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Use your head, not your heart in this situation. And yes, 11 years old or 1 2week old, it's a situation that is ongoing and has been around forever. The Moderator is right. Lady, it's called LUST!

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One of the capital 7 sins. Or Rightfully called one of the 7 mortal sins. HELL will have a power over you forever as well. John Bosco - true dream about his trip to hell with his Guide. That might break the married man's power over you. Yes StrongAxe, I know Diana wrote this 11 years ago. Someone else might be under the 'power'. I question matters of love these days. From what you write, it sounds like you are already one in flesh with him. In some cultures polygamy is allowed.

You are not to separate what God has joined. Do you know the view of his wife on the matter? Is his wife aware? The Moderator is correct.

Advice for Dating a Married Man

He has no power over you, but your lust does. Delete his phone number from your cell phone. Not answering it isn't going to help because you might give into the temptation on the 10th time he calls. No messages from friends. Slowly you will get over him. Jesus is willing and ABLE. If you truly want to follow Jesus? Believe it or not, it isn't any difference than food for me. The cake does not have power over me.

After a while not eating sweets, my craving for those things goes away. In Bible cultures, a man can have more than one wife. This is not a Bible Culture.

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Thus, we forbad it. It's a flip-flop, topsy-turvy world where right is wrong and wrong is right. But what do the scriptures say? Of Jacob, called Israel, he had 12 sons through 4 women, thus we have the people of God. But the hypocrites favor divorce and remarriage. However, you should not separate what God has joined together. Christianity teaches a man and women joined together as one. You're not dating a married man you're stealing a man from his marriage and stealing time away from his children.

This man stealing from his wife by spending time with you. Why there is such a strong pull to stop what you are doing. This man has absolutely no power over you that is something you say to yourself to continue to see him because you do not have enough self-esteem to find a man who is single. Sadly whatever love you think you feel is wasted on a man you have stolen from another women and all his love belongs to her. You are just his lust and physical temptation and a thorn in their marriage by allowing him to lust for you - run away.

I know you think you can't walk away but you can. I would like to encourage you to ask God to open your eyes so that you see this relationship for what it is not what you want it to be. God designed you as his child and no parent wants their child to be served someone else's food, toys, etc. Ask God to give you a peace and to reveal how one sided your situation really is. God will never give you more than you can bear but the moderator is right you have to break contact and never look back.

Since you knew he was married -you might reread. I imagine there is more involved. He isn't the one who has power you. Satan is the one the power over both of you. Do not trust your heart, it is lying to you.

Dating Married Men: A Muslim Perspective

Do not speak or see him. Act as he is dead. Every time you hear from him or see him, repeat these verses. Burn every letter he sends you. Do not read one word. Houston has a song: The first tells the 2nd, she heard the same charming words. Also, she tells her, she will be just like her 1st after he is bored with her. Because you may be doing the same as The married man did to you.

Does this make you a better Person? There is a song which says 'If you call,every body darling and everybody calls you Darling Too Its just a game you're playing --but when love comes knocking at your door, - you will find someelse can play this game as well as you. The same is here. First of all, the question seems objective but it is not.

How to Handle Loving and Dating a Married Man | PairedLife

It is rather subjective and has a full length of ifs and buts. The strongest of the things in the universe that is love sees no boundaries. So, if it is not wrong to fall in love, loving a married man is also no wrong. See, what happened when a woman had a huge crush on his married boss at https: I don't share my man to anyone. So no way in this wide world I would accept him to sleep with another woman. Luckily, I found that man for 17 years and still going strong Bottom line, I don't share a man with any woman as long as I live.

If I die yes, he can sleep with other woman. If he or I cross the line. Just simple as that. So that said, I don't sleep with a married man who also sleep with his wife.

10 Rules To Dating A Married Man

I said that I do that with my clear consciousness. So if you allow or accept the situation whether you like it or not, I am sorry but sounds like you are NOT a strong person at all.

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You're your worse enemy. Affair with a married man is something like feeling as if you are inside a pressure cooker. Many and many things cook inside you. You just do not know what is happening with you and what should be done? You are in constant fix over the point that either wrong is happening to you or it is you are who is doing the wrong? The sense of guilt starts to take over you and your affair with man and makes the situation go even worse.

But that even teaches you a lot of things. Most of the married men who have affair with other women are found to cheat even the girlfriend. They have commitment issues. You can get amazing look at about dating a married man. This story is about a 17 year old lass who had an affair with https: What if no kids are involved and his wife is never around.

They are military so they rushed into a relationship and he already filed for divorce. She is deployed, but now she is coming back.

  1. The Truth About Dating A Married Man!
  2. dating network.
  3. The Truth About Dating A Married Man - David Wygant.
  4. How to Handle Loving and Dating a Married Man!
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  8. He claims he is going to finalize everything and make sure his name is off everything, but im not stupid. He is ex military so they have that connection that I would never understand. After all he loved her enough to marry her even though they only dated for two months and she asked him first. When she gets back in town they are gonna have sex. I already cut things off with him, but he refuses to let me go. We dont even have sex.

    Its been almost a month. Agin his wife is away and we been on this rollercoaster for 3 years.