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11 Rules for Smart, Safe and Sexy Hookups

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This is a big one. Or tell your roommate, or whoever. If the date is going really well, though?

A mall, a bustling restaurant, you get the idea. Research shows, however, that when you have casual sex for the wrong reasons, your well-being suffers.

Top 10 Tips for a Safe Hookup | Lucky Hookup App

Getting sexual pleasure out of your hookup is key for your well-being. If you want a good experience, tell your partners what you want by explicitly asking for it, verbally or non-verbally. Whisper in their ear how you want them to touch you, lead their hand to where you want to be touched, get them in the position that works for you.

This is not the time to be shy. Casual hookups are often ambiguous situations and the lines of consent are easily blurred. Subtle pressure or unwanted yet consensual sex is common in hookups, and this uncertainty is often the main culprit for feelings of regret and distress in the days that follow. Know your limits and express them as clearly, loudly and forcefully as is necessary. In casual sex, a condom is the only thing that keeps you truly safe.

The Top 10 Rules of Hooking Up

Carry condoms and lube on you at all times. While they may have excellent seduction skills, they are often not particularly good at caring about your pleasure, safety, consent, reputation or well-being. So if you are someone who likes hooking up with men, do yourself a favor and try to stay away from these kinds of guys. There are plenty of nice, respectful men out there to hook up with.

Similar advice may apply when it comes to hooking up with other genders, although statistical evidence is lacking. Be genuinely passionate, caring, attentive and respectful of your partner at all times. Infatuation with new partners is often an involuntary, neurochemical process.

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The more you have sex with them, the more your commitment will grow.