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Hello thisbemynickname, thank you so much for taking the time to write us a review! We are glad that you had some wonderful conversations on the CDFF app. We are doing our best to improve the site every day and greatly appreciate your feedback. God bless you thisbemynickname: It was too good to be true but after I asked him where he lives, what he does etc he mumbled and then later asked me what my address was. I insisted that I get his first since I am the one who asked first and he got sort of upset. But you know as a believer, I always prayed for God to reveal to me who this guy was and one evening after I received his very nice and so sweet email, I decided to copy and paste the whole email and eventually it was him scamming others and several ladies had written about his lies.

He starts by saying that he is the only child in his family, with a daughter called Eve to which he says that the mother wife passed on while giving birth to his second child and that his mother lives in Scotland ad his dad passed away. Please watch for his accent as he sounds so African or Russian and stated that he lives in Florida. He writes very poor English but I know most of what he would send me was copied from somewhere. Please be on the look out.

Dear ziggieBlessed, we are so sorry that you did not have a positive experience and hope we might be able to help you. We work very hard to protect our members from scammers or those trying to deceive. We have many thousands of real people who meet, date and even marry. Please email admin christiandatingforfree. This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. We have been working hard to make the CDFF app a more enjoyable place to meet other Christian singles! Download the latest version to have access to all of the latest updates to help improve your dating experience.

We wish you the best in your search and pray you find the one God has planned for you! In this latest update we have made some design changes to the messaging page and have updated the text boxes to increase in size the more you write. It's fun, friendly and FREE! In this latest update you will be able to easily read the message thread and reply when the keyboard appears. We have also made improvements to the iPad version of the app. In this latest update you will now be able to click to the profile of anyone that has sent you message - right from the message itself by clicking on their photo.

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You will be able seen profiles of members that are online or online today that are compatible on the bottom of the homepage. In this latest update you will now be notified when one of your Favorites come online while you are online along with design updates to the Upload Photo page. We have been working hard to improve the CDFF app! We hope this new update of the app will help make your CDFF experience more enjoyable. We wish you the best and pray you find the love of your life. No need to refresh app to view new messages.


With Sent, Replied, Read statuses, get a real time updates on your chat. We hope this new update will help make your CDFF experience more enjoyable. In this latest update you will find that we have added communication features to the search pages. Merry Christmas to you and your family! In this latest update you will find lots of design updates to help make your CDFF experience more enjoyable. We have been working hard to improve your CDFF app experience.

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Please download the latest version to have access to all the latest updates added to help improve your dating experience. We have been working hard to improve your CDFF app experience and think you will be impressed with the following improvements: You suggested and we listened! Please download the latest version to have access to new updates and features we've added to help improve your dating experience.

This release fixes several issues that have been reported by members. Specifically users are now able to upload photos from the iOS app. We will be making another release shortly with new and improved features. We have been working hard to improve your CDFF app experience and are excited about this release and think you will be impressed with the following improvements: Thank you for being patient with us. We are working hard to improve the apps and are excited about this release and think you will be impressed with the following improvements: We work around the clock to keep cMatch safe and clean.

Our experienced staff screens every profile and every single photo. We maintain Biblical values, and we know what you expect from us.

Christian Dating For Free (CDFF) #1 Christian Singles Dating App Site

All our photos and profiles belong to singles who recently logged in at cMatch. We hide inactive profiles, so you'll never send messages to singles long gone. Are you looking for pen pals, prayer partners, or just a friend to talk to? We're a faith building singles community.

Account Options

Since our launch in , over , singles joined our service, making cMatch a top ranked Christian dating site, featuring a highly experienced staff. As a Christian dating site we believe that marriage is a sacred covenant between man and woman, ordained by God as part of His divine plan for each of us.


So there's more to it than just love and romance. God says in Genesis 2: Sometimes it feels like his plans are limiting us, and sometimes it's not easy to wait for God's timing. However, who other than our Creator knows best how we can flourish and fully achieve our purpose?

Johannesburg Christian Dating

The Bible teaches us that God wants the best for us: Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. The apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 6: However, many Christians can't find their soul mate in church, and many singles are simply too busy to maintain an active social life.

This is why we want to help unmarried Christians to meet other Christian singles — for a serious relationship, but also for fellowship and spiritual growth. Jesus spoke about marriage in Mark Sadly, it also shows our brokenness, when we review the divorce rate, even among Christians. Therefore we believe every relationship is worth fighting for.