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Office romances aren't a business liability as long as there are policies and procedures in place to ensure that employees' personal lives remain personal and their work professional. The company should also have a policy regarding sexual harassment. In this Quick-Read you will learn: The pros and cons associated with workplace romances.

Strategies for managing in-office relationships. Factors that identify sexual harassment. A rule forbidding fraternization of co-workers is deemed by most to be invasive, inappropriate and unnecessary. Worry not about curtailing the office romance but about maintaining office professionalism and productivity. Recognize that romantic relationships between staff members may have a negative impact on job performance.

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The exclusive nature of a romantic relationship, if recognized, can threaten the involvement of other team members and lead to claims of favoritism or discrimination. Personal problems between the couple can cause strain and difficulties with on-the-job communication, or lead to claims of stalking or harassment. A public break-up could cause other employees to "choose sides," creating tension for the whole office. Avoid these problems by focusing on employee job performance.

With the help of a lawyer and your human resources team, establish some workplace guidelines that specifically define what will happen if performance standards are not met and state how claims of sexual harassment are handled. Make sure all your employees are aware of these policies. Here are some strategies for managing romantic relationships in the office: Establish a rule that prohibits an employee from supervising a person they are dating. Encourage everyone to disclose romantic relationships that fall into this category so adjustments can be made to avoid the related risks.

Perhaps a change could be made in the reporting or organizational structure. List any jobs where romantic relationships could jeopardize the safety or integrity of other staff members and make the involved employees aware of those potential risks.

For example, a human resource manager dating a department head could be perceived by others as a potential breach of confidentiality. Talk to employees about job expectations and consequences if performance falters for any reason. Focus on creating a positive office environment for all employees. This includes developing an atmosphere of trust and respecting the private lives of employees.

Encourage them to live balanced lives. Make it clear to employees that personal lives should be orchestrated outside of the workplace. Flirting or romantic overtures should not happen at work. Communicate your concerns to employees when their personal actions cause professional problems or questions. Allowing the romantic behavior in the office to persist causes strain, tension and discomfort for other employees.

It can also lead to complaints of favoritism and discrimination.

Foster communication with your employees without judgment. Don't pry or question unless you notice performance problems. In many cases, disclosure of their dating relationship can help you create a more productive workplace while minimizing any conflict of interest. Keep in mind that office romances are not limited to coworkers.

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Your employees may also be dating your clients, vendors or even employees of your competitor. Make sure your office dating policy anticipates these situations — an acrimonious split between an employee and a supplier, for example, could result in late shipments, production delays or other problems for the whole company. Avoiding sexual harassment Flirtation becomes sexual harassment when employee A refuses employee B's invitations or advances and B persists by asking A out again. Sexual innuendos, jokes or inappropriate physical contact can also be considered harassment.

Many variables constitute the legal charge and while not every inappropriate behavior or gesture is intended as sexual harassment, the perception or ramification of the action could technically fit the claim.

Dealing With Personal Relationships at Work: Dating at Work | Edward Lowe Foundation

A similar relationship type that often gets confused with workplace romance is work spouse , but this is an intimate friendship between coworkers rather than the actual marital relationship. Romantic partnerships involve a strong emotional attachment and close connection between partners without sexual relations. Sexual partnerships are a partnership with a lack of an intimate connection, and instead include a strictly physical and sexual relationship.

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  • An example behavior of employees in a sexual relationship is online sexual activity OSA because of opportunity. That chance may satisfy sexual distress, boredom, or many other reasons. Romantic workplace relationships play a complicated role not only for those involved in the relationship, but also for the employees working with these individuals. Romantic workplace relationships have been known to create polarization in the workplace, employee distraction, and feelings of awkwardness among other employees. In fact, those who date superiors often lose trust from coworkers because of the possibility of 'unfair advantages' they might receive.

    Those involved, however, have had positive results in the workplace, such as increased performance, higher motivation, and higher overall job satisfaction. While face-to-face workplace interactions are common, romantic workplace relationships may also take place within emails. In fact, emailing to communicate is used as much as face to face communication.

    Employees use email to communicate with their relational partners mainly because there are no regulations that say they cannot. Because romantic relationships in the office can cause problems, employees now have to face the consequences, regardless of if they are involved or not.

    A love contract , also known as Consensual Relationship Agreements, are used to maintain a functional work place. Although love contracts are made to protect the company, it is important to note that there still may be some conflicts. For example, not all people want to unveil their relationship. People may be unwilling because they have another relationship at home, or they just are not ready. Another conflict with the love contract can result if employees claim they were pressured into signing the contract.

    Dealing With Personal Relationships at Work: Dating at Work

    Succession is known to be an important issue families will face within a business setting. Family business succession is known as the passing of the business on from the current owner to a successor whether that be within the family or not. The responsibility of providing succession lies with the owner or founder of the business. Family businesses have many strategic advantages. These advantages include the sharing of family language, values, and background.

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    These advantages tend to filter into the respect they have towards one another and the sacrifice of individual task for the well-being of the business. Conflicts can arise due to the lack of, or the absence of, common goals for the business. A frequent issue that family businesses face is whether or not the separation of business and family roles are clear.

    Another issue may include making difficult decisions when it comes to what is best for the business and what is best for the family. Responses that can be resulted from workplace relationships involve job productivity , worker morale, worker motivation , job satisfaction, job involvement, and gossip. In addition to these, managers can make decisions such as promotions, relocations, and terminations.

    Features of friendships include voluntary interaction, informality, communal norms, and socio-emotional goals. Features of organizations include involuntary interactions, formality, exchange norms, and instrumental goals. These features clash with each other when a workplace relationship is occurring. On an individual level, distractions and inter-role conflicts occur while an attempt to balance both features of friendship and the organization need to be satisfied. On a group and organizational level, workplace relationships can cause exclusivity, social status hierarchy , and a decrease in diverse thinking groupthink.

    Results of workplace relationships can both benefit and hinder the employees and organization. There are no rules to predict what will occur because of it. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs more links to other articles to help integrate it into the encyclopedia. Please help improve this article by adding links that are relevant to the context within the existing text.

    November Learn how and when to remove this template message. This section possibly contains original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. May Learn how and when to remove this template message. An Application of Balance Theory. Michigan State University Department of Communication. Friends as work associates". Western Journal of Communication. Atlantic Journal of Communication. Communication Studies, 66 5 , Mixing Pleasure with Work: Employee Perceptions of and Responses to Workplace Romance.