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Which items do you wear time and again because they make you feel good when you stand in front of the mirror?


And which would be the first in your suitcase if you were going on a weekend away? The items that tick these boxes are a good place to start when planning that outfit.


If your old favourites still make you feel great but are getting a little worn out you can hit the shops to find a decent replacement. This is because visiting shops in real life lets you try items on before you buy. On a practical level, go for items that will be comfortable in a date environment.

We have some ideas to get those fashion juices flowing. Day dates can be a wonderful thing, but they pose their own set of challenges. Day date outfits are, by nature, more casual and comfy, which will make you feel more at ease in your skin. Finish up the look with some leather loafers, subtle silvery jewellery and light natural makeup.

For men, smart jeans or khakis are also a good choice for a day date outfit. Pair with a polo shirt or checked shirt and some box-fresh trainers.

What to Wear on a First Date? We Asked the Experts!

You want to look and feel your best, but not at the cost of your comfort, bank balance or ability to eat! You're able to dress it up or dress it down, depending on what you're feeling, which makes it versatile yet stylish. Also, it'll keep you warm for those outdoor date ideas, and you can give it to your date, too, if they're feeling cold, showing what a gentleman you are.

Who says only women are allowed to accessorize? Nothing is more unexpectedly sexy than when a guy knows how to accessorize himself and pulls it off. If you're not quite yet an expert, though, that's okay. One accessory you can never go wrong with are watches. Watches add a touch of elegance, if they're the right kind, and have a way of making it seem like you have your priorities in order.

The best part is, you don't need a Rolex to look sophisticated -- instead, you can go for this Gold Classic Collection Casio watch , that looks just as good with a sleek design. Speaking of gold watches, gold jewelry is even better.

A simple chain can really make all the difference in spicing up your outfit. Gold rings also look so good on a man, and your date will definitely notice. Believe it or not, girls look at socks.

You may have noticed a recent style trend borrowed from skate culture that's been going around of cuffing your pants and exposing your crew-length socks. They usually have cool designs or patterns on them, and it's actually quite a good look. Your choice of socks can definitely act as an accessory to the outfit. Simple white crew socks usually do the trick, like these here pictured, but you can also get some socks that have fun colors or prints on them and pair them with a basic-colored outfit.

For guys who are dating regularly, having a foundational outfit that allows you to switch up a few items such as a new shirt or a different pair of shoes is always a great idea. The casual date refers to a relaxed date activity, not a sloppy outfit. The casual date often takes place in the great outdoors and might include a picnic at the park, or a walk on the beach. While relaxed, this is not the time to show her what your day-off attire looks like; instead, look for dressier versions of comfy weekend clothing, such as indigo washed jeans, and dress them up.

Darker jeans give a nice, pulled-together look that is both casual yet date-appropriate, and can be worn with a short-sleeved shirt preferably tucked in for a look that is not too formal, but also shows you know what you are doing. Switch sneakers for leather kicks to take this look from drinks with the guys to the appearance of a casual dating champ.

The coffee date is like the casual date but is one of the few exceptions where your date might also tie-in with other events in your schedule, and not necessarily with the person you are dating. For this date, I like to deploy my favorite outfit that I know gets compliments.

Casual Dating Outfit

When going on a dinner date, you should always wear a jacket. Depending on the restaurant, the price-point will offer insight into what kind of jacket is appropriate. For most restaurants, however, a chic blazer for men or a repurposed suit jacket are more than sufficient when paired with dark denim or tan pants. If you are going out to lunch, you can sometimes get away with a tailored sports jacket, but in most cases, you will want to invite your date out for an evening meal to set the right tone. An easy way to let your date know what to wear is to invite them to an event for dinner, and use that event to gauge the right attire; for example, dinner and movies will be less dressy than dinner and opera.

Keep my simple style rule of wearing a jacket in mind, as we venture into a few scenarios.

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These will round-off your outfit perfectly every time. When going to the movies, a leather jacket is a solid choice. You can wear a black leather jacket with jeans and a tee-shirt for a timeless look, or a brown-leather jacket with casual pants for a hip look. As you arrive at your seats, you can take your coat off. Choosing a jacket that is not too tightly fitted or tight means a comfortable transition from standing to sitting. While you might think that the movies are a great opportunity to sit in the dark, remember that your date will still be paying attention to you in the lobby, and so on.

Your jacket is an excellent way to make a style statement, as you will likely be face-to-face or sitting side-by-side. Avoid the temptation to wear a hat with a great jacket as this can complicate an outfit. Much like the cinema, you can wear a casual outfit when going out for drinks.

What Color Outfits Are Most Attractive?

When standing at a bar, I like to wear a pair of leather loafers that accent my outfit, without making me feel like an overdressed penguin. If you are going to a sophisticated wine bar, for example, you can afford to dress your outfit up with a nice watch or a bracelet not both. The formal date is all about the fit; just as any formal occasion has clear rules and expectations, you are going to want to pull out all the stops and create an outfit custom to you.

The formal date is a time to shine and can start at the classic two-piece suit, through to a full-on tuxedo. For a black-tie or formal event, do not expect to go without a visit to your tailor. Even a simple suit-and-tie event can be red-carpet-worthy if the cut is correct and built for you.