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For example, would an American man write about having a great sense of 'humour' with an extra 'u'? Would a British woman call her mother 'my Mom' instead of 'my Mum'? Or describe themselves as 'God fearing? Of course, this "sign" is contextual, as many people can't be bothered spelling properly and if you fall in love with someone from China, your Chinese may be as iffy as their English. It's just one thing to be wary about.

If the scam is generic, even your name might get messed up in the general entrapment process. Look for the wrong name, misspellings of your name or other personal things that a person falling in love ought to get right, repetition and things that sound vague. Also be wary of anything that reads like a news or magazine story——it probably is. Take a look at the picture that the person is using on the profile. Does this person look too good to be true? Has the person given you a photo or is there one on the profile? Even when the image has been cropped to hide a logo, or edited using Photoshop to change the face the original image still shows up.

Photos of models, porn stars, soldiers and politicians are widely used, but even stolen photos of ordinary people also end up being used. Google search by image is highly effective for identifying photos used by scammers, especially when using the Chrome browser as you can just right click on the image and select 'Search Google for this image'.

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See if the internet can verify that this person is real. Do an online search for the person.

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What returns do you get? Do the things you read match up with their claims? For example, does their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. If you are chatting with a John Smith or a Mary Brown, an online search will reveal many people.

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You may be able to confirm where they live by using an online telephone directory or electoral register depending on what country they say they are from. Be wary of people, especially men, who say they're US military officers, especially if they use pictures of people in uniform on their profiles. Sometimes their photos are not of US officers at all - someone whose cap badge with a crown on it may be British, Australian or Canadian, but not American. And if they're outside the US, where are they serving?

European countries like Switzerland and Ireland are neutral, so it's highly unlikely that serving US officers would be based there. Are they where they say they are? There are ways of being able to identify what country an email was sent from by tracing the IP address. For example, IP addresses beginning with '41' are in West Africa, a hotbed of scams.

However, this may not be available, and in any case, they may tell you up front they are in that part of the world. If they say they are in another country, treat with extreme caution anyone who is in West Africa. Scammers posing as men may say they are on business there, while those posing as women will say they are working in orphanages.

Scammers in Nigeria or Ghana have started operating from other countries in the region, such as Benin, Togo or Senegal although local people may also be involved and have even got as far as Malaysia, from where they can target Singapore and Australia. Learn about these countries and see how it matches what you're being told about them. There is no civil war in Zimbabwe. Nor is there a refugee camp in Dakar, Senegal full of attractive young black women who have escaped from civil war in Liberia or Zimbabwe, least of all the daughters of deceased politicians who have left them million-dollar legacies in bank accounts in Europe.

It's a variation on the scam. The woman in the photo doesn't know you, let alone love you enough to give you a share of an inheritance in return for you paying legal fees by Western Union. Forget about pursuing the relationship if you're asked for money. The standard reason someone asks for money online from someone they don't know is that they're out to scam you.

This should immediately cause you to be concerned about the genuineness of the other person. Don't get too involved in asking why the person wants the money. It's bad enough that he or she has asked you without giving space for elaborate and ultimately false reasons for needing it. The more elaborate the story, the faster you should run.

Real vs. Fake Hookup Safety ID (Online Dating Verification) – Dating Security Advisor

A simple "no" should suffice; if it's meant to be, the budding relationship will survive your firm response! Watch out for emails or messages that sound desperate, pleading and persistent in response to your unwillingness to send money. This isn't love, it's money hunger. Just stay away if there are any signs of scams.

Even if you manage to identify a scammer earlier rather than later, never confront them. Even if you're baiting them for fun, however tempting it may be to expose them and ridicule them for being so unconvincing, all they will do is change their email account, their photos, and their profiles, and carry on as before, possibly with more success. Just cease communicating with them, block their emails, and don't take their phone calls, just as you would a threatening or abusive ex-partner. Share what information you have on a scammer, including photos used, email addresses, aliases, telephone numbers and text used in correspondence on websites exposing scammers.

You may find the text has been used before, with a few changes, while photos of that person you thought you met on the dating site may have 'scammer' or 'stolen' superimposed. Part 1 Quiz Which of the following indicates that a person isn't who he or she claims? The person writes in broken English. He or she asks you for money. The person's profile photo shows a younger person than what he or she claims as their age.

All of the above. Really listen to the questions they ask of you. What kind of questions are you being asked? This is a common mistake made by so many but in reality, what does it matter what kind of money you earn or the value of your house? Of course, many scam artists will not be so obvious, but it can happen and does on a regular basis so if the conversation starts to steer towards finances, it might be time to close the account! Be wary if the person you've just cyber-met asks probing questions to do with your finances, your personal life and the people you know.

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Tell the person you're uncomfortable giving away any such information to something you've yet to meet. I have had two different girls asking me to go through a safety security site for me to meet them. I searched for both of these websites on Google and found both of them on there. Can somebody please tell me if these websites are legit or not.

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  6. There is no such thing as a valid safety security site. They are ALL operated by cybercriminals. Google do not undertake any investigation into the validity of the sites themselves. There are many scam sites on Google — it is simply a search engine which brings all websites together in one place. If you have any issue on Datehookup Login then go for http: I find it interesting and rather amusing when scammers alert us to their new sites.

    Safe Online Dating

    So we can set up our discrete meeting. Follow this instruction carefully babe. So you will not be mislead. Make sure you will use this link i gave so we can get attach to the same server. As you can see on the 2nd page babe you need to put CC info right? Look CC info is for age majority approval only But it wont cost you or charge you there even a cent as long as you have access code, Cause access code is use to protect your card from any charges there And ill guarantee to you that is free cause you can report me in customer support if i lie to you.

    Hope you are serious to meet me to have some fun. Yes the exact same thing happened to me and some lady even gave me the run around that actually made me register for many other dating sites so I think this dating or meetup id thing is a major scam right people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Revised Privacy Policy and Information about Cookies

    Yes I totally agree with this forum. Since joining a few dating apps in the past 3 weeks, I have been barraged by these type of scams. These are the emails of the scams I have received lately and they are piling up! I am on a crusade to protect the vulnerable from these parasites. I will investigate further and I will post more emails as they pop up! Hi again guys, if anybody gets scammed in this way described on this site or in any other way, you can report it to: But guys, get as much information as possible as some evidence will be required.

    Here are some tips for safe dating, but first of all, a descent woman would never show off her body in ways that entice the male instinct. If a female should send you sexy pictures of herself, simply ask: The dating id thing is nothing but a total scam. Look, the bottom line is, let your brain do the thinking and you should be safe. Anyway, most of them could be HIV infected so be careful!

    Hey, I am free today and tonight. Are you free and interested for meet? So, I never knew this was even a thing until today. The guy I was talking to and I seemed to be hitting it up, and we talked about hooking up. He threw out a story of how the last time he had set up a hookup from the site Grindr , he was ambushed and beat up by 4 guys. Upon discovery and little surprise , all the sites saying it was legit were all random blogspot ones that offered the service of setting it up as well.