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From that point on, you should treat it like an unexpected emergency. Your willingness to let these types of requests become new plans can tell a lot about healthy boundaries and good parenting skills. And if you ignore it no one will be hurt. Frustrated perhaps, but not hurt. And between strained ex-parents, there can be some manipulation and control going on.

In this scenario, the kid needs a ride.

In Relationship with a Divorced Dad: Ground Rules

Whatever the situation, the Mom is incommunicado, a problem that might need to be addressed at a different time, and a solution needs to be provided. The kids got home and all hell broke loose. As I move into a relationship with another woman I know that too will become a priority. But I do know, that I push back on my kids all the time. They ask they demand, the whine, they want all kinds of things. The balance between these two desires of mine is more about respect and courtesy than it is about being divorced or not.

As a single dad, I am just now entering a new dating relationship with a woman who does not have kids.

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I can feel the pull. As a single dad, I do understand that my kids are a priority. But kids can be used as an unhealthy defense mechanism as well. My fear about dating a woman without kids is more about boundaries and time management. I can use the kids to get away with murder. With a single mom as a date, I know that she will understand when the kids trump our plans. However, with a date who is not a single mom, the same rule applies. And I am perfectly capable to make decisions based on a request and a crisis at the moment. My goal then is to keep all requests out of crisis-mode. And keep all boundary discussions about us and not the kids.

The real answer is: However, I will never use those same responsibilities to disrespect you or avoid my commitment and responsibilities to you. An emergency will be evaluated on a case by case basis, and I will always attempt to let you know the real story. Never use your kids as an excuse, unless you simply need an excuse.

I always wanted to be married and have my own family. I have been disappointed many times by the men in my life. I wasted my time on the wrong guys. My two long terms relationships were with divorced men who had children with their ex wives. Both of these men put their kids ahead of our relationship. With my first ex, For instance, the plans we had made to celebrate my birthday, or take romantic weekend away were cancelled or postponed or interfered with because the ex wife had her scheduling crisis or emergency at work or whatever. My ex had trouble standing up to his ex wife; he was so scared that he would lose custody of his son altogether.

It made no sense to me and I grew to resent my ex and his son and the ex wife. Now that kid of his is in college. In my second relationship, the ex had older, college aged kids but his ex wife hated me or hated the idea of me. She would say horrible things about me to the kids who would then run and tell their Dad.

My ex caved and I was uninvited. I date a lot on line and I meet single fathers. In my opinion, these men were very selfish. I wasted too much time on the wrong men. I take responsibility for those poor decisions. But, single parents can be selfish too. Somehow, they felt justified because they were dissing me to parent their children.

advice for dating a divorced dad? - relationships parenthood dads | Ask MetaFilter

This guy is super handsome, and educated. Loves talking about his kids and how he loves taking care of them and adores shuttling them around. He tells me about the cute things they do….. And, it also tells me that I am competing with those kids. So, why do I write all this? I own a business. I care about many things and people depend on me.

I also care for my mother after my Dad died unexpectedly a couple of years ago. I am not a selfish woman. So, I submit the following: People without kids get that your kids come first. How is this antagonism impacting you? For better or worse, when you enter into a relationship with a parent, you are also entering into a relationship with his kid and his ex. But again, it sounds like his communication stuff has little to nothing to do with him being a parent. I agree with Slinga. I think that his being divorced and a dad are red herrings. He doesn't have the bandwidth to meet your needs.

5 Tips to Help You Thrive While Dating a Divorced Dad

Respectfully, bounce and take care of you. His communication style is not compatible with a caring relationship. That's all you need to know. Sorry, I just read your question more carefully and you say you are in fact exclusive. Anyway, I think that expecting someone you are dating to return your texts within three days or really, within a few hours most of the time is extremely reasonable.

Woman reveals why she only dates divorced dads

I wouldn't be able to date someone who didn't do that. It sucks to be in the position of feeling like you have to "nag" someone to do the bare minimum. I suggest you move on. It could be the medium. I'm 45 and I hate texting. Loathe it and will not do it. I conduct all of my social media in my browser.

I stay in touch with my daily people on Facebook Messenger or Signal through my browser. It might be worth asking him if there's something he prefers for communication.

You know your feelings. Do not assume his. Use your words to ask him what his thoughts and feelings are. It sounds to me like: You want a serious relationship. He wants to date, and genuinely likes you, but is not ready for a serious relationship. He is not grownup enough to admit this and cut you loose. Possibly he is not able to admit it even to himself, let alone to you. Whatever, this guy is clearly not capable of fulfilling your needs right now. The reason he can do stupid Facebook crap but not text you is that stupid Facebook crap requires zero emotional effort while interacting with you requires non-zero emotional effort.

He has no emotional effort to spare right now. I'm sorry, but this guy is just not in a place to be a good partner except in the most casual of relationships. I'm sure he likes you. Maybe he's a perfectly nice person.

  • In Relationship with a Divorced Dad: Ground Rules.
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He's just not as available as you need him to be, and he's not able or perhaps just not willing, if I'm being less charitable to articulate that. If you want a serious relationship, it's time to move on from this guy and find someone who's able to be as available as you need. Your needs don't sound unreasonable, but this guy can't meet them for you. There are guys who can, go find one.

It's fine if this guy hates texting.

If that was the case, yet he was really into you, then he could still pick up the phone or use a carrier pigeon or whatever his preferred method of communication is. He's just ignoring you. Not cool at all. Someone who wants to be with you will show you, kid or no kid.