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There will be some occasion where your friends, your girlfriends or even your family will complain about your height. Prepare to have your head cut off or watch the photographer back up into the next room in pretty much every club photo ever. Trying to find a slim-fit suit that wraps nicely around the chest and is the correct length on the arms is harder to find than Wally.

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It would be great if just one decent shop on the high street did more than a size I am not even sure how normal people fit in them given that they barely reach my nipples. Are you good at basketball? Don't dismiss a guy who's striking up a conversation with you just because he's an inch or two shorter. That is, many women feel like they need to be with a taller guy because they feel insecure about their own size.

Having a taller guy makes them feel smaller, and subsequently, more feminine. However, how you feel about yourself shouldn't be based on how your body relates to your guy's body.

Why Do Men Like Shorter Women?

You need to feel secure in your own body to feel secure in a relationship with a shorter guy. Does he make you feel too large? Are you embarrassed to be taller? Spend some time exploring your feelings. Try to change your thinking.

21 Struggles Of Being A Short Girl Dating A Really Tall Guy

Being shorter than a guy doesn't make you more feminine. It doesn't make you a giant to be taller than your boyfriend. Only you can decide if you feel feminine if that's what you want or unfeminine. Spend some time affirming yourself in the mirror.

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You could say, "I love the soft wave of my hair. Play it cool on a date. That is, maybe you shouldn't wear your tallest heels if you're going on a first date with a short guy.

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  3. 25+ Best Tall Guy Memes | Open Mind Memes, Tall Memes.
  4. Do Men Really Like Shorter Women?.
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  6. 20 Pros And Cons Of Dating A Tall Guy.

That doesn't mean you should slouch--own your height. However, there's no need to draw attention to the height difference by adding more inches. Also, try to skip any comments about the height difference unless he brings it up with a joke. Don't crack jokes about his height. Just like you probably don't like people cracking jokes because you're tall, he probably doesn't like hearing jokes about how short he is.

  1. 17 Struggles Of Having A Tall Boyfriend That Are All TOO Real!.
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  6. The 16 worst things about being a tall guy.
  7. Tall Women or Short Women – Which Do Men Prefer?.

Try to skip the wisecracks, particularly when you're first starting out. Work on your bias. If you've mostly dated guys who are taller than you, it may take you some time to adjust, and that's okay. You have to wear sky-high heels every time you go out together.

20 Pros And Cons Of Dating A Tall Guy

You find it really easy to spot him in a crowd. You end up cutting off his face in most of your selfies. Thank God for selfie sticks! You have to crane your neck to look at him, and for those long kisses. You have to tell him to slow down when you are walking next to him.

Too short to actually be able to watch that concert?