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You should never let him know that you are dependent on him don't ever be! You should note that although flirtatious, Gemini men are never dominant or envious. You need to be practical and capable of taking care of yourself in order to win and retain his love and respect.

Boredom is one word and one thing that Gemini men hate like anything. They also hate monotony and hence, are always looking for something interesting. They are also very social, have lots of friends, are fun loving and adventurous. Therefore, when dating this man, it will greatly benefit if you too follow the suite. When with this man, you are going to have a lot of fun and enjoy life like never before. You can also come up with new ideas, plan adventurous dates, etc. Adapt to the Change. The Gemini man is known for his every changing nature and you need to simply learn to adapt to it.

2 Essential Gemini Woman Dating Tips to Guarantee Real Love

He may be divinely romantic today and even forget to call you tomorrow. It is a known fact that understanding a Gemini man thoroughly is very difficult.

Your Charm Is Amazing

Therefore, a simple solution, just adapt to the change, take things as they come and live on. And don't ever try to change him, he simply won't! One of the interesting things about this relationship is that even after being together for a long time, you will not be able to tell for sure about what's it like to date a Gemini man. This is because of his complex and ever changing nature.

However, if you follow these techniques, you won't have much of difficulty in understanding this complex man! And it is definitely worth it, if you really want to enjoy life and have fun with a completely non demanding partner. Personality Traits of a Gemini-Cancer Cusp. But this also causes internal conflict between emotions and intellect. Emotions rule their world, coupled with very logical thoughts. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday.

Getting to Know Men by Zodiac Sign

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  • 13 Things You Need To Know About Dating A Gemini | Thought Catalog.

Why Did He Ghost Me? Why Good People Ghost: She doesn't need a fairy godmother to find her way to the ball dance, she will manage all of this herself! And as far as finding true love is concerned, this is a search that will continue till she finds it. We guess this is a plus point for all those who are trying to woo a Gemini woman at the moment.

5 Simple Yet Extraordinary Tips on How to Date a Gemini Man

Yes, she believes in love and is on a constant lookout for her true soulmate. Before we share some wise piece of advice on dating her, first, it would be important for you to understand her personality traits, what this maiden is like. To begin with, she is a true charmer, and is probably responsible for breaking a lot of hearts in her quest to find the one guy. Clearly, it isn't very easy to deal with her. She isn't the girl you can keep indoors, only taking care of your house. Being an air sign, she needs constant change, adventure, and space so as to evolve in this lifetime. Yes, her independence and space matters a lot to her and she cannot be dominated by anyone at all.

Also, being ruled by the planet mercury, she is blessed with the gift of eloquence, a spirit that loves to travel, and a mind that seeks surprises and adventures. So, yes, for all the guys who're looking to date this chick, pull up your socks at all times, because you never know where she'll take the lover in you. It isn't easy to make a Gemini woman fall in love with you, so be rest assured that you're in for some serious challenge. If she is all nice and friendly in the way she talks, don't take it as a sign that she's interested in you.

The flirtatious way of talking is just one among her many "misleading" characteristics. She is versatile, talkative, highly energetic, and active. She also needs social interaction to save her highly-active mind from boredom and the plain old things of life. Which is why she comes of as an easy catch, but that is something she is absolutely not. If you truly want her in your life, you'll have to follow the mantras mentioned below. She is fun, friendly, and will help you feel comfortable at all times.

But inside, she will be observing what you're like. We won't exactly call her "judgmental", but yes, if you're looking to date this girl, make sure that your first impression is nothing but the best. Show her your wit, intelligence, sense of humor, and knowledge about the different facets of life.

Be sure that you know about what you speak, because if she establishes in her mind that you are fake, that is what you will be for a long, long time. So work on your listening skills. While every woman would appreciate a man who listens to her, this criterion is extremely crucial when it comes to a Gemini woman. Being governed by the messenger of gods, Mercury himself, she can talk about absolutely anything and everything on the planet!

And to earn some brownie points to your kitty, you must actively participate in the conversation. If you're not familiar with the conversation topic, then at least be genuinely interested in learning from what she has to say. If she thinks you are a knowledge-seeker like her, you are walking in the right direction.

She is brilliant when it comes to multitasking. It wouldn't be wrong to say that she is one woman who can make the most of all the opportunities that life sends her way.

She is a dreamer, a searcher for adventure, enlightenment, and believes in going with the flow.