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They are frequently self-sacrificing, and are willing almost thoughtlessly to put others best interest before their own, often at their own expense. This is most likely due to the fact that everyone in Slytherin is exceedingly proud to be there.

Sorting Animals into Hogwarts Houses

This makes them excellent strategists. For this reason, she chose to name one of the Ilvermorny houses after it. Gryffindors are people who hold a multitude of qualities alongside the ones listed, making them a very well-rounded house.

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Introducing the Hypable app From your personal preferences to the qualities you value the most, there are a lot of factors that go into. But how would things turn out if you were sorted into your? You might think you're a Hufflepuff at heart, but the stars might have something different to say about that. When you think about it, Hogwarts houses and zodiac signs do very similar things: They break people into groups and give each one a set of shared personality traits and characteristics. When it comes to zodiac signs, Aries are notorious for their tempers and praised for their courageousness, while Libras have a tendency to be indecisive but make up for it with their charm.

Which Hogwarts House Is Your Soulmate In? - ProProfs Quiz

Although no two people are exactly the same, zodiac signs and Hogwarts houses do tend to be accurate when describing the members of their groups, which is why I can get away with my constant day dreaming I can't help it, I'm a Pisces and my love of books and learning I'm a Ravenclaw at heart. The truth is, your Hogwarts house has everything to do with the kind of person you are and not when you were born, but you can still get a pretty good idea about sorting based on astrology.

Here are the — is it what you wanted it to be? Aries Gryffindor Independent, competitive, but, above all, courageous, Aries belong in Gryffindor.

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  • Hogwarts house compatibility.

Your adventurous spirit and confidence are perfect matches for Gryffindor's legacy of brave and true member of the house, and you'd feel right at home alongside a group of witches and wizards as tough and outgoing as you. Taurus Hufflepuff Some people call you persistent, others might use the word stubborn, but either way, dear Taurus, your bull-headedness belongs in Hufflepuff.

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A house that admires hard work and dedication, Hufflepuff would be a great place for the patient, determined, and reliable heart of a Taurus. Gemini Slytherin Witty and inquisitive, Geminis would feel right at home in the Slytherin dungeon.

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Like some of the houses famous members, including Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape, Geminis are more than what they appear to be, and have many layers to them. We are the over-thinkers.

The ones who cannot stop talking about it, analyzing it, talking ourselves into the fact that maybe this could be it! Usually it works in our favor, like in the case of rocking an exam or writing a great song. Maybe this is in a sort of mean way, maybe not.

Here’s What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are, Based On Your Hogwarts House

In fact, it might not even be a conscious thought. And maybe you are! On your way, then.

Be Book-Smarter.

Hufflepuff girlfriends are warm, kind, and have no problem putting other people ahead of herself. Ravenclaws are curious, tenacious, and driven, making them the quintessential intellectual girlfriend. In her own life, with herself, with her career, frankly with anything.

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She constantly going to be pushing herself, and you, to be better than before. She just has this innate ability to see the big picture, and she wants it to be as perfect as possible for you both. Dating a Slytherin is going to have a certain amount of push and pull involved.