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We still feel like we save money since the trailer we have will last for a long time.

RV Park Rates: What’s The Average Campground Price Per Night

I agree, camping is something you really need to try before you start investing in equipment! Camping was our primary vacation of choice when I was a child. Our last trip was rafting down the Delaware river. We had a great time. Nothing beats a campfire at night under the stars. We love our trips, but go much less now that the kids are getting older. Rafting down the Deleware sounds like a great time — nothing better than a river float followed by camping! I usually would go camping in a tent but now that I have my three year old I am not sure how that would work out. I like to take the most frugal option whenever possible but if a cabin is necessary I would just do the leg work to find some good discounts.

As far as food goes, I am all for cooking outside. I love getting all our supplies together with the ice chest. Hi Lorin! We took our kids when they were really young, but we typically went for short trips then.

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We stayed in a touristy area, so our campsite was a little higher than we normally pay. Plus gas for a big truck that gets 9 mpg when towing in the mountains really adds up. Camping food is the best. We cook over the fire when weather permits, otherwise we use a gas grill or toaster oven. Certainly helps that fuel prices are so down, huh? Hard to believe gas prices being double current prices not long ago! I think it would be a blast to travel the country with one for an extended period of time, probably in retirement.

Fuel prices help tremendously. We always run the numbers on hotels vs. When fuel was higher a few years ago, we tent camped for our longer trips. We love our camper and look forward to traveling more in retirement. We went the inexpensive route years ago and got our tent camping equipment from Target when the kids were young.

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We used to go camping with a couple of other families and the kids always had a great time, but we would only stay for a night or two. Twice however, we drove all the way up to Acadia National Park in Maine and tent camped for nights. That was a lot of fun and made for some good family memories.

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Younger kids typically love everything camping has to offer. We did a two week tent camping trip out west to Arizona and Utah a few years ago. Acadia National Park and the surrounding area are absolutely beautiful — bet your kids loved it! Your post reminded me I need to check them out soon and get a reservation! They always fill up quick. We just got back from a camping trip in MN yesterday! Great lakefront site — we were on the wait list for a couple of months.

Hope you get your reservations! Just a few nights here or there. That sounds like a great plan, Hannah. Two nights is a good start to see how it works out. Hey Amanda! I sorta think it would be cool to travel in an RV to different places. Hi Latoya!

Yes, camping cabins are generally pretty basic, a little cabin with beds and a table and chairs you bring your own linens , but the campgrounds often have other cabins available with more amenities, such as bathrooms and kitchenettes. I would love to be able to travel to different places on a more regular basis too! Maybe you could convince your husband somehow…. Like the cost of RV repairs or the difference in price between when you bought it and what you could sell it for now?

You could do the same thing with basic car maintenance and depreciation as well. Thanks Felicity! This definitely adds to the cost of camping trips, but if you were to spend less on the equipment from the beginning think smaller unit or tent , of course this cost could be significantly lower. Thank you! Camping is great! Thanks for including the photo — blue hair and all : You certainly stayed at a beautiful place. You drove much greater distances — another variable when it comes to camping.

Thank you, Ruth! Nice moose pic! We loved Colorado, though did not get to hit that part on the loop we did. Looks beautiful. Every day the moose moved up and down the creek in the campground.

Definitely — if you can travel cheaper, you can travel more kind of like early retirement — if you can live on less and save more, you can retire earlier! And I look forward to reading about it! So it could potentially turn into a false economy. Thanks, Jasmin! My kids always liked it, but they are getting to the age now 13 and 16 , where they would rather be at home to see their friends than to go out camping, so our little weekend trips are almost non-existent now.

We always run the numbers ahead of time to make sure we are using the most economical means for travel hotel or airbnb vs. Great post! We just backpacked the Tahoe Rim Trail—10 days, 9 nights. We camped for 8 and stayed in a hotel for one since we really, really needed a shower.

Even with the cost of our gear, it was still less than staying in a hotel every night and the average cost per night will come down the more we use it. A bonus of carrying our food or taking it with you in your camper is that it can be so much healthier than eating out all the time. Win for nature and win for health!