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And a big change to see in attitudes in just one year. Give or take a few months, a large number of men show attraction towards women who are their same age. Typically, men match with women between 1 to 3 years younger. The older men get, the younger the women they match with are. Men in their 20s tend to match with women almost their same age while men in their 50s usually match with women who are three years younger.

In addition, you can see the numbers increase as men get older. In general, men who message women younger than them have an average reply rate. Well, for starters, just keep it in mind. It may be time to mix it up a bit and see if something, and someone, new will work out for you.

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But he just had so much baggage with his extra years and was like world weary and jaded. He'd been engaged 1 and close to marriage 2 other times. There was also a sense of "been there, done that" so nothing was really special to him anymore. When talking about our childhoods, we just had blank stares for each other of all these things we'd never heard of. I started dating someone my age 9 month age difference and it just felt better.

Both in our mids, we're both still excited for the future and are growing into adulthood together and had similar childhood experiences and a generational understanding. I wouldn't date someone more than 5 years old than me now. Think it depends on the lifestyle stage thing. My fiance is 8 years older then me but I also got my career off the ground a lot quicker then many of my peers so we were at a very similar life stage when we met. I wasn't fitting well with guys my own age, who were either working these deranged hours for startups or financial firms and completely career obsessed or intimidating guys that were still students or hadn't really figured out what they wanted to do yet.

I was at a place where I was making good money while putting in between hours a week which is pretty rare when you are 23,. I have been dating guys 2yrs younger than me. I tend to date older.

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I don't discount people my age or younger but I meet very few who interest me. I'm a little bit ahead in terms of the lifestyles and careers of people my age, so I have more in common with people in a similar stage, and they happen to be older than me. My SO is almost 4 years older than me and it's the most in sync relationship I've had in terms of being in the same headspace as my partner.

I prefer dating people with similar levels of life experience, because it makes me feel like we're on equal footing. That generally comes with being similar in age. Of course, when I was an upperclassman in college, I dated several grad students. They were the type who went straight to grad school with no non-school break, so despite being several years older than me, we still had similar levels of life experience. They'd only been living on their own for a few years, same as me.

They only really knew what the college version of being an adult was like, same as me. Obviously grad school is a different and more varied experience than undergrad, but they were all first or second years and, I think, middling to below average in terms of the range of maturities one would find in grad students.

Every guy I've been with has been just under two years older than me, completely by accident. My SO now is a year and six months older, it's prefect.


I think the difference you listed, like 21 and 24 is kind of irrelevant. There's not much difference between 21 and 24 year olds generally, so I don't see how that would be a reason for it lasting more or less. With me, there's no preference for older guys. I've always tended to be with guys older than me. Not really a requirement for me to talk to them, it's just always worked out that way. I have learned that age is only a number. I have dated guys as much as 5 years older than me, and left them because they acted like teenagers. Maturity can't be determined by age.

My current SO is nearly 2 years younger than me senior in college and is probably the most put together guy I've been with. He is in a part of his life where he is planning for the future and focusing on the things that matter most. It's odd to see people his age and even older that still only care about drinking, partying, and spending money like water, just because they are still in college and don't have to worry about adult life yet.

I thought I preferred it and then I fell in love with my best friend who is a year younger than me. Like another redditor commented, it's their life stages that matter. My SO and I are on similar paths with our careers and what we want in our lives, so it works: I have always preferred to date guys a few years ahead of me. I tried dating within the same age range and we were never really on the same page. Now I date men who are slightly older it all seems to fit better. Perhaps I am old before my years?

Up until my mid-twenties, I felt anyone older than a few years was just too old. I had always dated people within 1 or 2 years of me. I have a great career, make decent money, no kids, independent, and its easier to find guys like that who are older but I honestly don't care about age as much as life stage. Last year I dated a 22 year old, that was interesting. My husband is three years older than me. I wouldn't want to date someone much younger or older than me. I like being able to share cultural points in time with him.

It just kind of works out. I wouldn't call myself 'mature for my age'. But I definitely think and plan for the future a bit too much. He makes me feel relaxed because he is where I will be in a couple years and doing just fine. Age doesn't matter too much. I mean, It matters. I could go down to 21 and up to 30 as long as the person is in a similar stage of life. Most year olds aren't in the same stage of life. I'm slightly ahead of the curve in that I have a stable career and future.

So the last couple of guys I've dated have been I'm in my early 20s and I've dated dudes a few years older than me since I was in my late teens. I suppose I'm mature for my age. Older dudes understand and respect my opinions and feelings better. I appreciate them more as well because most likely, they're in a better stage in life than year old guys.

No darling, you're not some mystery puzzle nor algebra. Right now, I am post-graduate and employed. I don't need to date someone with a degree, but gainful employment is a must. As far as age goes, I'm a bit pickier where anything more or less than 5 years I'm 26 often brings up a range of other issues treating me like a child and immaturity, respectively. Currently with someone who is 24, I'm I think it's going pretty well. It's our first anniversary this weekend and we still have heaps to talk about, figured out how we both communicate the best, and we playfully bicker like an old married couple.

In the past I've usually dated guys a few years older, never my age or younger. It comes from me feeling more mature than people my age, or maybe because I like having a more mature guy to sort of take the wheel with dating since I'm still young and figuring everything out.

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None of this is really a conscious decision, I just have never happened to be particularly attracted to someone in my year of school. Or I have and it's just never turned into anything. But I have enjoyed slightly older gentlemen. I prefer to date around my age. I probably wouldn't date someone significantly older or younger though. My SO is two years older than me.

Best relationship I have ever had but I'm not sure if age is a huge factor in that.

Do you girls prefer to date guys who are a bit older than you? : AskWomen

My SO and I are 4 years apart and I feel it has definitely been one of my better relationships. Yes, when we first started dating it was hard because we were 18 and 21, but that was oh about 8 years ago. Guys in my past who I dated my age were immature and just real assholes. I guess the one good thing about dating my SO was that he was more or less 'mature' and wasn't the typical high school kids i was used to dating. As of right now, yes. I've dated a few men who were slightly younger years than me and things never worked out well.

Maturity is big for me, so when I was a 20 year old girl dating year old guys, it just wasn't doing it for me. My current SO is 28 and I'm 23 and I'm finding that he's a LOT more mature and exactly what I'd been looking for in all my past relationships that had failed. Besides the age gap, he's got a career, multiple degrees, has his own place I guess I'm different. I don't consider 3 or 4 years old enough to make a difference.

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I prefer older men I married one because I always found maturity issues with guys my age and younger.