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Hope you guys still enjoy. Well he could have went too, but he seems like the type of guy who's scared of what a beer might do to him. I've been watching Twitch for 5 years and have never heard of these people.

Makes sense cause they seem ResidentSleeper from the vods. I think people in general are WAY overreacting to this situation. He got in his own head and did something stupid with good intentions. Did they break up or are they still together or is this gonna turn out like dinglederper and phantom lord.

This is what I read. They're streamers who chose to be personable with their audience. So nope, not to them. It may be now that they learned the hard way. I take it you have never been in a real relationship before. You can forgive someone for pretty much anything, it is up to the two people involved on how much they care.

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