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Don't need a high school diploma to cook and vacuum. I wouldn't even date them.

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GED is equivalent to HS diploma. I might also add that more education does not mean more intelligent.

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Apparently you can't have standards on this site. Ah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard. Too hard, too hard, too hard, too hard. She's in my avi because she's hot. Find something else to talk about because you have no point , you're just looking for an argument, and you know I'm right. You shouldn't be putting on your superhero cape trying to defend all of the uneducated ne'er-do-Wells of society. Don't expect someone in college to want to date someone who didn't even have the motivation to finish the 12 th grade. LOL I have no point?

Most hs drop outs never do anything with their lives. You know it,I know it, we all know it. Not conceited, I just know my worth. I'm sick of seeing all these people on here acting like having basic standards is so unreasonable, like some of you are happy to have any man who has a pulse lol. I'd rather be conceited than desperate.

Ambition to me is VERY important and someone who actually had the guts to say nah I'm not doing high school won't really fit the bill for me. That shows what they think of education and how highly they value it.. He doesn't need a diploma to get along with me. So long as we have chemistry and can have intelligent conversations, it's all good.

Would you marry a high school drop out? - GirlsAskGuys

There are a lot of factors that could make someone leave high school early. In all honesty, I really don't care if they never finished high school or not. It's about their personality, whether or not they're able to make me happy and if they have a goal and ambition to strive towards. Having a personal goal and a way to support yourself are important things because it makes us constantly want to improve and better ourselves over the long term.

I understand people make some bad decisions in life, usually due to being immature, inexperienced, or something else. If the guy at least went back later or got his GED so that he could move forward, then I'd be fine with it. If he has a really good job and still has drive and ambition.

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Then yes I would. I mean if he was doing better things with his life after dropping out sure, if not then no. Would you marry a high school drop out? Would you marry someone who dropped out of high school? What if they got their GED? I thumbed everyone up btw. To regret something you did or to regret not doing something? Whats the highest speed you have ever driven a car? I'm having a pity party today cause why not. What are you doing today? What are some negative qualities you want to change about yourself?

Most Helpful Guy

What Guys Said Most high school drop outs aren't billionaires. How did you even stand to be with her? I have no problem with it if she's doing something with her life. People are hating for just having an opinion. I do think that if I felt smarter than my SO, this would create a problem for me. This may not be the case for every couple. But for us, that isn't an issue. This varies on a case by case basis - your milage my vary.

Yeah, I think that varies but I agree. I need someone who can hold their own, think independently, and be analytical just like me. I would feel weird otherwise. My husband has a high school diploma. He will finally finally graduate from college next month. With the way my career is unfolding, we're both perfectly happy with me going to school and working a salaried job and him staying home with the kids.

The only real issue we've had with me going to grad school is the flak we got from his family when we originally moved for my Master's degree as in, "But why can't you stay in New York? Doesn't Syracuse have a grad program? Other than that, there really haven't been any problems. In terms of being intellectual equals, I agree with Munashi that it's vital - but has nothing to do with education level.

I felt like I was able to have a better political discussion with my dropout ex than with my ex who graduated with a Masters' degree - the former was just a better conversationalist and a more avid debater. Intelligence isn't a big deal to me in significant others. I don't like having intense discussions with people I am hanging out with.

I just look for general chemistry and compatibility. I like to keep things separate in my life. My significant other is for caring, emotional support, loving, and having fun. I don't like having political discussions with anyone I spend my day to day life with. I am a political scientist, but am pretty apolitical.

I like the technical side, not debating about certain partisan things. Actually, I hate it because I end up finding flaws in almost everything someone says. My current Boyfriend is a year and a half older than me and just finished his Associate's last semester.

Would you marry a high school drop out?

When I first met him three years ago, he only had a high school diploma and had started his AS the year before he was going to school part time. He had to go through some soul searching to figure out what he wanted to do with his life and is now trying to go get his bachelor's and eventually go to med school. Quite frankly I think he is smarter than most of the people I met with college degrees and he is much more well read than I am.

He challenges me intellectually and encourages me to use my brain outside of my academic pursuits. A lot of people have yet to realize that higher education does not equal intelligence, and it's been a battle to try to get my family, which is almost entirely college educated, to understand this. I've dated guys with just a high school education. Mostly military guys, it never mattered to me. I have talked to a few guys recently and they hear that I'm getting a graduate degree and what school I'm going to and are super impressed but it doesn't matter a ton.

My experience has been pretty different than most people's on here. I dated someone without higher education and it didnt work in large part because of the lack of education. Ill start by saying that I could definitely see myself dating someone without higher education. For example, I have a family memeber who went the military route and never got his bachelors. He has a great job now using the military training, making more than I will ever make as an academic.

He keeps healthy and fit, volunteers abroad, started his own small not for profit, paints, and is extremely well read about philosophy and politics. There are plenty of people out there like this who don't have advanced degrees but are super productive, motivated people.

Why It’s Okay to Date a Dropout

My previous serious boyfriends have been all been super different. They include 1 a man with a high school diploma who has been holding various non career type jobs like retail or restaurants, 2 a man with a BA in marketing but horrible GPA! During undergrad, he did an honors thesis, written entirely in the foreign language along with tons of internships and has a great job currently. The reasons my previous relationships failed had less to do with education one of them did have a BA and more to know with motivation.

Its really important to me that my partner has goals and passions. I could date someone who didnt have higher education if they were motivated across the other areas of their life, like my family member is. I dont necesarily think that is super common though because most of the motivated people I know have the drive to pursue higher education but definite not all. Passion,goals, and motivation are really important to me in a significant other.

I get that finishing a degree MAY say something about a person but it may also just say "my parents could afford for me to get a pretty useless degree by barely getting C's while they footed the bill". There are a lot of mediocre students in college.