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Relationship Compatibility of a Cancer Man and a Leo Woman

While he does not expect his overwhelming devotional output to be matched, he can suffer and worry if he feels he is not needed and appreciated as much as he should be. In love, Leo women and Cancer men mesh very well in all but the start of the romantic journey. As mentioned previously, the Cancer male begins all relationships guarded. Just like the crab he is, that hard exterior shell may hide his true, soft-centered nature, but not for long. Fortunately, neither female Leos nor male Cancers give up on what they set their mind to, even if it is for completely different reasons.

While Cancer men are entirely capable of leadership when necessary, they are usually more than happy to let their loving lioness take the reins. This is paramount because a Leo will never tolerate second place in a relationship. Even during the moments she lacks confidence, she often prefers the leadership role in the day to day. Leo women usually do not use their power and leadership for selfish drives, which is beneficial in a pairing heavily weighted on emotions.

This inborn empathy keeps her from abusing those under her control as they naturally consider how horrible it feels to be bossed around themselves.


All Cancers need is to feel truly loved and valued in their relationships, whether intimate or platonic, or they risk suffering emotionally. Leo women tend to pick up on this need and respond accordingly. Criticism and failure weigh very hard on the lion and, thus, she will no doubt set her sights on keeping her mate happy so that she can never feel his lash.

While Leo women in a relationship tend to rule the day to day activities, Cancer men will always rule the bedroom. Behind the shyness of Cancer is an indescribable amount of passion that is often funneled into sex and intimate, romantic moments. Candle-lit dinners and flowers earlier in the day are often only a taste of what is to come for women lucky enough to pair with a Cancer man. Sex is rarely dull, and he takes it as a matter of pride to keep his lioness satisfied.

Of course, not all is sunshine and daisies. The moodiness of a Cancer man can drive a Leo woman away or provoke her into anger if it causes her much-desired attention to momentarily cease. While Leo women display control in all things, anger is not one of them. They burn hot as their fire sign dictates and can be too hurtful for a Cancer mate to bear. Talk to a relationship psychic on Keen to learn more about the Cancer-Leo match.

Cancer men and Leo women may well be the best bosses and co-workers most people could ever hope for. Cancer is so naturally caring, hardworking, and patient that is it difficult to imagine a situation where he could offend. He has the ability to lead effectively, but it is not a drive that must be assuaged at any cost like that of a female Leo. Leo women are born leaders, and while they may buck in revolt at having to be an underling, they are too dignified to keep up any meaningful, long-term complaining.

Compatibility of Cancer Man and Leo Woman

Instead, she will simply double her efforts to shine until she achieves the leadership position she believes she was meant to have. And thats why to not to get her heart broken she is taking this defensive measure of posing herself as my aunt. I am also going to her place on her birthday. But am unsure whether she will have time to go out with me or not. I didnt know about her existence for about 25 years and once she came to know me, she helped me in a serious matter for which my life has now changed a lot.

She was present during my failure and so I dont want to let her be absent during my success.

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This blog is Spot On. I am a Leo woman and the best relationship I ever had was with my cancer man. I never been so secure and happy with any relationship BUT with this British cancerian guy. He is gentle, understanding and YES he let me have my way and whenever I come crying, he is always there for me.

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  • Relationship Compatibility of a Cancer Man and a Leo Woman.
  • Cancer Man Leo Woman Compatibility?

I have only been dating a Cancer for a month and we are both already head over heels. I am just now for the first time experiencing his moodiness and honestly, its hit my heart with a dagger. I understand he needs his space but I dont get how you can go so hot and cold in just a day or two. Half of me is saying to run for the hills because my heart can not handle another heartbreak.

I want to be my partners rock and the one to lean on when things get stressful…not placed on an island alone waiting for him to come around. I dont think that is very fair to me. Most of these feeling may be residuals from a past relationship so I am trying not to think to deep into it. He has been nothing but amazing in making me feel loved…until now. I can definitely see how there can be doubt. Im having second thoughts just cause I cant handle having that doubt. Normally as a LEO I wouldnt even be trippin on it but that tells me that I really love this guy and I sure hope that I made the wrong choice by letting this wall down to him.

Also, even caring enough to search online for some answers tells me that I really do love this man…. I can see a lot of us Leo's online looking for ways to understand our Cancer partners. I have been going out with my cancer for the last 5months though we met 8months before that.

When we're together we have fun, laugh and makes sure I am ok even if he is in his mood swings which hits me all the time.

Cancer Man Leo Woman Compatibility | Articles at

Initially I responded with bold text messages which blew up in an argument and he made me promise never to send him a text for the rest of his life, which 4 now he believes he's having his way lol. Now we talk to each other and he is coming out all protective especially when I go out without him because we work in different cities but we are on the phone averagely 4 times a day everyday. He is an extreme workaholic sometimes when I am over there but when he makes time it is magical and when we make love woooo it is different each time, pleasurable and mind blowing. Loving him is the toughest ever, at the same time the best thing though he makes me so angry at the same and I think the Leo in me loves the challenge.

As someone said above, he gets me smiling to myself all the time. Sometimes I feel like walking away but the feeling is so strong I can't explain it. I am a leo woman. I was completely drawn to this cancer man from the first time we sat and conversed.

Cancer Man and Leo Woman Compatibility

We have been dating for a year. He is also in a unhappy relationship with someone else for a while and is having difficulty leaving. I don't feel it'll happen but I know we'd make each other very happy. I've dealt with the mood swings. Still dealing with doubt on his part. He is the best man I've ever met. Takes care of me wholeheartedly. I don't want to run when I probably should. Possibilities of him being all mine are starting to dim in my living room. It will take everything to only be friends. I truly want to be the one he chooses… Confused heart!

Thanks for this post. Please do a post on Cancer man with Aquarius woman. I will be eagerly waiting for that one. I had the same thing happen with my cancer bf proud leo speaking , it didn't work out because he was just not in it with me and I wanted to be partners with him and he wasn't ready. Holding on to the past so cancer anyway almost 4months later I took him back because I love him so much and we've been together for a year! I'm so happy with him and I realized that distance that he wanted was healthy for me. I need my alone time too otherwise I'm no good!

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  8. Leo's are very prideful and in different ways we have a hard time letting go too. I love my cancer man for helping me see that! As a Leo woman, I always felt that as a fixed sign that similarities from other fixed signs are best. I've known this Cancer guy for almost 6 months no. We always had casual lunch dates at work and often effortlessly found it easy to converse on several topic areas. Last two months we started seeing each other outside of work and hanging out almost every week.

    As a fixed sign we rarely ever bow to others or let them take control. And since hanging with him, at times I feel my will slipping. Not that he verbally demands it but his actions melt my aggressive side. As a Leo that's scary because we always want to be in control….

    We have not made it official as a relationship yet but I can see signs of him caving. He so caring and open to all my needs, I truly believe it will be a great pairing. I've decided to go at his speed… In his presence masculinity reeks and I can't help but purr in satisfaction from it. I do hope it blossoms into a great relationship. And like many comments before he's attached to his mother as I am to my father. Opposites do attract and this is a possible match in heaven Leo Women. Sexually he reeks dominance as well, you can feel it in his subtle touches and deep kisses, letting you know that he plans to please this body as his own personal temple.

    I welcome the challenges should they appear, don't be scared by this possible pairing, the Pros will outweigh the Cons. Also I know he cheated in the past on his first love.