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Their day includes a car chase, bringing down the bad guys and then coming home to an equally exciting and passionate night with the one who waits at home. The truth is that, when dating a cop, some days are mediocre and boring, those that do mimic TV you may never even know about due to confidentiality requirements and after a long day, your lover will be tired like everyone else. Evaluate your patience and strength of character in the face of adversity.

Plans could be canceled, evenings in could be spent with your lover thinking about cases and many nights will be spent worrying about his or her safe return from the job. There will be many times when your basic needs will be put on the back burner when dating a cop and you will have to live without what most consider standard relationship etiquette. Realize that not everyone is cut out to be in law enforcement and not everyone is cut out to be in a relationship with those that have chosen the career. Just as police officers are not always recognized for the work that they do, it is just as rare that you will receive any recognition for the part you play in being their "better half.

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The hard part is being completely honest with yourself in determining if you are of the right stock to pursue, capture and happily keep your cop in a relationship. Rosallee Scott has been a freelance writer since Currently, her career is focused on creating informational articles for Web content.

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Though Scott's articles cover a variety of topics, her concentration is predominately on garden-related issues, decorating and interior design. Dating a cop is its own adventure. Meet Singles in your Area! When the police officer gets off of her shift, make your time together count.

Dating a police officer entails some unique challenges. Meet Singles in your Area! Show Strength Police officers spend their days hunting down criminals and protecting people in need. Listen The more you can listen to a police officer, the more likely she is to trust you, and to open up about aspects of her job that may not be pleasant to talk about. Show Independence Police officers often work long hours, and may not be there for you all the time. National Police Wives Association: Dating a Police Officer.

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View Singles Near You. Facebook just reminded me that two years ago today I found out that I won the 1stphorm athlete search. Expect your cop to be a strong man - Police academies across the world have various requirements for a member to be a part of law enforcement. Fitness is one such requirement, being tested at the law enforcement, military, and noncombatant levels.

Tips on Dating a Police Officer | Dating Tips

Dating a cop means you will always have a strong man to assist you in anything you need - carrying heavy objects, moving boxes, or even just helping carry groceries to the house. Repost from cbcedmonton with text: He was run over and stabbed several times Saturday night. He is now at home recovering from his injuries. EPS yeg alberta yegstrong lovewins gratitude brave eps edmontonstrong edmontonpolice bekind noterrorism juststop prayforedmonton canada cbc riseup resist guncontrol myhometown fuckterrorism nowar peace dignity healing heart lovematters peace prayforpeace worldpeace powertothepeaceful togetherwearestronger.

A post shared by S. He will be brave - For a man to take a job where he puts his life on the line every day, he must be courageous and calm. If you are dating a cop, he will be able to deal with fear much better than a normal guy. He will respond to scary situations with a calm, gentle demeanor. His resilience after years of dealing with lawbreakers will help you find your inner peace as well. He will not have a lot of money - A quick Google search for pay statistics for cops shows numbers that are quite low, considering the amount of personal and professional risk they go through every day.

If you are dating a cop, you will not go to the fancy restaurant across town, nor will you get first row seats at the opera unless he's really trying to impress you. He will most likely be living a modest lifestyle in a mid-to-small sized home. If you two are located in a high cost of living area, he will either be living pay check to pay check or making a bit more money depending on how officers in your locale are compensated. A post shared by mirthiferous on Oct 2, at You will feel a lack of control - Dating a cop can be stressful.

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He is tied to his duty to protect and serve citizens, and sometimes you may feel like there is nothing you can do to support him. When he goes to help with disaster relief operations or apprehend criminals, you might feel frustrated that you are sitting at home on the sidelines with no way to assist him. This lack of control in his destiny will put a lot of pressure on some women, and make it hard for them to cope with the relationship. While much of America focuses on NFL players, these men rush towards threats to preserve life.

5 Things You Should Know About Dating a Cop

These men are the real heroes. Thank you for leading by example! A post shared by Lucas Botkin lucastrexarms on Oct 2, at He must answer the call of duty - If there is an emergency, he will sometimes be expected to drop everything he is doing to help resolve the situation. It would not matter if you were in the middle of a date, trip, or dinner.

Some officers must go in during emergencies because it is in their job description, but others are bound by honor and have a big heart - they feel compelled to help other people in their times of need. Unfortunately, sometimes he can focus so much on helping others that he forgets about you.

Criminals will hate him - Criminals are some of the most dangerous people on this planet. If you are dating a cop, he will be in the profession of putting some of these criminals away. Dating a cop means that you understand that some of these criminals can have very unsettling personalities and may seek to harm your cop.

Additionally, dating a cop means that you are seen as an extension of the cop, and sometimes, a very angry criminal will harm the person the cop is dating if he cannot get ahold of the cop. Time was flying by today! A post shared by Rees Crosby rees. His assigned hours can be terrible - Some cops are expected to work very undesirable hours.