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Enter the birth details of the Boy and Girl in the form below. Marriage horoscope matching will be done online and porutham or marriage compatibility will be displayed as the result. Marriage matching is done based on the birth stars and janma rashi of the people getting married.

Porutham - Horoscope Matching to find Marriage Match

For this vital decision of their lives, the parents of both the girl and the boy who are to get married and the elders of their families get together; they then follow an ancient method, laid down by the sages of old, to see the marriage compatibility between the girl and the boy. Poruthams are chalked out after the study of the birth stars of both the boy and the girl who are contemplating marriage.

The sages had initially devised 20 poruthams but now only 10 are in use. According to them, there are 27 birth stars nakshatras for each person in an oval configuration which constitutes a zodiac. The Nakshatra of the bridegroom is counted from that of the bride and vice versa. If the difference is 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9, when calculated for both the bride and the bridegroom, 3 points are given. For partial compatibility, 1. If the Nakshatra difference is 1, 3, 5, 7 then no points are given. If the Nakshatra difference is greater than 8, it is divided by 9 and the remainder is used to assign the score.

Hence there is compatibility on onside. Hence 3 points is assigned to couple A for Dina Kuta. When divided by 9, the remainder in this case is 7. Hence, Couple B gets 1. Vedic horoscope offers further explanation on why the couple is considered incompatible for the Dina Kuta compatibility factor as shown in the illustration below. When the Nakshatra difference divided by 9 gives us a reminder of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9, Vedic horoscope offers further explanation on why the couple is considered compatible for the Dina Kuta compatibility factor.

If we apply the above compatibility descriptions, couple A in the case study will be categorised as Param Mitra and Sampat. In other words, couple A is predicted to be great friends and provide emotional support to each other. Couple B will be categorised as Kshema and Naidhana. From one side, they will have a prosperous relationship, but on the other side, there will be an emotional disconnect.

The man and woman are each assigned a Gana race. Every Gana exhibits a certain temperament or general attitude towards life. Determining the Ganas of the couples considered for horoscope matching help determine affinity of the couple towards each other. Temperament classification includes — 1. Rakshasa and is determined by their birth Nakshatra. For Gana Kuta, 6 points are awarded if there is complete compatibility, 5 points for some combinations, 1 point with minimal compatibility, and 0 points for incompatible couples.

Devas also known as Sattva are kind, soft and sensitive. They are also steady, calm, settled, puritan and followers of dharma.

Manushya also known as Rajas are imperfect and are trying to fulfil their ambitions. They struggle with their weaknesses and moving between fine and harsh natures. They are considered to be dynamic, active, ambitious, and searching for answers in life. Rakshasa also known as Tamas are people who may show a selfish trait but are intelligent, ambitious and aggressive. As you can see in the scoring method, when the man and the woman belong to the same Gana, 6 points are given.

When people are alike in thought and temperament, the chances of major disagreements in marriage is eliminated. They will laugh at the same jokes, like the same movies or music, and decision making as a couple becomes much easier! People belonging to the Deva Gana are conservative in their thinking, they avoid confrontation and are politically correct.

Finding The Right Partner Through Kundli Matching

This explains why the couple ends up with more points even if one of them belongs to the Deva Gana. Quarrelling is bound to prevail and the marriage is expected to be unhappy. However, a man and women belonging to the Rakshasa Gana can understand each other as they share the same temperament. They are definitely more risk-taking and less conservative than the Devas but at the same time, they are not as unconventional as the Rakshasas. A Deva — Manushya combination also results in a high compatibility score. The boy belongs to Manushya category while the girl belongs to the Rakshasa category resulting in a score of 0 for Gana Kuta.

Online Kundli Matching

Vedic horoscope matching for marriage considers sexual compatibility between the couples as a key factor in determining the success of the marriage. The man and woman are each assigned an animal based on their Nakshatra. The animal represents the sexual urges or behaviour of the species.

For Yoni Kuta, 4 points are awarded if there are compatibility and 0 points if the male and the female belong to hostile species. You could score 1, 2 or 3 points as well depending on the species associated with the Nakshatra belonging to the bride and the groom. For every species, there is an assigned number that varies from 0 to Use the scoring matrix below to determine the Yoni Kuta score for the couples.

According to Vedic astrology, the guidelines for sexual compatibility is closely tied to the animal pair representing the Nakshatras of the bridegroom and the bride. For examples animal pair cat and rat score zero points and the pair dog and cat scores 1 point for Yoni Kuta. If the bride and the groom belong to the same species irrespective of male or female, there is complete sexual compatibility and a maximum of 4 points are added to the overall compatibility score. It is also believed that the size of the sex organs is also aligned to the species associated with the Nakshatras.

According to Vedic astrology, the Mongoose has no ideal sexual partner and people belonging to the Uttaradam Nakshatram are said to never really have complete sexual satisfaction. In the western world, couples date and live together before choosing the tie the knot. Sexual chemistry is probably already there when they decide to get married. However, in India, it is not socially acceptable at least in large parts of the country to live together as a couple before marriage. Horoscope matching for marriage is an earnest attempt to ensure that all aspects of compatibility, including sexual compatibility, is taken into consideration before marriage.

The corresponding Yoni Kuta score for 3 and 8 in the scoring matrix is 1. The corresponding Yoni Kuta score for 1 and 9 in the scoring matrix is 1. Graha Maitram determines the planetary friendships of the Lords of the Rashis of the bridegroom and the groom to determine if there is a psychological compatibility between the couple. What are the Lords of the Rashis? Every Rashi has an associated planetary body that is considered as the Rashi Lord.

Horoscope Matching, Kundali Matching, Kundli Matching for Marriage Free

Here is the list of Rashis and their respective Rashi Lords. A maximum of 5 points is awarded to the couple if the male and the female Rashis are friends.

If one of the Rashis is friendly and the other is neutral, 4 points are given. If both the Rashis are neutral, 3 points are given. One friendly Rashi paired with an enemy unfriendly Rashi gets the couple 2 points and finally, if both are Rashis are unfriendly, you award 0 points to the couple.

Kundali Matching for Marriage

Just use the table below to determine the friendly, neutral and unfriendly Rashi dispositions to towards each other. The Rashi lords for the boy and the girl are Mars for Mesha and Mercury for Kanya are considered enemies and hence this couple scores 0 points for Graha Maitram. Nadi Kuta signifies the physical health of the couple after marriage. According to Vedic astrology, the human body has a specific type of constitution that is determined by the Nakshatra of the individual. Every Nakshatra belongs to a Nadi as shown below. Interestingly, Vedic Ayurveda also classifies the human body into three Prakritis — Vata, Pitha, Kapha and is said to correspond to the three types of Nadi.

It is believed that when the bride and the groom have the same Nadi, their offspring will have health issues and the couples are said to have a Nadi Doha. However, further analysis is required to determine if the unfavourable Nadi Kuta should be seriously considered for rejecting the marriage. For example, if the Nakshatras are the same for the boy and the girl and the Rashis are different, there is no Nadi Dosha.

Even when the Rashis and the Nakshatras are the same but the Padams are different, there is no Nadi Dosha. The Nadi of the bridegroom and the bride in this case belongs to Pitha and Vata. As they belong to different Nadis, the couple receives 8 points for Nadi Kuta. In this case, both the couples belong to the same Nadi i.

Jathagam Porutham Tamil