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A Javanese Girl married to foreigner speaks out | Bali Expat Forum

Search in titles only. Mark Channels Read Member List. I am very experienced in being rejected by Indonesian girls on date. I never meet an Indonesian girl in a public place such as a mall simply because they would never even think about approaching me or flirting with me, they know which type of Western guy they want and i don't meet that criteria. I had many dates with Indo girls i met on dating sites and the ones i felt chemistry with never felt the same with me. Indonesian girls will never downright reject a guy because they don't like to be rude and they don't like to confront somebody with something negative concerning this person.

They don't like to hurt someone's feeling.

So they use a different strategie. They will never tell you they don't like you because you are short or ugly or boring and that they never want to meet you again. Instead they will pretend they are interested still and that they would still like to meet you again even they don't have any intention to ever wanna meet or see you again.


But they will give hints by telling things to you in a certain fashion. It may sound still ok but the real meaning, the underlying meaning of what they tell you is completely different to what they say. I know most bule guys don't have any experience in being rejected by Indonesian girls, most bule are so attractive and hot in the eyes of indo girls that the indo girl will feel instant chemistry with them and she only thinks about how she can bed him asap.

But i am very experienced in the rejection game and that is why i learned when an indo girl is not interested. So lets look at some prases indo girls tell you when they do not like you and mean the exact opposite Harry: So what do you think about me?? I think you are a very nice person Harry. So you want to meet me again?? Yes Harry i think i will meet you again meaning: When shall we meet again??

Dating a Javanese girl in Bali

Kapan kapan i think we can meet again but not too soon cos i have busy schedule meaning: So where shall we meet saturday and when?? Lets meet in my gym, i first want some aerobics and then i want a long sauna and after that i want to rest, tonight i don't go out.

So did u date many guys from that dating site, and did u fall for some? Well i dated some but i never met one i fell for so far it only has been dinner and stuff with all of them Meaning: So what type of guys do you like Girl: Australian tourists, Western backpackers, Asian and Indonesian tourists, Gays. Western tourists, Indonesian tourists and prostitutes. Girls who are well-dressed get a free entry from 9 PM to 11 PM. La Favela is the Seminyak equivalent of Sky Garden. It is the busiest bar around, by far, and also a great one to meet beautiful ladies.

Don't visit it too early as it is also a restaurant. Things get more interesting after midnight, when the small dancefloor gets packed and steamy. The music is mainstream with essentially Top 40 hits from the past 30 years.

A Javanese Girl married to foreigner speaks out

Chic holiday wear if there is a queue, they implement a strict door policy Red Ruby. This nightclub has an underground vibe that makes it popular with expats, and with girls who are trying to meet them. The latter include normal girls, but also professional girlfriends and prostitutes.

Electronic music on most nights. It closes late so you can consider it your last chance to score before going home. Free entrance before FDC k after that. Motel Mexicola is one of the most happening bars in Seminyak, every night of the week. Maybe because of its Mexican theme, it is a magnet for women, mostly Australians and Indonesians. To maximize your chances, I recommend you to sit on one of the communal picnic tables in the main room. There, you will never be too far from a group of women sipping margaritas.

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Red Carpet Champagne Lounge. The place is often full, with tables very near from each other, so it's easy to befriend your neighbors. Despite its name, Red Carpet isn't really posh: It is laid-back and almost decadent. A fun place to get drunk! Western tourists, expats and Indonesians.

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Mirror is a nightclub where most customers are rich Asians and particularly Indonesians from Jakarta. You will enjoy it if you are looking to meet with young hi-so girls high-society. As long as you don't look like a backpacker or a tourist, you can be successful inside. It also helps if you book a table and order bottle service. There is a first-drink charge of IDR, Pants and shoes compulsory for men Old Man's. Old Man's has a great beach party every Wednesday with an interesting mix of both trashy Kuta tourists and vegan, yoga-loving Canggu residents.