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Things have become very different now with modernity, Christianity and so forth.

Why 'Wazungus' love Luo women

But the reason why Luo men snub their women have got more to do with just integration and intermarrying. It also has to do with ego and expectations. My take; you cannot throw the bath water and the baby. Marry whoever you want. However, there, is need for improvement and change of heart and deeds from both parties. No man from any community wants a lazy and highhanded woman, neither do women want chauvinistic and arrogant men.

Why Luo women can be a pain in the neck Lifestyle Courtesy It goes without saying that the discourse on why Luo men deliberately shy away from marrying women from their community is a sensitive one. Luo women Kenyan women. Kenya is a country of sex perverts. Redefining local showbiz landscape: Industry players accept challenge.

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5 Reosons Why Kenyan Men Should Date Kikuyu Women

Get the top stories delivered to your inbox every day subscribe. On the looks department they are endowed with dashing looks and mellow voices. The Taita are said to make exemplary, humble wives. But when they make up their minds that a relationship is headed for doom, they are known to vanish back to their parent's faster than you can say 'mdavida'. Lakeside women are said to stick to their men like glue as long as they suspect love is in the air. But don't you dare look at another woman! If you do, she will have you and the other woman by the neck. They are in love with first impressions.

You have to have class.

50 Reasons Why Ladies Worldwide Love To Date Luo Men

If you wear moccasins on the first date and drive a pick-up, she will dump you like rotten fruit. And you better talk English never Kiswahili with a rounded twang. Big words especially the ones she does not understand make a lifelong impact. And the restaurant better be classy, not necessarily expensive. If you fulfill all these, by the tenth date, you will spot her clothes in your wardrobe.

She has moved in.

Why Luo women can be a pain in the neck

Luo women are prided to have "drop dead gorgeous" bodies - with 'Adhiambo sianda' being their brand name. True African figures, they say. They are also known to be good cooks and bewitching lovers. These women are known to be modest and to have austerity. They cannot stand extravagance. A Luhya woman would rather stay at home and drink numerous cups of tea than have you take her for an expensive dinner. But as long as there is constant supply of ugali and Ingoho chicken , she is yours for keeps.

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Then they are known to be in the business of making children. If she is not breast-feeding, she is pregnant. The internet caricature paints her as a being born-again, and forever busy. She is the village chairperson, treasurer of your kids kindergarten PTA, secretary of the women merry-go-round, weaves baskets in addition to being out every night for church Keshas. And if you are thinking of meeting the boys over a Tusker Luhya ladies are protective. And with their strong physiques, you would rather follow mummy's advice than have your bones broken. Curly kitted hair is their distinctive look.

They love it so much that every Luhya woman who prides herself as having a distinguished style will have her hair roasted for this look. My colleague informs me, that if you are bombarded with unsolicited information about her many prominent and rich relatives in the previous government, right after the first kiss, then you have nabbed a Kalenjin lady. Promise a Kalenjin woman marriage and she is yours for keeps.

If you play your cards right then you can take her home on the second date. They are agreeable and submissive, but rather like their alcohol. Nagging they are not but their tempers are legendary so why do they say if you come home after three days, smelling of a strange perfume and with red lipstick all over your white shirt, a kalenjin woman will not utter a word? If they discover their man is unfaithful, they will kill themselves and drown the children.

You will know she is a kikuyu, luo, luhya, costerian, meru, kamba if...................

Men from Europe, America and other parts of the world fly all the way to Kenya to date and even marry Luo women. Have you ever asked yourself what makes Luo women different from other women in the world?

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  4. You may be wondering why I just chose Luo women and not the rest..
  5. Understanding Luo Women.
  6. 7 Reasons Why Weak Men Cannot Marry Luo Women.
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  8. Well, here are reasons Luo women are considered the best by the 'Wazungus'. Luo women love education. Most of the women from this community have gone to schools. There are many female certificates, diploma, degree, masters and Ph. There is no doubt Luo women are beautiful. Most of them are dark skinned, a trait that has made them charming.

    They are also well endowed when it comes to their behind.