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Also, I'm new here. So sorry if I do something wrong. Also, welcome to the forums! I think that it can work, if you want it to. You both will have to learn how to understand one another's differences. I would think that someone who lives in the moment could be a fun exercise for someone who is highly intuitive. I can often lose out on living in the moment because the more stimulated my senses get, the more I start diving into the complexities of "why".

Well, you know, I think having someone around who can pull you out of that nearly bottomless pit of dwelling could be pleasantly refreshing. Within reason and as long as they can enjoy your own wonderful tours of the world of why. Originally Posted by WonderN2Wonder. I think that it helps that we are both fi doms, so we understand that part of each other. I love his kindness, musical creativity, spontaneity, and generally fun outlook on life. He gets me to try new things and be more open to life.

He helps me to not take life too seriously. I think I help him think more deeply about things and be more confident in who he is. We both love animals, traveling, and have similar taste in art, movies, books and music. It gives us a lot to do together. I don't really know how much of our compatibility has to do with our mbti types, though.

I feel like lots of different types could be good together. See my story about finishing my degree above: We're all just figuring it out as we go along. Teaching is not the same as school administration. Administrators include principals, deans, superintendents, etc.

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  6. Dating an ISFP personality type!

A school administrator is like a secretary. Go with your passion.

INFP and ISFP – Compatibility, Relationships, and Friendships

I'm sure you'll be an excellent English teacher. I excelled at what I did but certainly had to believe in my belief in what the education system could be or what a school could be. I was excellent at what I did because no one else was doing it my way. Do what you choose and you will love it and bring another point of view very rarely heard.

Remember the majority of dropouts are SP's so for them to meet an instructor or and administrator who understands them is a gift beyond anything you can imagine. We usually cannot get through the studying part though However if we can push ourselves we make wonderful teachers. The values and activities seem to line up a lot more than the traditional US school system in its current state. Remember this is basically and educated guess based an a select amount of people studied if you think you're going to be good as a teacher or someone else does don't let this opinion get in the way!

I have taken this test in the pass, but I do not remember what my type ended up being. However this time I will remember my results because I'm happy to say that they are right about me. I couldn't be more of a supporter of the Meyers, Briggs personality test.

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I want everyone to take the time to find themselves and start moving in the direction the test suggest for them to do, because this is a connection that helps to move forward with a better understanding of who you are and helps to understand where it is one could be most effective. Thank you to my Professor who suggested this exercise for our class.

I am in the right field and on my way to a great start helping others in a safe and supportive environment. The only thing is that I scored right in the middle of Intuitive and Sensing. I've read both descriptions and can see myself in both of these, especially if with varying moods. It seems when I'm around other people especially enlightening people my mood lifts, even though I'm definitely not an extrovert!

I do definitely daydream about future possibilties and what career I'd like to pursue, but I definitely appreciate my surroundings, especially a beautiful garden or house. Don't be confused about it. There are a lot of tests that measure this but you have to keep in mind that the tests ask a question and assume that all of X type will answer X way, etc I have a lot of T-- I almost always test as a T. And yeah, there are probably lots of reasons for this but just accept that I'm an F for now. I feel like some activites and behaviors also pull out certain parts of our person.


When I write, I include a variety of descriptions and always try to get some part of the world I see in my mind described to the reader. I would love to do more and more but it gets boring to read and I would probably be too detailed. Constant descriptions are something I have found much much more common among S writers. Tolkein was an N and it is actually difficult for me to read him because I feel disconnected from the story and its world.

I would love to hear comments or just know another someone is reading it. I recommend Life, vol 1.

Understanding ISFPs in Relationships and How The ISFP Gets Along With Other Types | Truity

I think I might have to "borrow" it into a story. Most of this is spot on. Although there a few things that are not like me, such as being very likely to drop out of college. I also am not one to let people take advantage of me and I'm quick to stand up for myself. Other than that this is me in a nutshell. I'm not playing on dropping out of college, and I was taught never to let someone take advantage of me, something that I often remember and shows in my slightly defensive personality. This really defined me well. I never knew how many characteristics I had until i saw them outlined. Almost every single section, hits the kind of person I am dead on.

It also tells me that the career path I have chosen to take is the right one.

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I am very glad i took this test. This is really accurate but it just shows me how pathetic my life is. My career was forced upon by my parents, and seeing this just makes me more confused and lost.. I have no idea what kind of job I want to do and looking at this, and these jobs given I admit they are my style of jobs but dont pay well.. It's okay if it doesn't pay well. Save a little money and pursue things that are a better fit on the side at first.

Make time for them though, no matter what. At some point you can master them and get paid enough to make the switch, but you have to invest the time. That's funny, I actually did the same thing. I always being quiet and more introverted was a bad thing. I thought I had apsperger's or Autism too, because I thought I was weird or had social issues.

I have aspergers and was diagnosed my sophomore year of high school. Aspergers is so much more than being quiet. I have trouble talking to people I don't know and making friends. I love to hang out with the friends I do have. I get overwhelmed when there is too much stimuli ex. Noise, sound, light, smells. It takes me longer to complete school work than most students which was a problem in school when I felt like my teachers were mad or upset with me because I didn't complete my assignment in the same time as the other kids even though I worked hard the entire time unlike most others who were goofing off and talking.

Aspergers Is different in every individual who has it. Most people with it may have irrational fears or obsessions almost like hobbies. For me when I was little I enjoyed bugs, not spiders though. I used to find a similar type of caterpillar every time we went camping and named him Edward. This lasted for years. I was then interested in butterflies for years, wearing them all the time.

Then I liked rocks. There are many different shapes and sizes and colors and then you get ones with crystals that are pretty. In high school I didn't really have a obsession. In the couple of years I have turned to cacti. I have a plant light in my room in the basement so that I can have them grow. I take care of them using different tools like spoons and bowls to help keep from getting pricked. There are so many things about science, the study of the earth, rocks, different plants, bugs, and the way they all interact.

This is partly what led me to chose to pursue a career in science, though I haven't decided a specific area yet. So aspergers is so many things and makes me who I am and gives me in part the personality I have. I wanted to thank you for including your message. I also have Aspergers. I find it ironic that usually those that innately have empathy, dont have it with those that dont have it. I also had trouble in school, especially with finding the words in my head. I fluctuate in my severity.