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What do you think we did with him? We will draw our own conclusions and decide whether or not you are good enough for her, which you are not, nor will you ever be, but we are willing to let her be happy, be rest assured we will watch you like a fucking hawk. Do you know what a Blumpkin is? We will use this information to ascertain if you are completely fucked up and not worthy of Kim, If you have little voices in your head, if the Devil told you to do it, if you really have been through an inkblot test and failed miserably and if you are crazy enough to fit in with the group.

Upon reviewing it we will make our decision as to if you are good enough for my best friend, have her best interests at heart, are pure damn scum, should end up like the last guy, or if we are ever letting you near her again.

The Guidebook To Dating My Best Friend — Justin Tadlock

You will not be informed of our decision. You will understand the out-come of this application as we will not let her call you, talk to you, think about you, use any form of electronic device to contact you, smoke signal you, or any other form of contact. This application was written by Savi Pearl formally known as Ms. Crabby Cancer after a large group of us found out through Facebook that one of our dear friends was engaged to be married. Because we did not know the soon to be Mr.

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Questions Savi Pearl was able to vocalize on paper. Some of the content has been changed to protect the identity of the writer and to serve a broader population. Upon my discovery of the news, I engaged no pun intended in several conversations with my [friends].

Dedicated to your stories and ideas.

We all agreed that this lucky man, upon our introduction to him, will be scrutinized to ridicule and interrogation. Please understand that I only want my [girls] to be with the best man for them, thus, the application process is highly selective, and several applicants may not get past question three. But hey, if you want to get with my [girls,] you need to be top quality, so try to do better. Please read on there are twenty questions, leave comments and suggestions if you like, but understand…this application comes from a place of love. If below a Bachelors Degree, please STOP, unless you have a credit score of over for all three credit reporting agencies.

Please note, you will need to submit two paystubs to verify full time or part time employment. All paid amounts must include a comma in their total. What is your credit score?

Create a FREE profile, then ask a friend to describe you!

Please note, anything less than an is subject to further review. All we need to do is make sure that you can match your clothes correctly and speak using proper English. Also, please list the names of 20 of your single friends who have the same credit score as you…there are people waiting to meet them. Are you associated with any Greek organizations?

7 Rules Any Boy Must Follow If They Want To Date My Best Friend

If so, which one? In your opinion, who is prettier? If you responded c , you might not like any of my [girls] for that matter, because we all have ovaries.

Whose comeback album are you anticipating more? Wu Tang Clan b. Rule or a social network for over 5 my closest friends got over thirty singles.

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