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I'm much less likely to spend my money earned from my day job on something frivolous than I am to spend easy money on something frivolous. And I wasn't a dope dealer. Don't even begin to fool yourself by thinking that I have no idea. That works for crack, not for pot. Pot dealers make pretty decent bank. He doesn't like to be approached, dealing with strangers is risky business and not worth a few bucks. It isn't paranoia, but you can make plenty of money just by selling to friends and regular customers.

The way to do that it probably to start out even lower in the pyramid. If you know one of his customers, then you can establish an initial level of trust equal to his existing customer simply by using him as a reference. This tends to work rather well. If you're calm and chill, you don't look like a narc, and you have money, you'll probably end up with a sack. I'm just trying to emphasize how little most dealers care about random joe on the street.

Would you say most of your business comes from inside the dorms or outsdie? Also, if you have a roomate how does he handle the situation? Or for that matter your RA, don't you think they'd be suspicious when all the stoners are comming in and out of your room on a regular basis? You have to keep in mind the the RA's are also students, they aren't stupid and probably smoke themselves, i sell to some of my RA's, as long as you are respectful of them, they will be respectful of you.

Walk outside and start approaching people with the secret code "I want to buy some pot, you got any? It might take a few tries. All you need to do is ask around, with marijuana being a very commonly used, not to frowned upon drug, it is easy to find. Bear in mind then that you are one scared kid away from something pretty detrimental. People busted with small amounts of controlled substances are let off the hook all the time for ratting on their dealers.

As an attorney, I've advised people to do it on a fairly frequent basis. Additionally, if OP is getting any federal loans to help him pay for college, those too will disappear on a pot charge. Do you plan on moving to harder drugs? Cannabis is a calm, peaceful, fun loving, relaxing herb. Violence is rarely experienced in exchanges unless the monetary value of the product is significant. This is not the case in other drug deals, especially not with larger amounts of Cocaine, Heroin, or Meth. A seemingly harmless situation can result in injury or death to you or someone you care about.

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It's not something to play with. If pot was legalized and the price thus drop like stone, would you deal in something harder or just give up dealing? Its pretty legal and easy to obtain in cali. Selling pot is still pretty profitable. A lot of dealers just exploit their marijuana cards and deal that way. It appears a lot of people have "anxieties" and "chronic pains" that need to be nursed. Do you have a lot of "Friends"?

By Freinds I meant acquaintances, most of who's names i dont know.

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If I stopped selling i would obviosuly stop talking to alot of acquantices, but besides them I have a very social personailty and the many networks of different people that I know would remain basically the same. Many of my friends don't smoke, so if I stopped selling it would not affect my social life dramatically, maybe a few phone-calls a day from a friend asking if he can buy some weed, but that wouldn't bother me because i know that he would probably call to go to a party or come by my dorm.

Just so you know, it's "customer", unless you're selling to a Halloween store clerk. There are alot of different names for each product, but most of the time it just from from a lineage of bullshit, when your dealing with non-medical marijuana. Yeah, i can get Shwag, and it works for brownies, but i use high quality products, and usually mix around a quarter for every two sticks of butter..

So you must get LB's for what, ? That makes me sad. The larger the amount, the bigger your break. Dude, if you have any cooking experience at all, or know another pothead that can cook, look into making pot baklava.

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That shit is glorious. I don't know what the hell you people are talking about. Guess I read too many books in high-school. Aw, c'mon Clay, don't bring the stereotypes in here. I smoked every day and graduated with honors.


You clearly need to meet more potheads. My boyfriend smokes and had a lit degree. We are not outliers. Do you have to drive far for bulk buys or does it come to you?

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How much do you have on hand on average? Have you considered expanding to other schools? Do you have any dealers below you? Do you have any special arrangements with frats on campus? I had a friend at college who started off as a freshman turning over an ounce. By junior year he was distributing pounds to connections at nearby schools and managing his own network of casual dealers at our campus.

He picked up a dealer in each frat on campus so each frat would have some internal brother who had a steady supply at all times. He told me it was very lucrative. People who abnoxiously link someone to lmgtfy usually have no idea what the answer was Well there are only a handful of universities with 40K students. There is a decent chance you will find yourself in prison. Are you prepared to go to prison and all of the unpleasantries that go along with it If you catch a felony, would it defeat, or at least severly limit, the purpose of obtaining a college degree?

Because scale implies distribution and sale. Not that it can't be fought in court, but why take the risk. I am all for legal weed. Just pointing out that prison is a very real potential end result of selling LBs.

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Someone doing so should be prepared to go to prison I would rather work double shifts at McDonalds along with student loans rather than risk a felony on my sheet. Beyong the prison thing Sort of defeating the purpose of going to college. I swear when i glanced at the title it said "i am a marijuana dealer in the large 40k universe. Have you considered other forms of employment?