista businesses elsewhere in the US, including Oregon, Idaho and North Carolina.

My girlfriend works as a bikini barista…and I hate it.

The idea is said to date back to a hot summer in the early s when a roadside outlet started a Bikini Wednesday promotion and sales jumped, causing others to quickly follow suit. Last year Everett tried to ban them. It claimed the stands had a history of prostitution, sexual assault, public masturbation and exploitation.

There have been incidents. Four years ago, Carmela Panico , who owned several stands in the area, pleaded guilty to running a multimillion-dollar prostitution ring and a police officer was jailed for tipping her off about undercover police stings in exchange for sex.

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But the owner of a chain called Hillbilly Hotties and seven of its staff, including Powell, sued the city, arguing that the ban violated their first amendment free speech and expression rights. In December, a federal judge granted an injunction , preventing Everett from enforcing the dress code while the case makes its way through the courts.

Far from feeling exploited, Powell says she finds the job empowering: I love my job. I should be able to choose to work here as I please. Powell, who describes herself as a feminist, adds: I struggled with eating disorders and went through years of therapy trying to fix my issues. Working here for six years has done more for me mentally and emotionally than years of therapy ever did. I started to adapt that into my life.

Bikini Barista.

She does not deny there are negative aspects of the job. It has affected her relationships with some of her extended family — although her parents are supportive — and she finds it difficult to date. Once people find out what I do, they look at me differently a lot of the time.