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Gold diggers are often drop-dead gorgeous, and their looks are enough to keep inexperienced guys wrapped around their finger. Pick up on her hints of extravagant lifestyle expectations early on and keep your wallet full. Communication through texting and calling is completely necessary, but watch out for the special case in which the lady has her eyes constantly glued to her phone. These ladies often come from a household in which everything is laid out for them.

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They never work hard; they think they deserve fortune without pain. Additional signs of the diva are rudeness toward her parents, constant complaining about minor things, and extreme smugness. They totally ruin the vibe in there. Although lovely to the bottom of their hearts, these ladies are notorious for shooting down gentlemen whom are new to dating. Most guys will assume that this lady is interested in him and fall for her.

A rare but deadly breed of ladies. As the name implies, playerettes are the female version of players.

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However, there is a crucial difference between the two. Playerettes play to gain favour, influence, power, wealth, and to conquer gentlemen with status. They get off on leading a man on, winning his heart without giving him hers, leeching on his assets, and then scraping him. The next clueless guy in line then becomes her victim. Methods of a playerette are ingenious, covert and are designed to make gentlemen feel like manly studs.

Alas, a lady well deserving of the top spot. This is the absolute most important thing you can take from this article, and a great life lesson for the aspiring gentleman. Because every single guy in the world has encountered this lady before, and he will continue to meet many more of these ladies in his life.

  • How to Recognise a Playerette: 2 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow;
  • How to beat a female player – Keys to the Machine;
  • The dating game: Are sisters turning the tables and getting mean | Irish Examiner;
  • Signs of that a woman is a Playerette | SoSuave Discussion Forum;
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They are crying over and emotionally invested in girls who refuse to feel the same. If a particular lady shows any of these signs, the best thing you can do is bow out. Do not talk to her again.

A Dash of Gonzo

Do not follow her. Do not chase her. Do not stalk her.

A dose of quirky insights by Reina Victoria

Throw away her number. Do not ask for another date. Do not send her flowers or love letters. Do not get your friends or her friends to talk to her for you. Do not become a desperate, creepy stalker.

Do not waste your valuable time on her. And please do not cry, gentlemen. Pay attention to the last six; persisting after getting any of those signs is guaranteed to get you seriously hurt, the target of criminal activity, branded a stalker, and arrested in the real world. Stop kidding yourself and face the truth. When she treats you like a second-class citizen and blows you off, then you leave.

Remove her from your life and find someone who does realize and appreciate your value. She will be happy to see you. She will want you to approach her. She will want you to talk to her.

How To Deal With A Playerette - AskMen

She will want to get to know you. She will want you to get her number. She will want you to call her. She will want you to set up dates with her. She will ask hundreds of questions to uncover your past. She will want you to kiss her when the time is right. When a lady is interested in you, interactions between you two will be drama-free, stress-free and full of fireworks.

All you have to do is have the courage to smile at her; the courage to approach her; the courage to talk to her; to get her number; to call her; to set up a date; and the courage to kiss her. I know, this is absolutely mind-blowing. Until you do meet a lady who is truly interested in you, this feeling will be completely exotic to you. It will be tempting to pursue ladies who want nothing to do with you. But trust me, it will happen to you one day. And an alpha female more or less will eat them up and spit them out. Sometimes though these alpha females can be players.

Its these girls that take a dude for a emotional roller coaster and then drop him off puke all over his shirt and his hair all jacked up. Let Keys show you the way. If you do like them let them form the emotional affection or attraction. When you mirror your enemies, doing exactly as they do, they cannot figure out your strategy. Let her make all the major moves. Play hard to get. Do not show any affection become a challenge. Start off by showing a little interest — then back off and make her come to you.

When she comes to you, show interest again, then back off. And if she brings these kinds of questions up, change the subject. Wait a couple days, or whatever you think is called for. True shyness has no part in your act. By showing shyness, you give off a sense of innocence, which for some scandalous women is too hard to resist. If you do this right, you can seriously cause this girl to become obsessed with you.

You begin to overwhelm her thoughts. In the end you can either keep this up or hit it and quit it. Either way you just played a playerette. In my honest opinion Call her on being a player and go spend your time on a girl that wants more than games and attention, but if you want that notch on your belt.

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That badge to wear around that tells everyone you played a player… than go for it, but never never never show affection or concern cause if you do she will eat you alive and leave you a helpless afc chasing her sent. All she will leave you is the feeling of being alone. I have been a player for almost 4 years. And in those 4 years I had a lote of women players. And I know the secret of breaking there hearts if you want to learn more email me. Or invite me on bbm fffc0.

My email address is: Is there a way to reverse the damage, play the player, and have her crawling back to me?

How to beat a female player

However for a seasoned female player its garbage. A true player is only going to do what she wants to do to begin with, including have sex with a male. What will u have played if she did exactly what she wanted???? As far the play innocent role, thats one of a playerettes major tactics and game peep game. Read art of seduction by the same author and get an insight in behaviorism. The Lundy family has currently been on the road for three years now so they have plenty of experiences to share. Google changed the way it indexed content and I was never able to figure out how to change to recoup earnings.

Sweetie, I have been I VERY succesfull player for over 10 years started v young and that stuff would not work on a true player. If you tried that with me I would see right through it and either get bored of you or see it as a challeng. People think if your a player, you are an important person. At the psychological level, players are people who are afraid of commitment and do not know what they want exactly from a relationship, and usually they become like this after being hurt at young age from a relationship, they develop a what is called a pain body.

My advice to all the ladies and gents, is to write on a piece of paper what you want in a partner and a relationship. As well guys do not hurry a relationship, love have no opposite, and if you hurry, know it is not based from your freedom, but from your ego attachment and need, and this will create a horrible relationship for both of you. The struggle comes from resistance of the ego and fear of commitment, playing games at the ego level, may get you into a relationship.

But the question how solid is this relationship, and how much are you happy with it, and can this relationship stand with the face of change in life. Relationships are lessons so date more, and learn how to treat your partner and what is love, and that way you can decide what to choose in life. She nearly killed me.