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I realized that I was daydreaming about the perfect vacation and got off the shower before I start second guessing every life choices I have made. Something about water pouring down on your body could make you feel so vulnerable. I got ready as quick as I can before shuffling my way to the kitchen to find my roommates were already awake and moving. Cassidy was sitting at the kitchen table hovering over her paperwork and cup of tea. While Trish was busy behind the countertops flipping pancakes. We have been roommates since we graduated from college. Trish and I have been friends since we met at the playground when we were six.

And then we met Cassidy when we attended the same college. After college, I didn't want to burden my parents anymore by living under their roof. So I suggested to get a place together. Trish's aunt gave her her house when she moved back to Puerto Rico, Cassidy and I only have to pay tiny little rent money.

Cassidy looked up from her paperwork and gave me a smile. While Trish looked at me with a furrowed eyebrows, "You're not going to eat breakfast?

So my best friend Austin has been chauffeuring for the last few days. Cassidy and Austin used to date for a short amount of time. It was a long time ago, when I first introduced them and thought that they would be perfect for each other.

I mean, an attractive young woman and an attractive young man, what could go wrong right? And boy was I wrong. They laughed as I walked to the fridge to take out a bottle of water. Before I left, I turned to Cassidy and said, "Cass, we're almost run out of soap. Would you mind stealing some at the hotel? Cassidy worked at a five star resort as the housekeeping supervisor, for the three years she has been working in there we have never spent a single dime on soap or lotion.

Cass shook her head then laughed, "You know what, you guys will be the reason I get fired one day. Austin has been interning for this huge record label since he dropped out of school. Sure when he told me he was dropping out of college, as his most bestest and loyalest friend, I gave him a lecture on how important education was and what not.

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Which caused three weeks of us not speaking until I finally apologized and realized I could not bare to not hear his stupid voice. Then we made a pack to support each other on everything no matter how ridiculous his choices I might had found. That's what best friend do right? Instead of a snarky comeback like what I was expecting. I found him smiling like he just saw a puppy flying behind me. Austin had always been a talent kid.

We lived next door to each other since we were babies and I always saw him playing or composing music from my bedroom window. Our parents—still—do Thanks Giving and Christmas together.

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And usually Austin and I would perform at the annual Dawson-Moon Christmas talent show until the winter of '05 when Austin kept his distance from me because he thought I had cooties. Then we kind of grew apart when I met Trish and he met Dez. In our last year of Junior high, the four of us was forced by Mrs.

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Paddington to team up for a science project. Then Austin and I started talking again and along with Trish and Dez we had been inseparable. I'm not one of your students Ally, you can't use the kindergarten tone on me, I see right through you!

The Hook Up, an austin & ally fanfic | FanFiction

I rolled my eyes, "Dude, I just don't want you to get your hopes up. You told me you found out, all of your demos ended up in your boss's dumpster. What makes you thing this new demo won't end up in the same place? I scoffed, "So you're just going to keep interning there until you get discovered? It's been almost four years Austin. I folded my arms under my chest and leaned my back on the seat, trying to push my anger down.

Then when Cassidy and you wanted the bigger room in your house you just let her took it because you said you didn't want to fight. And don't let me start with that guy, the hot dad that just got divorced the one you've been flirting with lately!

Tropes found in this show

I yanked away from his grip. I got out of his car immediately when it stopped in front of the school. I heard him yelling good luck or something, so I just flipped him off with my favorite finger. I was still furious with the conversation Austin and I shared earlier when I entered my classroom. I found my teaching assistant, Elliot was already arranging the kids tables and chairs into a circle. He smiled when he saw me approaching, "Morning! From the look in his face, I was not getting any form of apology soon. I thought you never keep anything from him. Elliot rolled his eyes, "Babe, you need to chill.

Why are you so freaked out about this anyway, it's not like you and Austin are a couple. He doesn't really care. People had mistakenly thought me and him for being one, and we would laugh out loud on their faces. Our relationship was more brother-sister kinda thing.

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  • Austin & Ally - Wikipedia.
  • Austin & Ally (Series) - TV Tropes.
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  • I would not deny the fact that he is a really really attractive guy, his blond hair and chocolate eyes do posses some kind of power that could make girls go insane. I did recall the time when I thought I might have a little crush on him when we were in our freshman year of high school but Trish knocked some senses into me. But now just thinking about it made my stomach twirled a little. I'll make it up to you, I'll distract the kid so you can have extra talking time with your hunk.

    I turned around and saw Gavin walking hand in hand in the hallway with little Libby. My cheeks felt warmer all of the sudden, I dropped my bag on my desk and waited for them in front of the classroom.

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    • Auslly | Austin & Ally Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia.
    • He turned his gaze at me and gave me a little wave. I waved back at him and straighten my shirt quickly. Things to the pause button.

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