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How is a dating scan performed?

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You might also like to read: Early pregnancy to do list Due date calculator Could I be pregnant even though I'm having periods? What vitamins should I be taking? The lowdown on your booking appointment. Getting that pink line on a pregnancy test is amazing.

Here's what to expect next. Working out your due date Too excited to wait for your dating scan? The week scan will also check the location of your placenta to ensure placenta praevia is not a concern. The week scan is the first opportunity for your baby to be examined for any abnormalities that could indicate a problem with his development. After your week scan, your next ultrasound probably won't be until you're 20 weeks' pregnant when you have your anomaly scan. This can also be a chance to find out if you're having a boy or girl if you want.

Have approx 60 seconds to spare? Why not join thousands of mums-to-be and start your very own Amazon baby wish list! It might be too soon to see on the scan, but take a look at these pregnancy myths that hint at your little one's gender -. Sleeping on your left side Do you keep finding you wake up on your left side?

Your pregnancy and baby guide

Hairier legs Found yourself reaching for the razor more frequently? It could mean you need to start thinking of some baby boy's names. And more rounded hips? It might mean you need to paint the nursery pink. Your partner has put on weight during your pregnancy This has to be the strangest of the lot.

Will I find out the gender of my baby at 12 weeks?

Your bump looks like a watermelon Is this a compliment? You be the judge. Each pregnancy ultrasound scan is pretty exciting you get to see your baby and slightly scary just what will you see? At 20 weeks, your baby is the size of a small cantaloupe melon. Everything you need to know about your week scan, the common symptoms to look for and more. Get your calculator and work out your countdown to baby. Trying for a baby? Work out when you're most fertile to increase your chances of getting pregnant with our easy-to-use ovulation calculator.

Can I have an early pregnancy scan?

Christmas has been and gone but the cold is not going anywhere yet. At this time of the year, who has time for constipation? Planning for a baby can get expensive, so start your Amazon baby wishlist now to keep everything in one place and spread the cost. When is your baby due? Is it a boy or a girl? Each issue is jam packed with REAL advice from mums just like you.

  • Why you might have an early pregnancy scan.
  • 12 Week Scan: It's Time For Your Scan, Here's What To Expect | Mother&Baby.
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Here's what to expect Time for your week scan? Can you only have your week scan at 12 weeks? Will I find out the gender of my baby at 12 weeks?