In fact, I think it's weird that people are seeming to expect that it's your read: That just does not resonate with me. If either of the people owns a car -- bonus! If not, well, you're in the same boat as me and it's just not an issue. I will say, however, that I have a CityCarShare membership -- and it is the perfect solution for when you want a car once or twice a month. Far, far cheaper and more convenient than dealing with your own car and this coming from a person who owned a car from age I LOVE not having a car!
YMMV, no pun intended. There's nothing I can say in favor of bicycling that hasn't already been mentioned. So instead I would like to say to all you wonderful, splendid heroes who are ahead of the times and using zipcars and tandems and biking 5 miles in the snow and riding trains and buses and living the lifestyles that make such things possible: Speaking of ass, bicyclists are known for theirs. This is something that makes them especially dateable.
Seriously, this is a filter. If someone is so hung up on "man must have car! I think your main issue might be match. Try meeting people through activities.
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- Why Dating Is Like Leasing A Car.
It will increase your dating pool. Whether you're interested in the type of women that you gain access to by having a car is a different story. If it were me and you and I met for a first date and I found out you didn't have a car, that wouldn't be the end of the date but it would definitely be something that would get added into the minus column when considering my interest in a second date.
So as long as you've got plenty of other great things about you, it really wouldn't matter. However, if I was on the fence, it might be something that made me figure it was going to be too much bother. But that's also because I'm older and people my age and demographic tend to more frequently have cars. This is a really interesting question. It depends on so many factors. What kind of guy are you? Are you a rugged and traditional guy or more metrosexual?
You're living in a good time not to have a car. Caring about the environment and not wanting urban sprawl also happens to be really trendy right now. So if you really don't want a car, you can say that. It also depends on how important dating is to you right now. Having a car will increase your opportunities, so it may be worth it to you. Having a zipcar doesn't have the same sex appeal that having your own car does. It does sound more practical though. The car has long been the symbol of freedom, and a lot of our culture has historically romaticized cars.
I buy into it to a certain extent, and I love being surprised, picked up, and driven away to a campfire on the beach or some other romantic adventure. So for me, I think having a car is worth it for the freedom. With a car I still get excited at the thought that I could just take off, at 4am, and drive somewhere, wherever I wanted -- that I had that ability.
I love the freedom that having a car brings. I know it's not trendy or environmentally friendly or cool, but I still think cars are sexy. Not sure if that helps. Don't misinterpret though - it is definitely not sexy to invest a lot of time, money, and effort into your car by getting subwoofers, lights, spoilers, and street racing. For about 10 years, I drove motorcycles, and didn't own a personal car well, my wife had her car, which I used about 6 times in 8 years, but you get my point.
Together, we bought and fixed up a number of interesting foreign cars, paid for garage space for them, and enjoyed driving them. It worked a lot like an aircraft partnership , and its value to us, beyond the camaraderie, was the kick of having some regular access to what were, even then, some classic cars. I'm throwing this out, as a creative suggestion, in these cash-for-clunker days. If you only need a car a few days a month, why not figure out a way to make those few days some of the best times of your life, and save some good old hardware from the scrap heap, while making new friends?
- When It Comes to Dating, We're All Used Cars.
- Why Dating Is Like Leasing A Car | Thought Catalog;
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Jaltcoh definitely has it: There's a chance that it will discourage some people from contacting you, but you should look at that as a feature, not a bug: And honestly, I would be far more put-off by someone who wouldn't date a guy without a car, than I would be someone who didn't have a car. It's a fiscally and environmentally responsible way of living that you're very happy with; how dare someone judge you for it! Is she a disciple of Thatcher? If so, it's not car use you want to be worried about there I know cars are more useful in the States, but I've never dated anyone with a car - only one boyfriend of mine could actually drive.
It's not even on the list of things that I need to know about a prospective partner, unless I was planning on moving house soon. To be honest, if someone is that concerned about your having a car, that would raise huge red flags for me. What if the car doesn't turn out to be good enough? Don't ever think that you need to add something to your life just to improve your chances of dating. There are many good reasons to get a car and I second the idea of Zipcar but this really isn't one of them. Oh, and I agree on the pimp your ride thing.
My nephew does this and, as someone who not only can't drive but is exempt, it's hard as it's the only thing he likes to talk about. Relatively few people in this thread have said that.
Buying a New Car Is Kind Of Like Dating
At most five or six, and that's assuming a pretty ungenerous reading of some of their comments. In fact, far more people have said the equivalent "girls who think you should have a car are shallow people that you wouldn't want to know anyway", and almost as many have said "have a car, don't have a car, no one cares as long as you don't make it their problem that you have or don't have a car, be self-sufficient".
I went without a license for years, never mind a car. In hindsight, I'd definitely recommend the car as it allows you to meet more people and go to more social activities than taking public transit. I know it's a lot of cash the 2nd most expensive item most of us ever buy , but IMO, it will make a difference in how you are judged.
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I'd recommend getting one as it will also help you with you career options a bit. It doesn't have to be flashy or super fast or anything but it can't be a rust bucket on it's last legs so to speak. Certainly not all women will turn you down if you don't have a car, but it often facilitates the getting to know each other process. It does appear to raise flags in some womens minds if you don't have a car. Buy a decent car that will last you for years.
Because right now, based solely on what you've written here, you sound a bit boring and weird and not the in a good way weird. After all, the reason you gave for not having a car is so that you can put more money in your K. While reasonable and admirable, it strikes me as a bad presentation when dating because it looks like you're self absorbed and not much fun.
Had you presented as "yeah, not really into adding to pollution and sprawl, I got a sweet bike and hell, I've saving a ton of money" that sounds hot and I'm betting would immediately weed out the superficial people view a car as some token rather than a tool. Cars are awesome as tool, because they let you travel far and wide to just about any spot and on your schedule, which sounds fun as dating material.
Think spontaneous road trips, going to an out of the way shop, restaurant or theatre etc. To have to give all that up, or make them complicated just so the other person can, woohoo, shovel money into their K just doesn't sound that sexy. I just popped in to tell you this story: I had a work friend once who was trying to date. She definitely used not just car ownership, but type of car as a big part of her decision to date or not date a guy.
Is it worth it to buy a car for dating purposes? - cars seattle | Ask MetaFilter
She kept coming up with losers. She once asked me how I got such awesome guys, who were considerate to me and supportive, etc. I told her that I didn't give a shit about cars. The moral of the story is that some girls care and some don't. So I think the best strategy for dating at least, what worked for me , is living your life in a way that is comfortable to you and finding others who are also comfortable with that lifestyle. Don't get a car, but do give yourself permission to take spring for a cab from time to time.
Don't get a car. The expenses of repairs and gas money will eat into your ability to save any money for retirement, housing, nice clothes etc. And do you really want to date some stupid woman who would actually utter that question? OK I'm kind of shocked by some of the initial answers implying that girls who want guys to have their own car are superficial bitches.
I live in NYC and love using cars even here.
It's hard to get around on the subway from place to place within Brooklyn - all trains lead to Manhattan first and the busses suck compared to Seattle - no bikes allowed on them, for example! If I were in Seattle and couldn't drive myself out to the mountains or san juans once or twice a month my mind would numb out. It's one of the joys of the place. Someone who couldn't drive their own ass around would really strike me as odd or like they were missing a part of being an adult.