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We support, inform and represent those with breast cancer so they can make informed choices about their treatment and care. If you would like to join us to help improve breast cancer treatment and care in Aotearoa, New Zealand please email us to find out more. Here are some tips on dealing with dating after breast cancer: Remember breast cancer is not who you are.

Get to know the person a little first before you give them this information.

Dating and relationships | BCAC Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition

Accept it and move on. Most people meet their partners through people they know so this is a good way to connect with potential dates. Be open to new people and new experiences. Surviving breast cancer is a tough experience.

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It can get you down. Try not to look inwards and withdraw, but to look outwards and be willing to connect with new people and new activities. Keep up a supportive circle of friends and family. Just as breast cancer does not define you, nor does having a partner. Enjoy yourself and make the most of the life you have. If you and your partner are having issues with intimacy: Talk to each other about the issues you're having.

Explain your feelings clearly, in a non-judgemental way. Offer suggestions as to what may help you.

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Try relaxation techniques, such as massage to help alleviate anxiety and encourage a connection between the two of you. Lose the focus on sexual intercourse and orgasm in the short term. Instead, focus on kissing, touching and foreplay. Let your partner know what helps in this area. If you suffer from vaginal dryness you might like to try a vaginal lubricant or moisturiser.

If you are still having problems with intimacy, you and your partner may like to speak to a counsellor or sex therapist either together or separately to help work through some of these issues. Body image If your breast cancer treatment involves a mastectomy or other surgery, you may have concerns about body image.

Here's some tips on accepting your new body: Recognise that it's important you accept your new body, but acknowledge that you may need to undergo a grieving period for the loss of your breast or breasts. Use prostheses if these make you feel better or explore the possibility of breast reconstruction if you think this will help you.

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The chances of her having got the measure of a man with the same limited set of banal questions seemed highly unlikely, too. In the course of our exchange, she told me she did reiki, which is a form of healing I consider nonsense, on a par with homeopathy. Clearly we were from different tribes, but I still thought it was worth following through — after all, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Her own words. Driving home, I began to feel less confident about the matchmaking endeavour. Really, all it boiled down to was a game of romance roulette.

I have good friends, a reasonable social life and a library card, so at least I can read about love. Tales from the dating trenches: Dating in my late 40s. RelatedArticlesModule - Dating. Clearly it was time to take the bull by the horns, metaphorically speaking, at least. Humour See more. My low-rent version of Sisyphus in hell.

Dating and relationships

Norm de Plume navigates the online dating scene. All of the times comedian John Oliver roasted New Zealand. Some of our best subversive Kiwi playground rhymes. Caption competition: November 18, A brief yet traumatic history of Air New Zealand safety videos.