Fuck off, yoga instructor. No, they are completely within human comprehension. It's a thing that humans do to other humans. It is not possible for it to be beyond our comprehension. It's just dead people. It's not like it's Cthulhu rising from R'yleh to devour us all or Nyarlarthotep come to bring madness to us all. Also, not every military experience is a bad one. I've had plenty of bad days, but on the whole the experience has been positive.
Best thing I've read on reddit in a long time. You broke down my objections point by point, and ended with an eloquent slam.
Jamie Perry is an as-down-to-Earth-as-possible writer, yoga instructor, EFT practitioner, and life coach. Instead she shares what she has learned through blogging and working with a select number of clients who are interested in full-life, holistic transformations. I half-expected this to say something about her homeschooling her kids about the amazing vegan lifestyle. I mean, I dialed the recruiters office to ask about enlisting. But when I got the answering machine, I just new it wasn't the life for me.
I'll always reflect on my brief military career, though. What a wild and life changing 5 minutes.
I remember back then I was talking to someone can't remember who about thinking about getting into airsoft to learn the tactics. I was ask, "Why don't you just enlist? My response started with the usual "yeah I would but", when it came to whatever bullshit reason why I can't, I couldn't come up with one and just ended up saying; "yeah I would but So because she makes broad assumptions about us it's okay for me to assume that she and all her ilk are all vapid cunts, right? Who the fuck cares. I still don't get why my GF was crying about how "That lip stick on your dick is not mine!
This article is crap. The article referenced as the impetus for her own writing is crap.
Table of Contents
I would describe the combined reading experience as a Human-Centipede level of self congratulating, masturbatory blog-shit. Anytime someone starts talking shit about another generation or then makes themselves better for any reason from separating from their own generation is full of shit. When women are doing something with "No Men Allowed," it's empowering and celebrating women everywhere.
When men do it, it's because they want to exclude women to assert their dominance. She sounds like a loser piece of crap who just got dumped by a military guy--partially because she whined too much about stupid shit and partially because she couldn't hold a real job. Code for unemployed snake oil saleswoman. It doesn't sound like she can hold a job. I really have to wonder what happened with the public school thing to get her to the point that she has to mention for sure she never wants to work in public school again. I mean who really gives a crap if she doesn't want to work in public school, but for some reason this is VERY important to her.
Also, I have to wonder why they wouldn't let her serve in the military. She seems pretty jaded by that, too. Although that is kind of confusing because she implies that she did serve and maybe she got chaptered out or something. She just said she tried to serve, but was rejected, like didn't make it through meps or something.
It really doesn't matter. I get the impression that there is a lot more bullshit to her story than she is saying. I agree she thinks she is entitled. Anyone can write anything on the internet and get "published" with the click of a mouse. The US is spending money sending people to Afghanistan to teach yoga? So I read it and slightly understand where shes coming from. She seems to be giving harsh advice to other women, and from the tone it seems to offended some people. She or the editor does have piss poor sensational phrasing that really has little to do with the actual paragraph it's heading.
This is probably the best heading in the article and actually is relevant to the paragraph. I'll admit really could care less about some of the horseshit women get worked up over. I've also done so with guy too.
6 Reasons To Date A Generation Y Military Man
While this generalization might be applicable to some, I doubt its just military members. Whether a man is distant or clingy is the same for almost any relationship, its just the to what extent and whom it is. Header totally missed the actual topic of introverts. This is not true the reason why we don't gossip is because of topic 1. Uhm probably be cause of 1 and what is describe in this topic, Dear John letters. She'd be miffed to about guys if she was dropped when it suited him.
Yeah that's a one way street, and she lays it out pretty well, she needs to accept that needs to be there for him. But uses wrong phraseology to describe the hurdles of over coming PTSD.
Actually reading this made me realize that this a Gen Y woman writing about her experiences to other Gen-y women. Unfortunately she or the editor does a terrible job of correctly hooking the reader and you go in spun up. If you reread this with out looking at the topic headings it becomes a lot better. Hard to do that when I've never heard of it before, especially now that this is my only impression of it. Of those who say this, three-in-ten blame Obama himself, while more than half blame his political opponents and special interests.
What is this horseshit? "5 Warnings for Dating A Generation Y Military Man." : Military
To be sure, Millennials remain the most likely of any generation to self-identify as liberals; they are less supportive than their elders of an assertive national security policy and more supportive of a progressive domestic social agenda. They are still more likely than any other age group to identify as Democrats. Yet by early , their support for Obama and the Democrats had reced ed, as evidenced both by survey data and by their low level of participation in recent off-year and special elections.
This Pew Research Center report profiles the roughly 50 million Millennials who currently span the ages of 18 to But for the purposes of this report, unless we indicate otherwise, we focus on Millennials who are at least 18 years old. We examine their demographics; their political and social values; their lifestyles and life priorities; their digital technology and social media habits; and their economic and educational aspirations.
Whenever the trend data permit, we compare the four generations as they all are now-and also as older generations were at the ages that adult Millennials are now. Most of the findings in this report are based on a new survey of a national cross-section of 2, adults including an oversample of Millennials , conducted by landline and cellular telephone from Jan. The report also draws on more than two decades of Pew Research Center surveys, supplemented by our analysis of Census Bureau data and other relevant studies.
Generational names are the handiwork of popular culture. Some are drawn from a historic event; others from rapid social or demographic change; others from a big turn in the calendar. The Millennial generation falls into the third category. The label refers those born after — the first generation to come of age in the new millennium.
Generation X covers people born from through The label long ago overtook the first name affixed to this generation: Xers are often depicted as savvy, entrepreneurial loners. The Baby Boomer label is drawn from the great spike in fertility that began in , right after the end of World War II, and ended almost as abruptly in , around the time the birth control pill went on the market. The Silent generation describes adults born from through It also makes for a nice contrast with the noisy ways of the anti-establishment Boomers.
Generational names are works in progress.
The zeitgeist changes, and labels that once seemed spot- on fall out of fashion.