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Effective Communication Is Everything

Because when you meet the right person, sometimes you just know. Rachel Bernstein, a licensed marriage and family therapist with a private practice in Encino, California, emphasized the importance of communication, especially when it comes to marrying someone after just a few months. Extend the honeymoon emotionally for as long as you can. Your actions speak louder than words. Bill Cloke , a psychotherapist based in Los Angeles.

If there are issues, go to therapy and get help right away before it gets worse. W is for Wait until you calm down to talk. V is for Validate their right to feel as they do. E is for Empathy, try to see what they are saying from their point of view. Little gestures also go a long way, especially in a blossoming marriage. Each person will offend the other.

You will be hurt. But I realized that in order to get through the rough times, you have to forgive.

  • Address Your Past Hurts.
  • Tied the knot after dating for 6 months or less? Here's what marriage counselors want you to know?
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Not the kind of forgiveness where you forgive and then bring it up six months later. Especially because the start of our relationship was a whirlwind romance, it was necessary for us to continue to date. Over time, you get comfortable and fall into the normalcy of life. We also value sharing new experiences together, it keeps us out of the mundane.

Marriage Advice for Couples Who Tied the Knot Quickly, From Counselors - HelloGiggles

I used to think that conflict was bad. Healthy conflict can allow you to strengthen your relationships and understand people better.

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  3. 1. Talk about everything.
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  5. 2. And don’t forget to listen.
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  7. In relationships, there are two very different people with different experiences and values. There are bound to be times when you disagree.

    So, we can use these moments to understand each other better and strengthen the relationship. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday.

    Married After 6 MONTHS!! - MSPRETTYJAZ

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    Effective Communication Is Everything I have to start with communication because I truly believe it is one of the most essential components of a healthy relationship. Address Your Past Hurts We all have baggage. Verbalize Your Needs First you have to know your needs in order to express them. Never Stop Dating Especially because the start of our relationship was a whirlwind romance, it was necessary for us to continue to date.