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Plenty of the magicians after many free at the best. Date network? Absolutely free dating sites online. Except for online dating deserves: a premiere date. Find.

Yes, I know, planes go everywhere, however, I need to be on land first: Where are you Phil? Hi Phil, We women also experience a degree of frustration with online dating as well. Why you ask women want , sex. Where are you located at Phil?? I am Phil, a disillusioned fellow who tried internet dating. I have been honest with ladies but in a few instances have been met with deceit and fabrications.

A lady tells me I seem like such a nice fellow but she has met someone she wants to give a chance to. They have had 3 dates. However, this lady, and it has happened twice to me, remains on 2 dating sites for months. In both instances, I wish them well and say the fellow they have chosen is a lucky gentleman.

I strongly believe they are just fabricating this new relationship that they mention to me.. Why would both of these ladies keep their profile up if their story were true? Honestly, I have heard other stories too. In regular life, I really do not encounter people being as deceptive, evasive, or inconsistent. I had the same done to me and I believe that telling you they met someone else is a way for some women to reject you nicely.

So they fabricate the story of meeting someone new. I know that many of these women connect with multiple males at once because it boosts their ego. I had connected with a few who would ask me a question and I would reply only to wait for them to respond for over an hour to answer each time due to them corresponding with other men.

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It does not make sense. Is there enough men like this floating around on dating sites, that a fellow like me is easily discarded. I know how important aesthetics are on dating sites. I try to communicate with ladies who would be in my league. However, dating sites give the ladies the advantage. However, i do realize that ladies have issues regarding security, I do get that. I assume you have found a women by now that was suitable for you and not a phony diva type that lied and sent you a fake photo and deceived you or gave you an excuse…I hope all is well. Otherwise you can contact me so we can chat.

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Write if you want and tell me about yourself, no fakeness here, just genuine conversation and no games. How old are you and what age were you or are you looking for? If you found someone, let me know, if not you can send me an e-mail…wkrhilly gmail. As a 62 year old woman, I find it near to impossible to meet anyone even remotely within my area who ARE someone I would like to get to know better.

I care nothing for one night stands, nor friends with benefits people. I just am not that type of person. I can do that myself. But a nice companion for dinners and movies would be nice. It seems however that men my age want someone in the bracket. Who does one trust? At this point, after e harmony, Match.

I totally understand your comments.. I paiid Our Time 6months met one man and after month talking.. I was so shocked after xoffee I never spoke to him again… So many years younger pics they post… Be honest post current pics. Hey everyone I was on Our time 3 different times and all 3 times met great guys or so I thought the first only lasted a couple of months he wanted to be possessive.

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I have decided to reenter the dating game after 15 years of keeping silent and to myself with family. I just woke up one day and decided at 66, I want to meet a man that has similar likes and dislikes as me. I have a small farm that I dearly love working on and grow all my food, including chickens. It is almost impossible to find a man that likes this sort of lifestyle, much less wants to be involved in it.

The perfect partner for me would certainly be a small farmer that loves the soil and works it with love every day. He would also have to like salt water fishing because next to the soil that is a big love of mine as well. So it is not going to happen for me unless I take the time and pursue this in places where farmers and fishing are prevalent. Therefore, I will begin to go to those farmer days and outings and I will spend lots more time at the beach fishing.

If I meet someone special that is great.

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Good luck to everyone looking and be safe always. Hi Linda, thanks for your comment. Linda I totally identify with what you said. In up state NY my options are almost non existent Love to fish be in the oods and grow things. As I read your comment,I felt a little ftustrated. I have the same comments about these sites as everyone else. I was on Farmers Only for several months and experienced much disappointment. In my profile,I stated who and what I was and that I desired to connect with woman who enjoyef rural life. Truly believe most women on that site were looking for a dtugstore cowboy with a new shiny truck.

None of the women on Farmers say they wanted to meet a man with rural roots which I found rather odd. You just have to keep turning stones. BOB, where is your farm located, and what age women are you looking for or are you looking at all? What is your age? I love rural living and farm life. I am not as into that as I used to be years ago, but still like to cook and especially like to enjoy my food with somebody. It just taste better when there is somebody to enjoy it with.

I know as a senior female I would never be able to find a man who is under 55 or I have been alone for almost 7 years. My husband passed away due to lung failure and he was 64 at the time.


I think age is only a number. SO, never say never. Send me an e-mail I you want to, would like to know about your rural life…wkrhilly gmail. Strange but unlike most comments here I have found the dating sites overwhelmingly populated by cougars.

Is it okay that this 15 year old is dating my 12 year old niece?

The 61 yr old female looking for 25 to 50 yr old men. I no longer frequent any of them since most ladies never respond to any show of interest but keep coming back to view my profile but never leaving a message at all. One thing I am not looking for is more frustration in my life. Marsha Your message is exactly how i feel. Still full time employed and self sufficient, divorced for over 12 years.

Not interested in sleeping around. Just want companionship for events, listening to oldies music from the 70s, trips and just exchange experiences and laugh a lot. But looks like there are NO men going for that. Ive decided to just join cultural, gardening and volunteer groups where I can meet people face to face. However, this article is extremely honest and well written. You have to keep safe and keep playing. Lots of people I know are now part of a twosome.

Oh Really am new to all this i have also meet a lady that posted her old pictures when she was young. After reading some of the shared comments, I would like to add my two cents worth.

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It does seem to be challenging to meet quality people for me -men that would like to have q good relationship with a good woman Their mouth or pen is moving.