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All states have special provisions if any physical force was used or serious physical injury resulted. Until recently, statutory rape laws applied only to females, ignoring situations involving sex between an adult female and underage male.

Louisiana Age of Consent & Statutory Rape Laws

Today, most laws are gender neutral, and a number of women in authority positions such as Mary Kay Letourneau, Debra Lafave, Pamela Rogers Turner, and Pamela Smart have been prosecuted for engaging in sexual relationships with younger males. Does the Punishment Fit the Crime? While many states have strict statutory rape laws on the books, prosecutors have been inconsistent in enforcing them, says Mark Chaffin, a researcher with the National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth.

What Is the Age of Consent for Sex?

One particularly shocking case drew international attention when year-old Georgia resident, Genarlow Wilson, was charged with aggravated child molestation and sentenced to 10 years in prison for having consensual oral sex with a year-old girl. Georgia law, which has since been changed to classify this act as a misdemeanor carrying a maximum penalty of one year in prison, also required Wilson to register as a sex offender when he was released.

Are Statutory Rape Laws Outdated?


Statutory rape laws are based on the premise that although young girls may want to have sex, they may not have enough experience or discernment to make a mature, informed decision. The laws are designed to protect young people who have less information and power than their and-over counterparts. For example, minors may be less likely than adults to understand sexually transmitted diseases, have access to contraception, and have the resources to raise a child if they become pregnant.

Most people believe there is a clear line between young people wanting to date and have sex, and adults molesting or assaulting a child. And most would agree that the difference between intimacy and abuse should be reflected in the laws of each state. But not all parties agree on how strict the laws should be.

Ages of consent in the United States

Critics of strict statutory rape laws argue that while sexual relationships between teens relatively close in age may be morally questionable, prosecuting every case would unnecessarily clog up the justice system. But advocates of more diligent enforcement of statutory rape laws believe that the laws help combat the often underreported and hard-to-prove sexual abuse and rape of young girls.

How do her parents feel about the situation? I don't think there's any laws that prevent people from being around each other based on their ages. Age of consent laws are all about sexual contact.

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The parent mentioned Age Of Consent. Many people and non-native speakers may be unfamiliar with this word. Here is the definition:.

What Is The Legal Age Limit For Dating?

In family law, age of consent refers to the age one can give meaningful consent to enter into a marriage. If over the age of 18 years, meaningful consent is presumed.

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However the presumption may be negated if the person lacked capacity due to mental retardation, illness for duress. The parent threetoast or alexusmarie can delete this post FAQ. However, such laws, as applied to consenting adults in private situations, have been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. If you are concerned about your prior sexual conduct, a qualified Louisiana lawyer can provided you more information if there is a legal basis for a case. As a criminal lawyer , she can also help you file the appropriate court papers and represent you in your legal matters.

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