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A lot of guys do. Especially as online dating is on the rise, learning how to flirt online with the best of them is a skill every man needs in the digital age. Here are some basic tips to help you level up your online game. One way that you can start out learning how to flirt online is making a playful joke about something in her profile. First, you always want to start out your flirting by being light and playful. This is a good way for the two of you to start getting to know each other in a relaxed fashion.

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You need something else. That something else that you need right away when you flirt online is being challenging. What do we mean by being challenging? Want to get your flirt on via chat? You can learn to improve your flirtation and conversation skills online, as well as how to get dates and make connections on the Internet to give yourself the best chance of meeting someone.

To create this article, 31 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed , times. Featured Articles Online Dating. How to Flirt Online Author Info. Start the conversation with something interesting. If you want someone to talk to you, you need to have something to talk about. Whether you know the person in "real" life or just from a dating profile page, it's impossible to find a connection if all you've got to say is "hey" or "ur cute. Start with an interesting question or an observation, or a comment.

Even if it's small, start with, "Whoa, whoa-whoa. There's no way I can't ask you about your new profile picture. Is that a waterfall? Innuendo or crude jokes aren't the way to get someone interested. Read the next section for more specific advice for picking conversation topics.

Get the other person talking. People like talking when it's easy.

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If you want to have a fun, flirty conversation, make it easy for the other person to have it by asking them questions and being a good "listener" to their responses. Ask lots of follow-up questions. If the waterfall profile picture was in Cancun last summer, ask about the trip. What was the most ridiculous thing you saw there?

Worst thing you ate?

The BIGGEST Mistakes MEN make while flirting on dating sites

Asking questions like, "That sounds so fun! I'd be scared to try sky-diving. But the answer to "How can you afford to sky-dive when you work in the service industry? It's hard to define flirting exactly. Lots of people just want to look for a connection, some kind of electricity.

Often, this has to do with your sense of humor and your playfulness. Let your sense of humor come through. If you think it's funny to reference obscure Wu-Tang Clan songs, or random facts while you're talking, then do it. If someone doesn't think that's funny, they're better off with someone else. Sometimes, gentle teasing can be flirty and electric, or it can make you come off like a jerk.

It might be funny to one person to say, "Whoa nice waterfall picture. Plus those plants are wack. Respond in a timely way. Flirting needs someone to be at the other end of the line or it won't spark. Respond to as many messages as you can when you see them, and show the other person that you enjoy the exchange between the two of you. If you want to chat online, be there to chat.

How to Flirt with a Girl Online | The Art of Charm

If you want to ignore people's messages, go do something else. If someone else isn't talking to you, leave them alone. There's no sense in peppering them with a million interesting and well-formed questions that they're going to respond "lol" to. Be the one who ends the conversation.

The best flirtatious conversations end with the other person wanting more. You want to leave them thinking about you, and wishing that you'd log back on for more chatting. Before the conversation runs out of steam, it's a good idea to cut it short and leave them thinking about you.

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  3. How to Flirt with a Girl Online | The Art of Charm.
  4. Look for a high note that might be difficult to top. If you get someone really laughing, but can't think of anywhere to go beyond that, just end the conversation: Gotta feed the dog, though. He's about to eat me. Invest some effort into flirting, but don't expect a lot of return initially until you "click" with the right person. If you can't start a conversation with someone, you can't start a conversation. Have lots of conversations, and keep them light. On the other hand, don't give up too easily. Online chats can take some time to get to know someone.

    As mentioned earlier, keep it lighthearted and stay approachable. Stop trying to make yourself look good, and just be yourself. If you want to flirt and find a genuine connection with someone, it's important to be yourself, not the self-promoting Facebook version of yourself. It's all too easy to come off as conceited online, the more you talk about yourself and your accomplishments. Write the same way you talk. You don't need to make yourself "sound smart" or try to use words you wouldn't normally use to flirt. It'll come off as fake and awkward. It's good to talk about yourself in positive ways.

    Flirting is just like having a regular conversation, but more fun. Go into expecting that you're going to laugh and you're going to have a good time, not like you're going to get a date with someone, or make them fall in love with you. You don't need to make yourself "sound smart" or try to use words you wouldn't normally use to flirt.

    It'll come off as fake and awkward. It's good to talk about yourself in positive ways. Flirting is just like having a regular conversation, but more fun.

    Learn How to Stand Out on a Popular Dating Site –

    Go into expecting that you're going to laugh and you're going to have a good time, not like you're going to get a date with someone, or make them fall in love with you. Just chat like you would with a new friend. Just read a funny article or saw a funny. Something to share and talk about. To one person, it might be flirty to tell long stories and talk about serious subjects, while to another it might be dull.