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Skip to main content. HyunA confirms 2-year relationship with E'Dawn. View this post on Instagram. Agency denies snowballing rumors of HyunA dating E'Dawn. Your daily good stuff - AsiaOne stories delivered straight to your inbox. You can even compare the chase to a game. Games are beneficial in a relationship when they are done in the spirit of love and fun. I have come up with these methods to ensure you get to maintain the chase in the relationship. Long-term relationships and even marriage are what many women hope for, and knowing how to maintain the chase is essential to keep the romance and passion alive and blooming long after the thrill of being in love dies down.

The first thing you need to maintain the chase is to stop chasing him. How can your man chase you, if you are the one chasing him? This means you need to hold back a little. This simply means you need to let him be the first one to contact you for a change — whether it be a simple text or a phone call. Actually, familiarity breeds boredom. You need to maintain an air of mystery around your man.

HyunA confirms 2-year relationship with E'Dawn

Make it seem like he knows you, yet surprise him with another facet of your personality that takes him aback. It should still give you a sense of excitement knowing you will be meeting your partner for dinner, for example. Giving each other space also gives both of you room to grow and improve, and most importantly, discover new things about yourself. How will you maintain the newness of your relationship when the versions of yourselves are the same old ones you had when you got to know each other?

A relationship needs commitment for it to work. But your first commitment should be to yourself, feminine woman! Remember the life you led before he came into the picture? Remember you still have your family, your career, and your friends to give attention to.

12 questions couples should be able to answer about each other after a year together - HelloGiggles

Give ample time to each area of your life without getting him involved. The cycle starts when they are intentionally hurtful and mean.

You may be verbally abused, cursed, and threatened over something minor. Suddenly, the next day they become sweet, doing all those little things they did when you started dating. You hang on, hoping each mean-then-sweet cycle is the last one. They give you the impression that you had it anger, yelling, assault coming and deserved the anger, violence, pouting, or physical display of aggression. They shower you with phone calls, often every five minutes, hoping that you will make an agreement or see them just to stop the telephone harassment.


Some call your relatives, your friends, their friends, and anyone else they can think of — telling those people to call you and tell you how much they love you. Creative losers often create so much social pressure that the victim agrees to go back to the bad relationship rather than continue under the social pressure. Their reaction is emotionally intense, a behavior they use to keep you an emotional prisoner. If you go back to them, you actually fear a worse reaction if you threaten to leave again making you a prisoner and they later frequently recall the incident to you as further evidence of what a bad person you are.


Remember, if your prize dog jumps the fence and escapes, if you get him back you build a higher fence. If you have an individual activity, they demand that they accompany you, making you feel miserable during the entire activity. The idea behind this is to prevent you from having fun or interests other than those which they totally control.

If you speak to a member of the opposite sex, you receive twenty questions about how you know them. They will notice the type of mud on your car, question why you shop certain places, and question why you called a friend, why the friend called you, and so forth. They may begin to tell you what to wear, what to listen to in music, and how to behave in public.

Eventually, they tell you that you can not talk to certain friends or acquaintances, go certain places, or talk about certain issues in public. When in public, you quickly learn that any opinion you express may cause them to verbally attack you, either at the time or later. This is another method of destroying your self-esteem and confidence. After months of this technique, they begin telling you how lucky you are to have them — somebody who tolerates someone so inadequate and worthless as you.

Keep in mind, this same sense of entitlement will be used against you. If you disobey their desires or demands, or violate one of their rules, they feel they are entitled to punish you in any manner they see fit. They will notice a change in your personality or your withdrawal. The mention of your family members or friends will spark an angry response from them — eventually placing you in the situation where you stop talking about those you care about, even your own family members. Bad Stories People often let you know about their personality by the stories they tell about themselves. The stories a person tells informs us of how they see themselves, what they think is interesting, and what they think will impress you.

A humorous individual will tell funny stories on himself. They may tell you about past relationships and in every case, they assure you that they were treated horribly despite how wonderful they were to that person. Waitresses, clerks, or other neutral individuals will be treated badly. A mentally healthy person is consistent, they treat almost all people the same way all the time. If you find yourself dating a man who treats you like a queen and other females like dirt — hit the road.

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The Reputation As mentioned, mentally healthy individuals are consistent in their personality and their behavior. Pay attention to the reputation. If the reputation has two sides, good and bad, your risk is high. You will be dealing with the bad side once the honeymoon is over in the relationship. Emotionally healthy and moral individuals will not tolerate friendships with losers that treat others so badly.

You become paranoid as well — being careful what you wear and say. Nonviolent males find themselves in physical fights with female losers.