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Similarly, you should never receive or sends goods or money on behalf of someone else. Sharon Armstrong learned about this type of scam the hard way. Unfortunately, she ended up spending two and a half years in an Argentinian prison for cocaine smuggling. Whether the fraudster has promised to visit the victim or pay them back some money, there is always some excuse.

These can be elaborate to the point where they may seem believable. One common scenario involves the victim believing the scammer is coming to visit them. Then something comes up and the scammer needs money for a passport or a ticket or to tie up some loose ends.

6 red flags for online dating scams

While pinning their hopes on a real-life meeting, the victim keeps doling out money, even though the excuses become more and more far-fetched. Online dating scams are often run by highly organized crime rings. If so, you should report the scammer to whichever platform you met them on. You can also report the incident to your local police especially if you have handed over any money or performed any requested tasks and to the fraud centre in your country of residence:. They can offer support and help you get out before things go further.

Can anyone tell me how l check out a photo of a guy l meet on line to see if he is a scammer as l would like to also warn the guy. You can try a reverse image search with Google or TinEye. The perfect ways of these scammers written above. His profile mentioned he is a dentist in Newcastle upon Tyne England.

Profile Warning Signs

A very cute looking doctor who had sent me a friend request. I was conned into love only because I am going through a bad marriage. Steven Jones and Dr. I have the bank details where I transferred the amount to and will go to the local police station to complain. Whole time my fur screamed scammer but I carried on in case I was wrong. I have a friend that I think is being scammed , it just started but seems suspect to me. Never a better article. Almost happened to me.. Got me moved off dating site to Skype quickly. Next thing you know he stranded somewhere and needs my help.

Thankfully I blocked him immediately and reported him. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

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Learn how your comment data is processed. Blog Information Security Online dating and romance scams: The potential for longer airport security lines is raising concerns for the travel industry, including flight restrictions. Documents show the shutdown has prevented the NTSB from launching 74 accident investigations. President Trump announced on Twitter that he would make a "major announcement" about the border Saturday. President Trump appeared via video at the national March for Life, an annual anti-abortion rally. The leak was caused by an illegal tap that fuel thieves had drilled into the pipeline in a small town in the state of Hidalgo.

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Some are outright abandoned by people who quit paying storage fees while some couples are struggling with tough decisions. NASA managers and engineers continue to oversee critical missions amid shutdown chaos. Facebook said it discovered two large disinformation operations as part of its fight against fake news. The horrific defect involves the baby being born with its intestines hanging outside the stomach.

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6 red flags for online dating scams - CBS News

Police say year-old burglary suspect was carrying replica handgun when he was shot to death by officer. The facility is facing scrutiny after another patient in a vegetative state unexpectedly gave birth. Lawsuit alleges she was living in facility in Pensacola, Florida when it happened, but authorities say they can't find DNA evidence of a rape. Prosecutors say Lamar Davenport, 33, stabbed his girlfriend E'Dena Hines multiple times while under the influence of alcohol and drugs in August Man accused of threat linked to R.

Kelly turns himself in Henry James Mason is reportedly R.

Kelly's former road manager 3H ago. Pipeline explosion in Mexico kills 20, dozens burned The leak was caused by an illegal tap that fuel thieves had drilled into the pipeline in a small town in the state of Hidalgo 3H ago. Possible link seen between opioids and birth defect The horrific defect involves the baby being born with its intestines hanging outside the stomach 11H ago. Government shutdown, TSA absenteeism spark travel industry fears The potential for longer airport security lines is raising concerns for the travel industry, including flight restrictions 8H ago. There was an elderly guy in the nursing home who gave his daughter power of attorney over his bank accounts and investments.

The daughter began to abuse these accounts, withdrawing lots of cash, gambling it, and playing the big shot with her friends. I got on a date site and met this smoking hot babe from Indonesia 21 years my junior. We went pretty fast and we soon began to talk about our future together here in the US. I was asked to supply bank info to her so she could get her money out of her country. In short order I learned the bank accounts got closed and there were overdrafts, the investment house sent a letter wishing the client best wishes since these accounts got liquidated.

The owner of the accounts was all pissed.

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Now I'm seeing people can get their money back they lost over the internet. How do you do that even if the accounts weren't yours to begin with? Hi, I have met many scammers on line, They normally sweet talk you for months on end. Then say after 3 months they come up with all kinds of excuses about why they need cash.

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One chap claimed he was on a oil rig and His expensive digger equipment fell into the sea. As soon as I said I had no funds, He disappeared into thin air. Another chap in New York, claimed he lost his wallet, he left it in a cafe apparently. So I said did you report it to the police?

Another time the same chap "William Koch" claimed that he was in hospital and needed funds for a operation. Another us army officer claimed his son was ill and needed cash to help him.