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What was so bad about it? Your heart nearly leapt in your chest; you were so happy, but you frowned for your brother. You hung your head, unable to help the smile on your lips, and that was answer enough for Harry. Your embarrassed silence confirmed it for him. It was a normal day when all Hell decided to break loose. You had just gotten home from another routine day at school, and you were sitting on your bed, cereal bowl in hand and papers scattered across your comforter.

You were planning to finish your snack before starting your homework, but your elder brother had other plans. You gulped down whatever was in your mouth, putting the bowl on the nightstand next to you. Your words were meant to be a plea, but your face expressed that it was a warning.

So…I created the blog. Why did you come up here anyway?

1D Preferences • 1D Friend Pref: He's dating your sister, and you

To laugh at me? Who knew you had a whole blog? You nodded, bringing your hands up to your eyes to stop the flow. You hummed between your sniffles in confirmation. You rolled your eyes at him, crossing your arms over your chest as you moved your gaze to the empty street. That reaction caused Louis to rip them from her hands.

You were becoming really uncomfortable. You told him the road, and then he warned you to stay in your locked vehicle. You laughed and hung up, but followed his advice. You were a little scared when a random vehicle, that was not a work truck, pulled up behind you.

Hi I love you

The shadowy figure got out of the car and started to walk to your door. You were paralyzed and had no idea what the smart thing to do would be.

  1. Directioner Dreams — Preference # Sister’s Boyfriend, but Protective.
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When the person knocked on your window you slowly turned your head to see what he wanted. You were relieved when you saw that it was Harry. You had told your sister that you would go with her and her boyfriend to pick up some stuff for their new apartment, but never thought about how annoying it would be to have to deal with paparazzi on top of going to a bunch of stores. You were designated to carry the bags that they had filled so far since you sister had to point at all of the stuff she wanted and Zayn had to pay.

Preference #7 He’s dating your sister and you tell him you have feelings for him part 2

The Paparazzi kept shouting out questions and continued to try and find the perfect angle for a picture of the lovebirds. One of the men was trying to get one from the back and knocked you over in the process. But in between those unforgettable nights, she was content enough to sleep by herself. Harry let out a slight chuckle, slowly sitting up so that his bare back rests gently against the headboard.

This bed was definitely made for two. Harry chuckled once again, shaking his head, cheeks blushed at just how adorable she sounded in this moment. She throws the duvets off of her, quickly, but quietly, making her way down the steps to her front door.

He smiles in the kiss, holding her close as he makes his way in the house. Whilst clumsily walking toward the staircase with hooded eyes and hands roaming the sides of her body, Harry rams his knee against her front table. Niall is extremely protective of every guy she brings home. He is particularly sensitive to any of the boys dating her, having each member sign an unofficial contract that none of them are to act upon her.

No dates, no going out alone, and absolutely no relationship.

Beautiful Niall Horan Imagine: You Can't Ban True Love #IMAGINE

Harry accidentally came over to their house just to visit Niall. He was having a hard time with a couple of stuff, stressed, and even found himself crying at times. He gave her a quick smile before turning around to head back home. He just looked so sad, so lost, and she could tell he had been crying before he came here. She always liked Harry, everything about him made her stomach flutter and her heart feel all warm, she really never knew what it was, so seeing him so upset and so vulnerable made her heart sink.

He always said her heart was made of gold, and he was convinced she had fallen from Heaven above. So when she looked so sincere and concerned, how could he not take up her offer? They ended up talking all night, about his problems, her problems, their feelings, their lives, their likes and dislikes, and with a couple glasses of wine, they connected instantly. He forgot every worry in his mind once he got to dig a little deeper into her, she was Heavenly, she was everything he had ever wanted to be, and he was everything she had always wanted. It was natural, nothing was rushed, and they knew this was beyond a simple crush.

He ended up staying with her for all the days Niall was gone, and they were in love ever since. He rubs his thumb right by her ear, admiring every feature he can see. He can feel his heart swell and his breath getting a little unsteady. She looks like she does whenever she first wakes up, her hair a little matted, her under eyes slightly puffy, and her lips a bit chapped.

Harry slips off his shirt, but keeps his sweatpants on just to save a little extra time in the morning to leave before Niall wakes up. He crawls in next to her, lifting up the duvets to both of their stomachs before turning to face his love. Do you see me?