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In fact, hospital call rooms have very small, squeaky beds and very thin walls! Now, nurses are choosing NOT to date doctors. Typically, nurses enter into relationships with first year interns or residents.

A Day in the Life in the Johns Hopkins Emergency Medicine Residency Program

After all, most fellows or attending physicians are engaged or married. Interns are assigned quite possibly the worst schedule and on-call rotation in the hospital. So, a relationship can be tough. That is unless you want to coordinate your crazy hours with those of the intern or resident.

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Hospitals are comprised primarily of women, and women tend to gossip. Keeping a relationship with a coworker private can be impossible. Surprises can be ruined and rumors can start. Great, aim for someone in a different department.

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Preferably, in a different branch Nursing -- Doctor -- Admin. Do not date someone in your immediate work setting; especially do not date your boss. It's so stupid a move as to border on actively self-destructive. Ok ok, so I'm excited at your age.

Life as an Attending: First impressions!

You're 40 and an MS2, when did you start undergraduate work towards becoming a doctor? Can you also pm me your experience? I am interested in returning to med school when I am around 40 28 right now and I would love some insight about what it is like. My hospital is full of resident and attending relationships and there are a couple of married attendings who started dating when one of them was a resident.

2. You get the looks, gossip, and questions

I think it's considered more iffy if one of the pair is a medical student because of the power differential. It's understood to some extent, because medicine doesn't give you a whole lot of opportunities to meet people outside the hospital. I think some disclosure might be involved, at least it protects you if things go sour and you get a bad evaluation out of nowhere. I was working in ortho a couple of months ago and one of the house officer's husband is a medical registrar.

Life as an Attending: First impressions! - #Lifeofamedstudent

He even came up to give her a hand at one point. Just back out of this in the nicest way possible. I'm sorry, you're a great person, I'd love to be friends, but I am just not ready for a relationship right now. Too much on my plate, I'm not emotionally ready, etc. Can we still go out though for a few drinks, maybe with the rest of the staff?

  1. 1. They have crazy hours.
  2. I have been asked out by my attending. What to do?? : medicine!
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  4. How to Avoid Being Labeled a “Problem Resident”!
  5. But you already knew that. A great way for both of you to get a disciplinary letter at the very least. You don't say what specialty you're in, but most training programs are such that you will only have sporadic contact with a given attending. Presuming he is not going to be in a supervisory position over you for an extended period of time, there should be no problem.

    On the other hand, if he is one of the main instructors in your training program that makes it a little more fraught with risk if things go bad. Having said that, I also have seen many relationships and marriages developed from this sort of interaction. If you like him, I don't think I'd advise you against it.

    How to Avoid Being Labeled a “Problem Resident”

    Either you're attracted to him, or you're not. Is he your attending or just some random attending? If he has a say in your program, excuse yourself gracefully. It's not worth it. If you really see potential there, he'll still be around when you graduate. Talk about oblivious lol I second the notion "don't shit where you eat". In which case it's probably prudent not to get involved but that never seems to stop the surgical residents.

    If you genuinely like this person go for it. What HR doesn't know won't hurt in this case. So, did you go out with him? You gotta update us. And OP must deliver. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link: Submit a new text post: Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit.

    Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. My attending asked me out. I don't know what to do. I expect this will pass in a few weeks, luckily. One thing that has not changed much is the number of hours I work. Our residency was pretty good to upper levels even at a massive program.

    Because of this towards the end I was usually only logging hours a week, at max. The big difference will be that I get to go from 4 weeks of vacation a year to 8! My first week off is already coming up to study for boards preceeding the exam. The biggest part of residency I miss is the people. Residents, attendings, and definitely nursing staff. I had a lot of fun the last few months of residency because I knew the attendings and nurses I worked with so well. We purchased a new home, which is definitely an upgrade.

    We wanted a home that we could stay in for a decade and grow into. I hope to keep driving the old Honda for as long as possible and do not plan on making the mistake of a new BMW like I almost did at the end of medical school. While I know our spending will increase slowly, the goal is that our day-to-day living changes as little as possible from residency, for as long as possible, to put us on the best financial footing possible.