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This approach has safety benefits due to enhanced control over the activities along with distinct cost advantages. Detailed offshore surveys are carried out to build up a defined scope of work for our experienced Engineering Team. Relevant information is collated including existing documents and drawings, performance standards, environmental data, etc.

What is hook-up and commissioning oil and gas industry? Need definition and some explanation. Are you sure you want to delete this answer?

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Since the oil and gas industry goes from the well to the gas pump, it is not clear what area you are asking about. I do know that there is activity similar to this for connecting a well to production facilities and shipping facilities. In that case "hook up" refers to making the connections from the well to the oil and gas separator and from the separator to either the storage tanks or a flow line. It also includes connection the utilities needed for the controls to function.

The "commissioning" refers to activating the system once it is hooked up. You check out the connections with pressure tests, the controls by putting them their paces and then you turn the well into the separator and verify that the separator and the controls are working as required.

What is hook-up and commissioning (oil and gas industry)?

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War and unrest give them a reason to raise prices and increase profit. Scope Definition Detailed offshore surveys are carried out to build up a defined scope of work for our experienced Engineering Team. Planning Once we have a very detailed defined scope of work and basis of design in place, our offshore construction co-ordinators begin preparation of the Construction Workpacks and Jobcards, which are automatically fed into the progress and productivity reports.

Hook-Up Sembmarine SLP Offshore Group has many years of experience hooking up complete new build platforms, accommodation and process modules and diverse brownfield projects such as well hook-ups, subsea tiebacks to existing platforms and installation of Pre-Assembled Units PAU such as fiscal metering systems, proppant hydrocyclone packages and Wellhead Power Units HPU.

Hook-Up & Commissioning